
áo dé sà
  • Odessa
敖德萨[áo dé sà]
  1. 但敖德萨的扩大象蜘蛛网一样。

    But the odessa 's grown , like a spider 's web .

  2. 敖德萨帕米亚队将对阵达拉斯卡特队。

    It 's gonna be Odessa Permian versus Dallas carter .

  3. 指示所有城市敖德萨部门和设施。

    Directs all City of Odessa Departments and Facilities .

  4. 这个地方俨然成了敖德萨人向亲俄分子表达同情的一处圣地。

    This place has become a shrine for Odessans sympathetic to the pro-Russian activists .

  5. 乌克兰在重新占领敖德萨后,向那里派遣了一只精英国家护卫队。

    Ukraine sent an elite national guard unit to re-establish control over the city of Odessa .

  6. 敖德萨人是乌克兰的演说家,而且许多人与边境另一边的人有着浓厚的血缘关系。

    Odessans are Russian-speakers , and many have family ties on the other side of the border .

  7. 据报道,今天乌克兰南部港口城市敖德萨至少有31人死亡。

    There are reports about at least 31 deaths in Ukraine 's southern port city of Odessa today .

  8. 乌克兰的敖德萨所发生的反映了这个国家的紧张关系。

    What 's been happening in the Ukrainian city of Odessa reflects the tension of the whole country .

  9. 在乌克兰港口城市敖德萨,亲俄派活动人士围攻监狱,迫使警方释放67名活动人士。

    In Ukrainian port city of Odessa , pro-Russian activists stormed the jail , promptly releasing 67 fellow activists .

  10. 1944年3月,在当地群众的帮助下我们才能继续向敖德萨挺进,并最后解放了敖德萨

    Only through the help of local population we managed to advance that much in1944 , up to Odessa , and liberated Odessa

  11. 乌克兰敖德萨政府释放了与上周致命冲突事件有关的67名亲饿示威者。

    Sixty-seven activists were released in Odessa , Ukraine after being detained by police for their involvement in deadly clashes earlier this week .

  12. 秦刚发表此番评论前,黑海旅游胜地敖德萨周五发生暴力冲突,造成至少43人死亡,另有174人受伤。

    His remarks came after the clashes in the Black Sea resort of Odessa killed at least 43 people and injured 174 others on Friday .

  13. 从敖德萨阶梯到世贸中心&《战舰波将金》对真实的激情与我们对9·11的激情

    From Odessa Steps to World Trade Center & the Passion for the Real in Battleship Potemkin and the Passion for 9 / 11 Among Us

  14. 他们的活动已发展成为一种规模达数十亿美元的行当,其触角已延伸至政府机构以及从阿比让到敖德萨的犯罪网络。

    Their activities have grown into a multi-billion dollar racket with tentacles reaching far into state institutions and criminal connections that stretch from Abidjan to Odessa .

  15. 敖德萨有两个附属港口:位于其城郊东侧的尤日内,是一个重要的石油中转站;

    The city of Odessa hosts two important ports : Odessa itself and Yuzhny ( also an internationally important oil terminal ), situated in the city 's suburbs .

  16. 区警察局发表声明表示,位于敖德萨市中心的工会大楼发生火灾,导致人员死亡。

    A regional police department issued the statement saying the death as a result of fire that broke out at their trade union building in the center of the city .

  17. 带着这些感情的人民试图理解,为什么乌克兰的种族和政治分歧突然爆发在敖德萨,夺走如此鲜活的生命。

    These are the senses of people who were trying to understand how , why Ukraine 's ethnic and political divide suddenly flared here in Odessa , taking so many lives .

  18. 法西斯的空军正在扩大它的轰炸机的作战范围,并在轰炸摩尔曼斯克、奥尔沙、莫吉廖夫、斯摩棱斯克、基辅、敖德萨和塞瓦斯托波尔。

    The fascist air force is extending the range of operations of its bombers and is bombing murmansk , orsha , mogilev , smolensk , kiev , odessa , and sevastopol .

  19. 他写诗,还加入了反沙皇组织,因此1820年被流放到敖德萨,在那他不断追求有夫之妇,四处惹是生非。

    He wrote verses and joined an anti-Czarist organization , for which he was exiled to Odessa in 1820 , where he continued to court other men 's wives and cause trouble .

  20. 敖德萨的致命冲突指向一个残酷的现实:在亲西方的基辅政府和由莫斯科支持的亲俄民兵的对峙之中,乌克兰内战正一步步逼近。

    Deadly clashes in Odessa point to a grim reality : with every passing day , Ukraine teeters closer to civil war between a pro-Western government in Kyiv and pro-Russian militias backed by Moscow .

  21. 苏联作家巴别尔正是其中一位典型的代表,他的作品,无论是《敖德萨故事》,还是《骑兵军》,都强烈地体现出电影化的风格。

    Babel , a Soviet Russian writer , is one typical example among them . His works , no matter Odessa Tales and Other Stories , or Red Cavalry , both reflect many cinematic features .