
  • 网络novorossiysk;Novorossiisk;Novorossisk
  1. 在我去Myskhako葡萄酒厂的路上,经过精心维护、据说是有斯洛伐克关系的500公顷新葡萄园。Myskhako酒厂位于新罗西斯克港的外围。

    I passed a beautifully maintained new 500-hectare vineyard said to have Slovakian connections on my way to Myskhako winery on the outskirts of the port of Novorossiysk .

  2. 莫斯科&一俄罗斯军舰于星期三解救了一艘在也门海岸被劫持的俄罗斯油轮,油轮拥有者新罗西斯克船运公司告诉路透社。

    MOSCOW-A Russian warship on Thursday freed a Russian-owned oil tanker that had been hijacked off the coast of Yemen , tanker owner Novorossiysk Shipping Company told Reuters .

  3. 到了新罗西斯克得公寓,我们沐浴后就去参加了当地奉献者安排的节目。

    When we arrived at our Novorossisk apartment we showered and immediately went to a public program arranged by the local devotees .

  4. 在送别了满面是泪的小娜迪亚之后(她今天要回到她妈妈那里去了),我们开车前往黑海南面的新罗西斯克城。

    After saying goodbye to a tearful Nadya ( who left us today to rejoin her mother ), we drove to Novorossisk , a city to the south on the Black Sea .