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  • millivolt
  1. 研究还表明SD的特点是一种缓慢波动的毫伏级信号。

    The research also indicates that SD is millivolt voltage signal with slow variation .

  2. 40通道3-BCD毫伏A/D转换器的研制

    The Development of 3-BCD Millivolt A / D Converter with 40-channel Multiplexer

  3. LON总线在毫伏信号测量智能节点设计中的应用

    The application of Lon bus in the design of smart mv-signal measuring node

  4. 这样C1容量必须很大才能保证C1为负荷提供运行电流而放电量不超过几毫伏。

    Thus C1 must be large enough to supply operating current to the load without discharging moue than a few millivolts .

  5. 传统的RLC串联谐振实验方法需用晶体管毫伏表大量测量数据,实验方法繁琐且没有直观性,在实验过程中不便于分析和讨论。

    Traditional method of RLC series resonance experiment needs to measure plenty of data with transistor millivoltmeter . It is very complicated and not visual , thus not convenient for an analysis and discussion .

  6. 静电磁场以每米具有的安培单位衡量(A/m),但是通常以相应的电磁感应单位特斯拉(T)或毫伏特斯拉(mT)表示。

    A static magnetic field is measured in units of ampere per metre ,( A / m ) but is usually expressed in terms of the corresponding magnetic induction measured in units of tesla ,( T ) or millitesla ( mT ) .

  7. 用集成温度传感器AD590测量温度,通过模拟电路调零和放大,其温度由数字毫伏表直接显示。

    The temperature is measured with an integrated temperature sensor AD590 , amplified and zeroed through an analog circuit , displayed directly by a digital voltmeter .

  8. 但是,开关电容转换器相对于电感型的转换器而言,输出电压纹波较大通常几十毫伏,而且整体效率介于电感型转换器和LDO之间。

    However , switched-capacitor converters compared with inductor-based converters , the output voltage ripple is more larger , usually tens of millivolts . The efficiency of SC converter is among inductor based converter and LDO .

  9. 通过6只传感器,将长12m,宽1m支架上的钢管的重量,转变成毫伏级的电信号,经双积分A/D转换器送入8050型单片机中,单片机按要求自动完成秤量工作。

    The weight of a 12-meter long and 1-meter wide steel pipe is changed into millivolt-level electrical signal by means of six sensors , and is transmitted into 8050-model MCU by double integral A / D converter , and the MCU finishes weighing work according to requirement automatically .

  10. 有一个特定的函数可以将从TMP36测得的毫伏数转变为摄氏度,范围也将从0-1023转改为从1-5,找到零点后即可将结果缩放100。

    There is a specific function for converting the measured millivolts from the TMP36 to degrees Celsius , changing from a range of0-1023 to1 to5 , finding the zero point and scaling the result by100 .

  11. 5000毫伏五分钟你赢5000美元。

    5000 millivolts for five seconds wins you $ 5000 .

  12. 能够以毫伏计量的灵敏伏特计。

    A sensitive voltmeter that can measure voltage in millivolts .

  13. 用改进的表格法实现热电偶毫伏-温度的高精度转换

    A Precise Method for Thermocouple Voltage - Temperature Conversion by the Chart

  14. 数字式智能超高频毫伏表的设计

    Design of Digital and Intelligent Ultrahigh Frequency Millivolt Meter

  15. 一种精确的热电偶毫伏-温度转换方法

    A Precise Method of Thermocouple Voltage - temperature Conversion

  16. 继续滴液量直到仪表读数大约为+100毫伏。

    Continue the titration until the meter reading is approx. + 100 mV .

  17. 测量热电偶的毫伏输出。

    Measure the thermocouple 's millivolt output .

  18. 用指针式晶体管毫伏表测非正弦周期电压有效值

    Measuring the effective value of the non sinusoidal periodic voltage by transistor MV - meter

  19. 超高频数字毫伏表检波器

    Detector of Super-High Frequency Digital Mv Meter

  20. 在目前这个设计中,阶跃输入信号限制在零点几毫伏以下。

    In the present design , step inputs are restricted to a few tenths of millivolt .

  21. 如果伏特作单位太大,我们可用毫伏或微伏。

    Where the volt is too large a unit , we use the millivolt or microvolt .

  22. 指针式晶体管毫伏表可用于测量直流分量为零的非正弦周期信号电压的有效值。

    The transistor MV meter may be applied to measure the effective value of non sinusoidal periodic voltage .

  23. 电压幅值可达毫伏数量级的小信号峰值检测电路的设计

    Design about circuit of weak-signal peak value detection whose amplitude of input voltage amount to MICRO-VOLT order of magnitude

  24. 晶体管交流毫伏表只能用于正弦电压测量,使测量任意波形电压受到限制。

    Transistor AC millivoltmeters specially used to measure the sinusoidal voltage are limited in measuring any other waves of voltage .

  25. 当音乐声大小适当时,这些设备产生信号的幅度大概在100毫伏左右。

    The signals they produce have typical levels of the order of100 mV or so when the music is moderately loud .

  26. 该系统通过硬件和软件双重滤波的方法来去除微弱的毫伏级热电偶信号中的干扰信号,通过曲线拟合的方法来实现电压值与温度值的转换。

    Hardware and software filter is used to remove thermocouple interference signal , and temperature is acquired through curve matching method .

  27. 本文介绍一种用于测量小信号幅度的电路,被测信号范围为微伏级到几毫伏。

    This paper presents a circuit for measuring the amplitude of small signals in a range from microvolts to some dozens of millivolts .

  28. 在钳制电压为0毫伏条件下,记录自发的和背根刺激引起的抑制性突触后电流。

    At the holding potential of0 mV , spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents ( IPSCs ) and dorsal root stimulation-evoked IPSCs were recorded as outward currents .

  29. 传感器的安装位置尽量远离大功率设备,因为它本身的输出信号就比较弱,通常为毫伏级,极易受到干扰。

    Sensor is installed as far away from high-power devices , because its own output signal is relatively weak , typically millivolts , vulnerable to interference .

  30. 直流毫伏表是针对毫伏级微小信号的精确测量,应用于实验检测、生产检测及维修使用等。

    DC millivolt millivolt level table for the accurate measurement of small signals , Used in experimental testing , production testing and maintenance of the use of .