
háo lí
  • the least bit;an iota;scintilla
毫厘 [háo lí]
  • [iota;the least bit] 两个很小的计量单位,极言数量之小

  • 差之毫厘,失之千里

毫厘[háo lí]
  1. 差之毫厘,谬以千里。

    An error , the breadth of a single hair , can lead you a thousand li astray .

  2. 宇宙中的一些最重大的秘密似乎就藏在毫厘之间。

    It seems some of the Universe 's biggest secrets are locked in a tiny package .

  3. 或一个、两个ACE球,或一个完美的反手削球,离触网、出界只差毫厘。

    Or an ace , or two . Or a perfect slice backhand , barely over the net and on the line .

  4. 这恰恰表明了,罪与非罪,只在毫厘之间。

    It just shows that crime is but one remove from non-crime .

  5. 这是一场以毫厘之差而决定成败的战斗。

    It was a near thing between success and failure .

  6. 当晚我虽然战胜了菜刀,却只差之毫厘。

    I won the argument against the knife that night , but barely .

  7. 我们所爱的马在赛跑终了前以毫厘之差击败了第二名。

    The horse we liked nosed out the second horse in a very close .

  8. 天才兴疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。

    Genius is but one remove from insanity .

  9. 天平上毫厘之差,可以决定哪些个体将生存,哪些将死亡。

    A grain in the balance may determine which individuals shall live and which shall die .

  10. 差之毫厘,失之千里&星球参考系与质心参考系的差异

    A small discrepancy leads to worlds apart & difference between star reference frame and centerof mass reference frame

  11. 你可以很准确地说出自己银行账户上的数额,甚至能精确到毫厘。

    You probably know exactly how much you have in your bank account , Virgo , right down to the last penny .

  12. 但事实上,骑士以及如今纽约证交所提供的“价格优惠”只是以毫厘计。

    But in practice the " price improvements " that knight and now NYSE offer are fractions of a fraction of a penny .

  13. 看来就是这些不费毫厘的,生命中最简单的东西能带给我们最大的幸福感。

    ' It 's the simplest things in life that do not cost us anything which seem to bring us the most happiness . '

  14. 他数不清在他的军医生涯中曾有多少次与死亡差之毫厘。

    He lost count of the number of times in his career as an army medical officer that he came within a whisker of death .

  15. 这一点听起来显而易见,但我们往往忽略了一个事实,即这些模型无法,也永远不会,和现实情况本身毫厘不差。

    It sounds obvious , but we often miss the fact that those models are not , and will never be , as accurate as reality itself .

  16. 尊重生命原本的真实,追求毫厘之间的精确,不仅是南山人对您发乎于心的尊重,更增添了您挥臂举步间的舒适惬意!

    Our respect for the original size and strive for absolute accuracy not only display our deference to you but also add to your dressing comfort and satisfaction !

  17. 就在这时,一只沉重的黑色游走球突然朝他飞来,他以毫厘之差勉强躲过,感觉到球飞过时拂动了他的头发。

    At that very moment , a heavy black Bludger came pelting toward him ; he avoided it so narrowly that he felt it ruffle his hair as it passed .

  18. 即使我们能就什么样的个体能成为人类完美的楷模达成共识,也无法确保复制品与原型毫厘不差。

    Even if we could agree on which individuals would serve as humanity 's templates of perfection , there 's no guarantee that successive copies would be everything the originals were .

  19. 然后使财务数据集市与总帐保持同步,一旦数据到达那里,它被调和回数据仓库,甚至毫厘不差。

    Then , to keep the financial datamart in sync with the general ledger , once data arrives there it is reconciled back to the data warehouse , down to the penny .

  20. 从裁判的判罚到差之毫厘的射门,特别是本队球员的得分,一切都能让埃雷拉顿足捶胸、骤然狂奔、手舞足蹈、唾沫横飞。

    Herrera has stomped and stamped , whirled and whipped , flailed and frothed over everything from referee decisions to near misses to , most notably , goals scored by his players .