
  • 【地名】【俄罗斯】Novosibirsk
  1. 该剧在新西伯利亚国家学术剧院(NovosibirskStateAcademicOpera)和芭蕾舞剧院(BalletTheater)共演出四场,场场满座,共有1700名观众观看了演出。2月份,当地的俄罗斯东正教教会代表提出抗议。

    It played four performances to sold-out houses of 1700 at the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater before representatives of the local Russian Orthodox Church complained in February .

  2. 久闻新西伯利亚有座科学城。

    I have long heard about the Science City of Novosibirsk .

  3. 该架飞机从以色列特拉维夫飞往新西伯利亚。

    The plane had been heading from Tel Aviv , Israel to Novosibirsk .

  4. 这是新西伯利亚最高的建筑群。

    This stack is the highest construction in Novosibirsk .

  5. 数千人云集在新西伯利亚观看罕见的日全食。

    Reuters . Thousands gathered in Novosibirsk in Siberia to see a rare solar eclipse .

  6. 新西伯利亚科学城,是一个著名的实力雄厚的科学基地。

    The Science City of Novosibirsk is a scientific base known for its research strength .

  7. 新西伯利亚国立大学是在俄罗斯排名第三的大学。

    According to the ratings of best Russian universities , Novosibirsk State University takes the third place .

  8. 此处沙滩靠近新西伯利亚中心,是一处十分受当地人欢迎的夏日度假胜地。

    The beach is close to the centre of Novosibirsk and is a popular summer recreation spot for locals .

  9. 1993年从宇航学院毕业之后,我进入了新西伯利亚州的科技大学学习,主修自动化和计算机工程专业。

    After my graduation from the aerospace lyceum in1993i entered in Novosibirsk state technical university , automation and computer engineering .

  10. 在斯特帕诺瓦居住的西伯利亚州府新西伯利亚,几乎三分之一的结核病感染者会死亡。

    In Novosibirsk , the capital of Siberia where Stepanova lives , almost one in three TB infections is fatal .

  11. 据《俄罗斯头条新闻》报道,雅克夫斯基是一名企业家,来自俄罗斯新西伯利亚市(莫斯科东部)。

    Pyatkovsky is a Russian entrepreneur from Novosibirsk , Russia ( east of Moscow ) , according to Russia Beyond the Headlines .

  12. 7月12日,上周六,西伯利亚最大的城市新西伯利亚的温度高达37摄氏度(99华氏摄氏度),然而一场大冰雹却突袭而至。

    Temperatures on Saturday 12 July were as hot as 37C - or 99F - in Siberia 's largest city , Novosibirsk , the day the hail cloudburst struck .

  13. 早些年,独联体和前苏联的青年数学选手仅限于参加在莫斯科或新西伯利亚举行的全苏数学奥林匹克。

    Earlier , a limit of ambitions for a young mathematician from the CIS and the former Soviet Union was to participate in the All-Union Olympiad in Moscow or Novosibirsk .

  14. 意大利西西里岛东南部一城市,公元前世纪由科林斯殖民者创建。这架客机隶属于西伯利亚航空公司,总部设在莫斯科以东1750英里的新西伯利亚。

    A city in southeastern Sicily that was founded by Corinthians in the 8th century BC . It belonged to Sibir Airlines , which is based in Novosibirsk , about 1,750 miles east of Moscow .

  15. 通灵者说利莫里亚最初是来自更高的频率&然后就作为一种物理体验而下降到第三密度。这架客机隶属于西伯利亚航空公司,总部设在莫斯科以东1750英里的新西伯利亚。

    Channelers speak of Lemurians as originally coming from higher frequency - then descending into third dimension for a physical experience . It belonged to Sibir Airlines , which is based in Novosibirsk , about 1,750 miles east of Moscow .

  16. 俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院在声明中说,科学家上周末在新西伯利亚召开的一次圆桌会议上讨论了这一矿藏,表示若要评估未来勘探工作的经济效益,还需要进一步研究。

    The Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement that scientists discussed the issue at a roundtable in Novosibirsk over the weekend , saying that further studies will be needed to assess economic aspects of their potential exploration .

  17. 新西伯利亚市地质与矿物研究院院长尼古莱-波克希伦科本周一告诉记者,这种钻石含有其他分子形式的碳,硬度是普通钻石的两倍,因此具有最高级的工业品质。

    Nikolai Pokhilenko , the head of the Geological and Mineralogical Institute in Novosibirsk , told the reporters Monday that the diamonds include other molecular forms of carbon . He said they could be twice as hard as conventional diamonds and therefore have superlative industrial qualities .