
háo zhēn
  • Filiform needle;acupuncture needle;filiform needle in acupuncture
毫针 [háo zhēn]
  • [acupuncture needle] 针灸用的针

毫针[háo zhēn]
  1. 现在,针对老鼠的一项研究表明,毫针刺入可以激活附近的镇痛受体。

    Now a new study of mice shows that insertion of an acupuncture needle activates nearby pain-suppressing receptors .

  2. 毫针蝶骨电极脑电图检查对提高癫痫诊断率的体会(附110例癫痫检查分析)

    Diagnosis of epilepsy by EEG of acupuncture needle spheroidal electrode ( analysis of 110 cases )

  3. 毫针不同刺激强度对胃扩张疼痛大鼠脊髓背角NMDA受体和P物质的影响

    Effect of acupuncture with varied intensity on NMDA and SP expression in spinal dorsal horn in rats with gastric distension-induced pain

  4. 指关节和肩关节功能积分增加3分以上(包括3分)的疗效电针组分别优于毫针组(P<0.05);

    The finger joint and shoulder joint improvement ( the functional scoring increased for 3 points or more ) in EA was also better than that of FNA ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 刺血组的临床治愈率(远期疗效)优于毫针组(P0.05)

    The clinical cure rate ( the long term effects ) was better in the pricking blood group than in the filiform needle group ( P 0.05 ) .

  6. 毫针针刺深度规矩初探

    Primary exploration on depth and angle of acupuncture with filiform needle

  7. 毫针浅刺法治疗急性脑出血的临床观察

    Clinical observation on shallow needling for treatment of acute intracerebral hemorrhage

  8. 目的观察毫针治疗慢性紧张型头痛的临床疗效。

    Objective To observer the efficacy of acupuncture on chronic tension-type headache .

  9. 毫针静留针法治疗面肌痉挛疗效观察

    Observe Curative Effect on Facial Spasm with Treatment Without Manipulation

  10. 美容毫针针刺治疗儿童变应性鼻炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on acupuncture for treatment of children allergic rhinitis

  11. 翳风、听会毫针刺入;家蝇抗菌物质针刺诱导研究

    Yifeng tinghui needling ; Inducing of antibacterial substance in the housefly by pricking

  12. 芒针和毫针治疗胃下垂的疗效对照观察

    Comparative Observation on Therapeutic Effects on Gastroptosis Treated by Elongated and Filiform Needles

  13. 双神门穴毫针点刺治疗失眠的临床研究

    The Research of Fast Inserting Double Shenmen Points in Acupuncture Needle in Treating Insomnia

  14. 属于毫针疗法临床研究有24篇,选取了6篇;

    Of 24 clinical researches of needling with filiform needles , 6 were selected .

  15. 毫针治疗青少年近视临床观察

    Treatment of juvenile myopia with filiform needling therapy

  16. 准备毫针刺法练习用的纸垫或棉垫。

    To prepare a piece of paper pad or cotton pad for needling practice .

  17. 毫针蝶骨电极脑电图诊断?痫62例体会

    Preliminary Report of 62 Cases on Diagnosis Epileptic with EEG of Acupunctural Sphenoidal Electrode

  18. 毫针组治疗原则及取穴同治疗组。

    The therapeutic principle and acupoints of the control group is the same as the treatment group .

  19. 目的探讨美容毫针针刺治疗儿童变应性鼻炎的疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the analgesia mechanism of acupuncture therapy on treating endometriosis ( EMT ) .

  20. 采用工具:清艾条,华佗牌30号1.5寸不锈钢毫针。

    Tools selecting : pure moxa stick , 1.5 inch stainless steel needles of No.30 Hua Tuo Brand .

  21. 普通针刺对照组采用毫针直刺法,其余穴位及治疗同治疗组。

    Ordinary acupuncture were treated by filiform needle puncture points treatment method , and the rest with treatment group .

  22. 目的:对电针、毫针、刺血和穴位注射四种针法的镇痛效应及下丘脑镇痛机制进行比较研究。

    To investigate the therapeutics effect on acne by Pricking blood adding cupping therapy on pressure points on back .

  23. 方法:采用毫针刺法配合中药经验方治疗类风湿性关节炎79例。

    Methods : To use the experience of acupuncture plus traditional chinese medicine treatment of79 cases of rheumatoid arthritis .

  24. 并且在电刺激后进行毫针针刺、磁提针和磁提针加按压等处理。

    After the electrostimulation , filiform needle acupuncture , magnetic needle , magnetic needle plus pressing were also given .

  25. 实验结果表明:电针治疗与单纯毫针治疗相同,对造模大鼠的热敏刺激的痛阈没有明显的影响。

    The experiment showed that the electropuncture group and filiform needle group had no significant effect on rats ' pain-threshold after heat-stimulation .

  26. 方法:以推拿旋转复位法为主,配合毫针刺法,每日1次,连续治疗20次左右。

    Methods : The therapy method was reduction by massage rotation and acupuncture , one time every day , 20 time a course .

  27. 模拟毫针机械刺激诱导成纤维细胞压力信号生物转化作用与针刺效应的研究

    A Study on the Biological Transformation and the Effects of Acupuncture of Pressure Signals of Fibroblast Cells in Vitro Induced by Imitating Needle Stimulation

  28. 治疗组采用以毫针为针具的浮针疗法结合常规针刺进行治疗,对照组单纯采用常规针刺进行治疗。

    The treatment group was treated by Fu s subcutaneous needling combine with routine acupuncture , while the contrast group was treated by routine acupuncture .

  29. 2组治疗3次有效率、平均治愈时间对比,火针组明显优于毫针组,差异有极显著性意义(P<001)。

    The treatment group in the 3-time effective rate and the average cured time was significantly superior to the control group ( P < 0.01 );

  30. 目的探讨毫针前房穿刺放液处理急性闭角型青光眼急性发作的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the anterior chamber penetration using acupuncture needle on treating the sudden attack of the angle closure glaucoma .