
áo bāo
  • obo;cairn;a pile of stones, earth, or grass used by Mongolians as a road or boundary sign
敖包 [áo bāo]
  • [heaps of stones used by the Mongolians and Tibetans as markings for roads or boundaries] 原是蒙古族人做路标和界标的堆子,用石、土、草等堆积而成。旧时夏秋两季曾把敖包当做神灵的住地来祭祀,尤以秋季最为隆重。也作鄂博

  1. 首先,陈述了敖包祭祀的相关内容和历史变迁和发展过程。

    First , representations the obo sacrifice and historical change and development process .

  2. 敖包、文化记忆与游牧社会

    Obo 、 Cultural Memory and Pastoral Nomadic Society

  3. 景区内有游船码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

    Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal , a zoo , fishing , grazing land , aobao , villas and a strong national style yurts , continental style of cultivation and so on .

  4. 封面故事:蒙古国图木尔廷敖包大型锌矿床。

    Cover Story : The Tumurtin Ovoo large-scale zinc deposit in Mongolia .

  5. 从蒙古族敖包文化看其原始美术特征

    Study the Feature of The Primitive Art of Mongolia Though " Aobao Culture "

  6. 没想到这里还有这么大的敖包。

    There is such a huge Obo mound .

  7. 如今敖包祭祀已从单一的祭祀习俗演变为丰富的文化现象。

    But today obo worship evolved from a single ritual practices to a rich cultural phenomenon .

  8. 内蒙古巴特敖包地区早古生代洋壳消减的岩石证据

    Petrological Evidence for Subduction of the Early Paleozoic Oceanic Crust in Bart - Obo , Inner Mongolia

  9. 敖包祭祀的起源

    The Origin of Oboo Cult

  10. 成矿流体在经历了长期的演化后在大石寨组的构造薄弱破碎的的部位沉淀析出,形成敖包吐萤石矿床。

    The ore-forming fluid precipitated in the structural fracture zone of the Dashizhai Formation and formed the Aobaotu fluorite deposit .

  11. 本文将研究集中于内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗都嘎敖包嘎查&一个处于蒙古族文化传统中的最小行政社区。

    The research and analysis of this dissertation is about yijihuoluo dugui obuga-the smallest administrative region in the Mongolian traditional culture .

  12. 蒙古族在敖包文化发展过程中,在原始崇拜意识支配下,创造了他们的原始美术。

    Mongolias created their primitive art through the development at " Aobao culture " and under the influence of primitive ideology .

  13. 敖包祭祀是蒙古族从古至今在内容和形式上有着诸多变化的一种民间习俗。

    The obo worship Mongolian traditionally passed down in content and form of the many changes in a kind of folk customs .

  14. 主要景观有草原人家、草原古城、草原部落、草原集市、草原牧场、草原敖包、茶马客栈等。

    The major landscapes here are grassland family , grassland ancient city , grassland tribe , grassland market , grassland pasture , grassland Obo , Tea-Horse inn etc.

  15. 登上甘德尔敖包,成吉思汗陵的雄姿便展现在眼前,3个蒙古包式的圆顶金碧辉煌,与丛林相映,光耀夺目。

    Once one gets atop the knoll known as gandeerao the majestic mausoleum comes into view , its three resplendent domes , resembling those of yurts , glittering in the midst of trees .