
  • 网络peer review;Peer Assessment;colleague evaluation
  1. 最后,从设定多元性的评价标准,进行自我及同行评价,学生及考试评价这几个方面对语文模块教学进行评估与反馈的研究。

    Finally , the paper carries out the study on evaluation and feedback of Chinese teaching modules , from a diversity set of evaluation criteria , self-and peer assessment , evaluation and examination of students and other aspects .

  2. 在教师评价领域,教师同行评价(teacherpeerreview)的应用越来越广泛,并越来越受到人们的重视。

    In the field of the evaluation of teachers , the application of teacher peer review is more and more popular and receive more and more attention from different fields .

  3. 同行评价在科研项目申报中的可信度研究

    Research on Reliability of Peer Review about Scientific Item Application

  4. 但这两者都无法通过同行评价的程序来获得。

    Neither , however , can be easily captured by the procedures of peer review .

  5. 美国高校教师教学评价根据评价主体的不同可分为:学生评价,同行评价,教师自我评价,系主任评价。

    My article produced instrumentations used in evaluation of teaching regarding student evaluation , peer evaluation , self-evaluation and administrator evaluation .

  6. 同行评价过程包括教师评价员的选择与培训、课堂教学观察、教学档案袋审阅、教师同伴讨论等重要环节。

    The process of peer evaluation includes the selection and training of teacher-evaluators , classroom observation , teaching portfolio assessment and peer conferences .

  7. 普通读者的感受会如何呢?他们对同行评价的兴趣远不如对笼统的大学评价更感兴趣。

    But what of the book 's general readers , who are less interested in peer review than in the university more generally ?

  8. 教师评价主体的形式有领导评价、同行评价、学生评价、教师自我评价。

    The form that the teacher appraises the subject has leaders to appraise , the counterpart appraises , students appraise , and teachers appraise one .

  9. 美国大学教师终身教职是一种与教师学术自由、教学、科研业绩实施同行评价相关的合同制;

    The basic meanings of tenure is a contract system related to the academic freedom of teachers , teaching and the peer review of research performance ;

  10. 这些利益冲突可以通过自我约束、同行评价、政府干预、立法规范、过程公开、内容公开和处罚进行控制。

    These conflicts of interest can be controlled by self-control , peer review , government control , institutional policies and procedures , content and process of disclosure and sanctions .

  11. 教学评价对教师评价以领导评价、同行评价、学生评价为主,学生评教的学校占77.8%,没有教师的自我评价。

    Evaluation of tethers ' teaching lead the evaluation of teachers , peer evaluation , student evaluation , mainly accounted for 77.8 % of schools teaching evaluation , there is no self-evaluation of teachers .

  12. 整个课堂教学评估的指标体系共分为3个组成部分,即:课堂教学质量专家评价指标体系、课堂教学质量同行评价指标体系、课堂教学质量学生评价指标体系。

    Classroom teaching evaluation index system is consisted of three parts , classroom teaching quality expert evaluation index system , classroom teaching quality peer evaluation index system and classroom teaching quality students evaluation index system .

  13. 学生评教是教学质量评估体系的重要组成部分,与领导评价、同行评价、教师自我评价共同组成高校内部教学质量评估系统。

    Students ' evaluation of teaching is one important parts of teaching quality evaluation system . Leaders ' evaluation , colleagues ' evaluation , teachers ' self-evaluation and students ' evaluation consist of the system in colleges and universities .

  14. 针对此,在高校教师科研业绩评价中,应当坚持正确的评价方向,建立合理的评价机制和同行评价制度,实行分类评价,正确处理数量指标与质量指标的关系。

    Aiming at the situation , the evaluation on academic research achievement in colleges should stick to correct direction to establish rational evaluation mechanism and colleague evaluation system to carry on classified evaluation and to deal with indexes of quantity and quality correctly .

  15. 前瞻性的同行专家评价的结果显示,在CT利用中有一部分可以使用其他普通的检查来替代而不影响诊断质量。

    Expert panel showed that there was substitution effects in the utilization of CT , which meant some examination in CT scan could be replaced by ordinary medical devices without the examination quality reduced .

  16. 学生评价与同行专家评价的结合。

    Nexus of students ' evaluation and experts ' evaluation ;

  17. 但是,由于以上研究的成果中普遍存在针对性研究的缺陷以及实现复杂性等问题的困扰,我国的科技管理工作者们依然选择了相对简单易行的,以同行专家评价为核心的评价方式。

    However , because of widespread deficiencies which are lacking of special study in above study and complexity of realization and other issues , S & T management workers in china still choose the relatively simple evaluation method which core is experts ' evaluation .

  18. 你已经取得了这么高的学术成就,得到了众多同行的高度评价。

    I know you have achieved a lot of academic achievements and gain very highly respect from many colleagues .

  19. 它能定量显示出学生心理负荷能力的阈值,其评价结果置信度较高,可供同行在教学评价中参考使用。

    It can provide quantitative evaluation of mental burden maximum of student 's. Therefore , the results are of high creditability and can be used in the evaluation of education teaching with others in same profession .

  20. 同行评议是科学评价的重要方式,也是政府基础科学资助机构资源配置的主要方式之一,公正高效的同行评议是保证科学质量的基础。

    Peer review is an important method for a funding agency of research to ensure the quality of scientific research during the procedure of resource allocation .

  21. 防范科研不端行为的有效途径是健全科研法制宣传、科研查新、同行评议、考核评价以及科研惩处等制度。

    The effective approach to preventing the misconducts in scientific research is to perfect the systems of legal publicity , checking , appraising , assessing and punishing .