
  • 网络the Royal Society;The British Royal Society
  1. 在英国皇家学会的《生物学快报》杂志上,科学家如此形容黑耳绒猴[MarinaDuarteetal,Noisyhumanneighboursaffectwhereurbanmonkeyslive]。

    Or so say scientists in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters . [ Marina Duarte et al . , " Noisy Human Neighbours Affect Where Urban Monkeys Live " ]

  2. 在英国皇家学会一个叫做“生物灵感技术”的讲座上,Toumazou教授昨晚公告了此试验。

    Prof Toumazou publicly announced the trials last night , in a lecture called " Bioinspired Technology " at the Royal Society .

  3. 《英国皇家学会会报B》上的一项研究如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

  4. 这一假说发表在《英国皇家学会学报B》。

    The hypothesis is in the Proceedings of the Royal Society ( B ) .

  5. 研究人员最近将此结果公布在英国皇家学会学报B卷。

    The researchers recently published this finding in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

  6. 此研究登载在期刊《英国皇家学会学报B辑》(ProceedingsoftheRoyalSocietyB)上。(注:B指的是BiologicalSciences,生物科学领域)

    The research appears in the journal Proceedings of The Royal Society B.

  7. 该研究结果发表在英国皇家学会《交界》杂志(theJournaloftheRoyalSocietyInterface)上。

    The finding appears in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface .

  8. 这份研究结果发表在《英国皇家学会学报B:生物科学》上。

    The findings are reported in The Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences .

  9. 一项发表在《英国皇家学会会报,B辑:生物科学》的研究如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [ Theodore Garland Jr. et al ,

  10. 这项最新研究结果在《英国皇家学会会报B:生物科学》上发表。

    Royal Institute of British Architects The latest findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences .

  11. 此项刊登在英国皇家学会学报B版的研究实验,虽然实验对象是小老鼠,但是专家相信结论对人类同样适用。

    The experiments , published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B , were on mice but it is believed they are transferable to humans .

  12. 发表在《英国皇家学会学报B》杂志上的一项研究发现,鸽子震动翅膀的时候能产生特别的呼啸声,这可以用于警告它的同伴什么时候仅仅是起飞或者什么时候逃离它们的敌人。

    A study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B finds that pigeon wing-flapping produces distinct whistles , which can warn flock-mates , when merely taking off or when actively escaping predators .

  13. 这项研究发表于《英国皇家学会会报,B辑:生物科学》期刊,揭示了怀孕期间的较高能量摄入与男婴降生之间的关系。

    The study , published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences , shows a link between higher energy intake around the time of conception and the birth of sons .

  14. 发表这一声明的英国皇家学会在1665年创办了世界上首份(仍然在版)同行评审科学期刊《哲学学报》(PhilosophicalTransactions)。

    The statement was made this week by the UK Royal Society , which established the world 's first ( and on-going ) peer-reviewed scientific journal , Philosophical Transactions , in1665 .

  15. 这一进程中一个令人鼓舞的迹象是,中国科学院与美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)及英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)下周将在华盛顿共同主办一场基因编辑会议,中科院在其中发挥了关键作用。

    An encouraging sign of this process is the key role played by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in organising a meeting on gene editing in Washington next week , along with the US National Academy of Sciences and UK 's Royal Society .

  16. 它是约翰·雷(JohnRay)和弗朗西斯·维鲁格比(FrancisWillughby)的著述《鱼类溯源》中的组图之一,该书于1686年由英国皇家学会出版,并于近日上传到互联网,以飨五州学者。

    It is one of a set from John Ray 's and Francis Willughby 's book " Historia Piscium , " published in 1686 by the Royal Society and recently put online by them for the edification of scholars everywhere .

  17. 他们的研究成果发表在《英国皇家学会会报》上。

    Their work appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society .

  18. 1660~1680年间的英国皇家学会

    The Royal Society of London during the year 1660 & 1680

  19. 这项太空任务是英国皇家学会350周年庆祝活动的一部分。

    The mission is part of the academic institution's350th anniversary celebrations .

  20. 该方法刊登在《英国皇家学会》上。

    The approach appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

  21. 刚才,英国皇家学会授予我“查理二世国王奖”。

    I have just received the Royal Society King Charles II Medal .

  22. 反正英国皇家学会的《生物学快报》上是这么写的。

    Or so say scientists in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters .

  23. 这一研究结果刊载于《英国皇家学会学报》。

    The results are published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society .

  24. 然而,英国皇家学会正在努力修正这种现状。

    Well , England 's Royal Society is fixing to rectify that .

  25. 今天,我应邀访问久负盛名的英国皇家学会,深感荣幸。

    It gives me great pleasure to visit the renowned Royal Society today .

  26. 这个观点来自于英国皇家学会的《生物学快报》上的一项研究。

    That 's according to a study in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters .

  27. 后来,英国皇家学会专门组织了评审,指出这项实验有6条缺陷。

    But , later , the Imperial Academy discredit the research with 6 major issues .

  28. 近代早期英国皇家学会社团法人的兴起(1660-1669)

    The Rise of the Royal Society as a Corporation in Early Modern England ( 1660-1669 );

  29. 当他将他的结果展示于,英国皇家学会,他被人愚弄着。

    When he presented his results at the sitting of the Royal Society , he was ridiculed .

  30. 1686年,英国皇家学会准备出版第一版《艾萨克·牛顿定律》。

    In 1686 , Britain 's Royal Society was preparing to publish the first editions of Principia .