
  • 网络MPH;mile per hour;M.p.h.
  1. 在7月29日,HyperloopOne公司的工程师在一段长500米的真空管道中,将一列实验列车加速到192英里每小时,这一速度是之前五月份短距离测试时的三倍。

    On July 29 , Hyperloop One engineers successfully propelled a pod built for passengers or freight along a 500-meter stretch of vacuum-sealed , above-ground tubing at 192 mph , about triple the speed of its shorter test back in May .

  2. 脚轮有限21/2英里每小时旅行不要拖单位。

    Casters limited to21 / 2 MPH travel-Do not tow unit .

  3. 现在鸵鸟们就在ReadingFightinPhils棒球队俱乐部外场上以最高40英里每小时的速度奔跑。

    Ostriches are roaming the Reading Fightin Phils outfield with a top speed of 40 miles per hour .

  4. 你想让巴里以八百英里每小时的速度撞击某物?

    You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour ?

  5. 腿部为垒球提供了最初五十英里每小时的能量。

    The legs generate the first fifty miles an hour .

  6. 它们在水中能飙到60英里每小时。

    They can swim up to60 miles per hour .

  7. 舒适的座椅和内饰是安静的,甚至在八十○英里每小时。

    The seats are comfortable and the interior is hushed even at80 mph .

  8. 规模大的山体滑坡时速超过100英里每小时.

    Large landslides have been clocked in excess of 100 miles an hour .

  9. 不过,我还是最快乐的巡航沿上,它大约18英里每小时。

    However , I was still most happy cruising along on it at about18mph .

  10. 以下哪项时速在27英里每小时?

    Which of the following has been clocked moving at 27 miles per hour ?

  11. 一直用28英里每小时的速度开下去?

    at a steady 28 miles per hour ?

  12. 它是大约250英里每小时、589英里每小时、760英里每小时、还是1500英里每小时?

    Is it around 250 , 580 , 760 or 1500 miles per hour ?

  13. 你可以设定辊车速限制低至15英里每小时和高达200公里。

    You could set the roller speed limits as low as15mph and as high as200 KPH .

  14. 骨鱼可以长时间保持40英里每小时的速度游动。

    They can maintain flight speed of up to 40 miles per hour for long durations .

  15. 飞机以65千米每小时(40英里每小时)的速度撞击地面,头部先着地。

    The plane hit the ground nose-first at 65 kilometers per hour ( 40 mph ) .

  16. 5级台风“海燕”的最大风力达到170英里每小时。

    The strong Category 5 typhoon has set maximum wind up to 170 miles an hour .

  17. 官方表示,受害者可能已经被时速100英里每小时的大风卷走。

    They say the men may have been swept over a cliff By100 mile an hour winds .

  18. 中国计划修建一个连接伦敦与北京的火车系统,2天到达,时速200英里每小时。

    China is planning a train system that will link London to Beijing in two days , traveling200mph .

  19. 目前的一些,还有正在计划的高铁线路,达到110英里每小时。

    Some current and planned high speed lines ( like the Amtrak-owned lines across Michigan ) are good for110 mph .

  20. 同步的动力能使得稻飞虱以九英里每小时的速度前进,令人印象深刻。

    The synchronized forces propel the nymph straight through the air at up to nine miles an hour - impressive .

  21. 然而通常在起降过程中,飞机的飞行速度不会超过150英里每小时。

    However , often during the takeoffs and landings , an aircraft is operating at approximate speeds of150 mph or less .

  22. 在跳下来的途中,他打破了声音障碍,一度以833.9英里每小时的速度降落。

    On his way down , he broke the sound barrier , at one point travelling at 833.9 miles an hour .

  23. 然而,我认为以80至90英里每小时的速度移动的风暴将使得海浪几天之内都朝这个方向移动。

    Yet I think this is 80-mile-or 90-mile-per-hour storm . The waves are gonna be coming in this way for days .

  24. 艾迪伯纳德:智利海啸转移的速度和喷气式飞机相当,在辽阔的海洋以500英里每小时的速度疾驰。

    Eddie Bernard : It was going about the speed of a jet , about 500 mph in the open ocean .

  25. 其它的最高都是79英里每小时,比开车快一点而已&别认为那是事故!

    All of the rest tops out at79mph , only a shade faster than driving-and dont think that is an accident !

  26. 据修建这条高速路的工程师说,85英里每小时是对高速路130来说安全而正确的速度。

    And the engineers who built this one , say that 85 is the safe and right speed for highway 130 .

  27. “外置机器骨骼”能够使士兵们拥有7英里每小时的最高速度,当需要时甚至可能爆发到10英里每小时。

    Soldiers could also have a maximum speed of7mph over long distances with the possibility of a sudden burst of10mph when required .

  28. 据沃特斯介绍,雷雨大风穿越亚利桑那州并带来60英里每小时的风速,大风便把农耕区的细沙卷起。

    Thunderstorms moving through southern Arizona brought winds of up to60 m.p.h.that stirred up fine dust in the agricultural fields , Waters said .

  29. 旋风或龙卷风是自然界最猛烈的风暴,其涡旋中心风速可超过三百英里每小时。

    Call them twisters or tonadoes , the nature 's most violent storms with swirling winds that can top3 hundred miles per hour .

  30. 该车可以在3.2秒内从静止加速至62英里每小时,最高时速超过200英里每小时。

    All to say that this car will hit 62mph in 3.2 seconds and has a top speed of more than 200 mph .