
xīn jiào tú
  • Protestant;prod
  1. 那一家人是虔诚的新教徒。

    The family was staunchly Protestant .

  2. 他们是天主教徒还是新教徒?

    Are they Catholic or protestant ?

  3. 他早年的经历使他能够消除苏格兰天主教徒和新教徒之间的隔阂。

    His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants .

  4. 贝尔法斯特市完全被处在天主教徒和新教徒的纷争之中。

    The city of Befast remains starkly divided between Catholics and Protestants .

  5. 范德科尔克的父亲是荷兰皇家壳牌集团(RoyalDutchShell)的高管。尽管他是一名虔诚的新教徒,也是忠实的和平主义者,但盛怒之下他也会在孩子们身上泄愤。

    His father was an executive at Royal Dutch Shell , and despite being a devout Protestant and dedicated pacifist , he suffered violent rages and inflicted them on his children .

  6. 晚近美国上层阶级的一些人自称为WASP,意思就是白种盎格鲁撒克逊基督教新教徒。

    Some upper-class people in the United States recently had the fashion of calling themselves WASP 's , which means White Anglo-Saxon Protestants .

  7. PRRI研究总监丹尼尔-考克斯说,一些受访者(包括75%的非白人新教徒)相信恶劣天气既是末日论的证据,也是气候变化的结果。

    PRRI research director Daniel Cox said that some respondents - including 75 percent of non-white Protestants - believe extreme weather is both evidence of end times and the result of climate change .

  8. 这是他第一次把目标放在新教徒上。

    This is the first time he 's targeted a protestant .

  9. 乌姆塔塔中学的学生大多是新教徒。

    The students of Umtata high school were mostly protestant .

  10. 从前,新教徒和天主教徒使用不同的铁锹。

    In former times Protestants and Catholics used different types of spade .

  11. 一些新教徒和天主教徒也在为此互相争斗。

    Some Protestants and Catholic have also been fighting with each other .

  12. 他就早期新教徒的异端邪说作了演讲。

    He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants .

  13. 他们是有高道德标准的新教徒家庭。

    They were Chapel families , with high ethical standards .

  14. 今天大多数新教徒仍然拒绝玛丽亚永久童贞性的教条。

    Today most Protestants reject the doctrine of Mary 's perpetual virginity .

  15. 他们读了关于印地安人和新教徒的故事。

    They read stories about the Indians and the pilgrims .

  16. 奥兰治街小教堂是新教徒的礼拜堂。

    Orange Street chapel is a centre of worship for the protestants .

  17. 主要是基督新教徒,划定星期六为安息日的耶稣复临教。

    Adventism that is strongly Protestant and observes Saturday as the Sabbath .

  18. 好的新教徒就不应该反对它。

    That no good Protestant can speak against this bill .

  19. 西班牙语系美洲哪一国家新教徒比例最高?

    Which country in Spanish-speaking America has the highest percentage of Protestants ?

  20. 该摩拉维亚教会是一个新教徒共融紧密联系在一起的路德教。

    The Moravian Church is a Protestant communion closely linked to Lutheranism .

  21. 他不完全跟我一样,他是个新教徒。

    He 's not the same as me . he 's a protestant .

  22. 有些地区把新教徒和天主教徒隔离开了。

    In some areas Protestants were segregated from catholics .

  23. 他们如同新教徒一样是属于加尔文教派。

    Like the pilgrims , they were also calvinists .

  24. 在随后签署的和约中,日耳曼新教徒重获权势。

    In the subsequent peace treaties , the German Protestants regained their influence .

  25. 我们是新教徒,甚至不是虔诚信徒,以致很难对思索这件事有所助益。

    We were Protestants , and not even devout ones , at that .

  26. 汉尼拔:说得像个真正的新教徒。

    Clarice starling : do right , and youspoken like a true protestant .

  27. 一些孩子是新教徒,我们其他人是天主教徒。

    A few boys were Protestants and the rest of us were Catholics .

  28. 新教徒是该国最大的宗教组织。

    Protestants are the country 's largest religious group .

  29. 她的同父异母哥哥马利伯爵是个新教徒

    Her Protestant half-brother , the Earl of Moray ,

  30. 苏格兰的贵族新教徒自然也就确信

    Naturally , the Protestant nobles in Scotland were convinced