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háo máo
  • soft hair on the body;hair vellus;vellus;hair on the body;soft long hair;fine hair
毫毛 [háo máo]
  • [hair on the body;soft long hair] 细长而末端尖锐的毛。比喻极细微的事物

  • 毫毛不敢有所近。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • 不准你动他一根毫毛

毫毛[háo máo]
  1. 我得说清楚,我可没有动过她一根毫毛。

    I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her .

  2. 不准你动他一根毫毛。

    Don 't you dare do him the slightest harm !

  3. 他的诽谤触动不了我一根毫毛。

    His slander can 't do me the slightest harm .

  4. 谁敢动他一根毫毛?

    Who would dare touch a hair of his ?

  5. 不许你动我女儿一根毫毛。

    You shall not put a finger on my daughter .

  6. 先生,我不会让她损伤一根毫毛。

    Marston : I won 't let anything happen to her , sir .

  7. 如果你敢动我的儿子一根毫毛,你会后悔的!

    If you lay a finger on my son you 'll regret it !

  8. 你敢碰他一根毫毛!

    Don 't lay a glove on him !

  9. 山东派用毫毛笔作画,以画面纤巧,艳丽取胜。

    Shandong faction remains with paint pen to the screen slim , beautiful win .

  10. 你们敢动我一根毫毛。

    You lay one hand on me .

  11. 但塔利班没动我一根毫毛。

    But the Taliban never touched me .

  12. 损某人一根毫毛在盆土内生出毛根。

    Harm a hair of sb . 's head Root the bulbs in potting soil .

  13. 如果你敢伤他一根毫毛,我发誓非杀死你不可。

    If you harm a hair on his head , I swear I 'll kill you .

  14. 就此而言,他剃掉的脸上的毫毛是由别的细胞生产出来的。

    For that matter , the facial hairs he chops off were produced by other cells .

  15. 如果你碰她一根毫毛,我也同样会回敬你的。

    You 'll have me to answer to if you harm a hair of her head .

  16. 扑进自然的怀抱,自己也是自然的一根纤细毫毛,在自然怀抱中成长快乐。

    Be in the bosom of nature , feeling oneself a down of it , growing joyfully ;

  17. 你要是动我女儿一根毫毛,你可就自找麻烦了。

    If you harm a hair of my daughter 's head , you 'll get yourself into trouble .

  18. 发布和平宣言:允诺英国,或者法国,或者西班牙,你的舰队不会动他们一根毫毛。

    Announce Peace Policy : Promise England or French or Spanish that your ships will leave ' em alone .

  19. 问题是,不肯原谅别人无损人家半根毫毛,受到伤害的却仍然是你自己。

    The problem is you 're hurting yourself more than that person you 're wanting to hurt by not forgiving them .

  20. 既使他是在我的毛皮袋里,而你的腰包里又装满了金钱,我也不会伤他身上一根毫毛的。

    If he was in my sporran , and your belly full of shillings , I would not hurt a hair upon his body .

  21. 然而我们的君主及其左右,是决不让人民轻易获得丝毫权力而使他们自己损失一根毫毛的。

    But it is absolutely certain that he and his retinue will not allow the people to gain a particle of power , if that would cost them a single hair .