- 网络mm Hg;MMHg;millimeter of mercury;mm.Hg

[millimeter of mercury] 压强单位,等于在标准重力加速度下汞的密度为13.5951克/厘米 3 时1毫米高的汞柱所施加的压强,也等于133.322387415帕斯卡,它比托略小,其差小于七百万分之一--缩写mmHg
When ICP is increased to 50-70 mmHg the slow wave predominates .
The inflation pressure was 200-220 mmHg .
The dependence of parallel plate spark chamber efficiency on pressure , gap widths and applied voltage has been studied in the pressure range 200 & 700 mm Hg of neon .
Under current guidelines in Europe , people are considered to have high blood pressure , known medically as hypertension , if their systolic blood pressure , the first of two numbers usually recorded , is above 140mm Hg , or millimetres of mercury .
Left ventricular filling pressure was lowered from an average of22 to12 mmHg .
Brachiosaurus would have a blood pressure of about 500 millimeters of mercury .
In adults , healthy blood pressure numbers should be120 / 80 or less .
During allopurinol treatment , the average decrease in casual BP was-6.9 mm Hg systolic and-5.1 mm Hg diastolic .
Someone who is salt sensitive , for example , could get a double-digit boost from a big dose of salt .
The researchers also found that average changes in24-hour ambulatory BP during allopurinol were-6.3 mm Hg , systolic and-4.6 , diastolic .
A unit of pressure : the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade .
During the medication period , 4 " ying tonics " in model ⅱ caused a drop of systolic pressure of more than 11 mm Hg .
However , at12 months more than half of patients still had uncontrolled hypertension ( systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg and / or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg ) .
Four normotensive dogs were fed 50 , 100 , 130 and 150 mg / kg resp . , and the diastolic pressure dropped 0 , 24 , 8 and 36 mm Hg resp .
The measurement of the total emissivity of a solid surface in the black cavity which is immersed in liquid nitrogen and under high vacuum ( 10-6 torr ) by steady caloric method is described .
A therapeutic action ( a reduction of at least 11 mm Hg diastolic ) was demonstrated in 3 dogs . Among them 2 dogs received a second course of treatment which appeared to be equally efficacious .
They found Chinese exercises helped reduce the participants ' systolic blood pressure , the top number , by more than 9.12 mmHg , and diastolic blood pressure , the bottom number , by more than 5 mmHg on average .