
dāo bèi
  • Knife back;the back of a knife blade
刀背 [dāo bèi]
  • [the back of a knife blade] 刀上没有刃的一边

刀背[dāo bèi]
  1. 用刀背就无法切割.切线方向进刀剃齿法

    You can 't cut with the back of the knife . right-angle traverse shaving

  2. 很多生存刀的刀背上设有木锯或钢锯齿。

    On the back of many survival knives are a saw meant for sawing through metal or wood .

  3. 他们把这吓破了胆的人从他的藏身窟里拖出来,用刀背砍他,强迫他伏侍那些战士。

    They tore him from his hiding-place , and the combatants forced this frightened man to serve them , by administering blows with the flats of their swords .

  4. 以刀背的顶端为轴,上下移动刀刃,从一边慢慢移到另一边,然后把菜很均匀地切碎。

    Using the tip as a pivot , raise and lower the blade in a chopping motion , moving it from side to side to mince everything evenly .

  5. 等待电熨斗变热的过程中使用比较钝的小刀,或者普通刀子的刀背也可以,尽可能多刮掉一点蜡油。

    While you 're waiting for it to warm up use a blunt knife , just the back of your average cutlery one will do , to scrap off as much excess wax as possible .

  6. 用手指和手掌牢牢握住刀鞘的上部边缘,保证没有手指头在刀刃前方,大拇指按住刀背然后慢慢将刀抽出。

    Therefore hold the upper edge of the scabbard firmly with your palm and fingers but making no finger is placed on the front edge ; thumb stretch out over the back edge then draw the weapon out slowly .

  7. 兰登拿了他抹黄油的小刀,用刀背把表壳撬开了,所有细小的齿轮,弹簧和杠杆全都乱七八糟地扭在一起。

    Random had forced the back off it with the back edge of the butter spreading knife , and all of the minute cogs and springs and levers were lying in a tiny cock-eyed mess where she 'd been fiddling with them .