
  • 网络Church of England
  1. 英格兰国教会内部反对女性担任主教的派别之一,是一个保守的福音派团体,被称作改革宗(Reform)。

    One faction within the Church of England that opposes women as bishops is a conservative evangelical group called Reform .

  2. 韦尔比大主教在周一的投票后预测,十年之内,英格兰国教会一半的主教职务将由女性担任,也就是说,可能会有大约50个主教教区由女性领导。

    Archbishop Welby predicted after Monday 's vote that half the Church of England 's bishops could be women within a decade , which would mean that about 50 dioceses could be led by women .

  3. 伦敦&英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)周一通过最终投票,推翻了一个有着几百年历史的传统,允许女性担任主教。首批女主教的任命可能会在圣诞节前。

    LONDON & The Church of England overturned centuries of tradition on Monday with a final vote allowing women to become bishops , with the first appointments possible by Christmas .

  4. 伦敦——英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)周一通过最终投票,推翻了一个有着几百年历史的传统,允许女性担任主教。首批女主教的任命可能会在圣诞节前。

    LONDON - The Church of England overturned centuries of tradition on Monday with a final vote allowing women to become bishops , with the first appointments possible by Christmas .

  5. 英国商务部门发表声明谴责韦丹塔在奥里萨邦的所作所为。英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)旗下的投资基金抛售了该公司的股份以示抗议。

    The British commerce agency issued a rebuke of Vedanta 's actions in Odisha , and the Church of England 's investment funds sold their shares in the company in protest .

  6. 英格兰国教会的立法机构总议会(GeneralSynod)在进行了很大程度上是象征性的举手表决后,宣布通过了这一具有历史意义的变革。

    Approval of the historic change , which was first agreed to in July , was announced after a largely symbolic show of hands at the General Synod , the lawmaking body of the Church of England .

  7. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外几乎无法理解。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women almost incomprehensible .

  8. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外“几乎无法理解”。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women " almost incomprehensible . "