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dāo zǔ
  • butcher's knife and chopping board;butcher's knife and chopping block
刀俎 [dāo zǔ]
  • [butcher's knife and chopping block] 刀和砧板,原为宰割的工具,比喻宰割者或迫害者

  • 如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为。--《史记.项羽本纪》

刀俎[dāo zǔ]
  1. 常人抑或战胜,抑或失败,据此,他或是刀俎,或成鱼肉。

    The average man is either victorious or defeated and , depending on that , he becomes a persecutor or a victim .

  2. 但是在房地产泡沫破裂的余波和由房市崩盘而引发的信贷危机中我们可以明显地看出:风险没有减少,只是被隐藏了。许多投资者根本就不知道他们是刀俎下的鱼肉。

    But in the aftermath of the housing bust and the resulting mortgage crisis , it seems apparent that risk wasn 't so much reduced as hidden : all too many investors had no idea how exposed they were .