
háo kè
  • mg;milligram
毫克 [háo kè]
  • [milligram] 米制质量和重量单位,等于1/1000克

毫克[háo kè]
  1. 结果显示每毫克乳酸菌蛋白质中ADH活性单位为385U。

    The ADH active units was 3 85 per milligram protein .

  2. 动态实验结果表明提取极值为特征值对阵列进行PCA、CA分析,可使4种典型爆炸物在毫克级上能完全区分。

    Dynamic sampling method shows that all the samples can be identified completely in milligram level when extracting extremum as the feature to PCA and CA analysis .

  3. 每次服用大约60毫克,每天最多4次,或遵医嘱。

    Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day , unless advised otherwise by a doctor

  4. 凭经验估计,一杯过滤咖啡约含80毫克咖啡因。

    As a rule of thumb , a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine .

  5. 研究小组在一个商业聚乙烯购物袋里放置了100个蜡螟蠕虫,12小时后,这些蜡虫消耗并分解了大约92毫克的塑料,几乎占总数的3%。

    The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours , and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams , or almost 3 % of it .

  6. 研究人员收集了15名男性志愿者的数据后发现,如果按每公斤体重3毫克的量来摄入咖啡因,就可以提高有氧运动中的脂肪燃烧速度。

    Researchers found that 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight can boost the rate of fat burning during aerobic1 exercise , based on results gathered from 15 male volunteers .

  7. 当诱导培养基选用N6+2,4&D2毫克/升时,愈伤组织平均诱导率为82.4%。

    The callus induction rate was 82.4 % .

  8. 要摄入最低量的1300毫克维生素C,相当于我们每天要吃16个中等大小成熟采摘的新鲜苹果或8-10个同样条件的柑橘。

    To get the minimum vitamin C intake of1300 mg , everyday we must eat16 medium sized fresh tree ripe apples or8-10 citrus of same conditions .

  9. 南棘蛇通常注入大约40~100毫克的毒液含有0.4毫克~0.5毫克/千克LD。

    They typically inject around 40-100mg of venom with an LD of 0.4mg-0.5mg/kg .

  10. 腹腔注射胍乙啶20毫克/公斤后5小时,NA已近耗尽;

    Intraperitoneal injection of guanethidine sulphate 20 mg / kg caused a well-nigh complete depletion in 5 hours .

  11. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,简称“CDC”)建议每日的食盐量不要超过六克(2300毫克钠),也就是一天一茶匙盐。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends consuming no more 6 grams ( 2300 milligrams of sodium ) , or one teaspoon of salt a day .

  12. 玛氏公司(MarsInc.)含30大卡热量的CocoVia每日营养补充产品含有350毫克的可可黄烷醇。

    Mars Inc. packs 350 milligrams of cocoa flavanols into its 30-calorie a day CocoVia daily supplements .

  13. 但要知道,健康食用油中的维生素K含量仍然很少&一汤匙菜籽油中的含量仅为20毫克。

    Keep in mind , though , that the amounts of vitamin K in healthy oils are still tiny & one tablespoon of canola oil has20 micrograms .

  14. Ω-3型鸡蛋由一种在饲料中添加亚麻籽的母鸡生产的,这种鸡能生出每个含有225毫克Ω-3脂肪酸和维生素E的鸡蛋。

    Omega-3 eggs come from a hen whose diet has added flaxseed , which yields an egg containing an average of225 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

  15. 给苯乙肼3天后再注射胍乙啶20&100毫克/公斤,心脏NA未见减少。

    If guanethidine sulphate 20 & 100 mg / kg was given subsequent to a 3-day administration of phenelzine , the NA did not decrease .

  16. 试验组、M组和对照组分别静滴去甲肾上腺素(NE)1毫克/公斤、美索克新明或生理盐水。

    NE , M , and control group were given norepinephrine ( 1mg / kg ), methoxamine or saline , respectively .

  17. 此外,研究人员发现,BHT30090.5毫克药物组的一些脑脊髓液(CSF)自身抗体明显减少,与对照组相比差别有统计学意义。

    Furthermore , the investigators observed statistically significant reductions in several cerebral spinal fluid ( CSF ) autoantibodies in the BHT30090.5-mg group .

  18. 即使是低水平的生长素(0.05毫克/升NAA)也不利于芽的分化。

    Even if low level growth hormone ( 0.05 mg / 1 NAA ) was harmful to shoot differentiation .

  19. 在第1,3,5天,模型组和治疗组分别给环磷酰胺(100毫克/kg,腹腔注射)。

    On the day 1,3,5 mice in model and treatment groups were treated with cyclophosphamide ( 100 mg / kg , i.p ) . Control animals were injected with saline .

  20. 人民日报称,沈阳的可吸入颗粒物,即PM2.5,达到了1400毫克每立方米。

    The People 's Daily said PM 2.5 levels exceeded 1400 micrograms per cubic metre .

  21. 我从最佳营养,JYM和KagedMuscle这些品牌中所尝试的锻炼前增补物中,(最佳营养)每份含有175毫克咖啡因,(KagedMuscle)每份含有300毫克咖啡因。

    The pre-workouts I 've tried from Optimum Nutrition , JYM , and Kaged Muscle contain between 175 milligrams ( Optimum Nutrition ) and 300 milligrams of caffeine per serving ( Kaged Muscle ) .

  22. 如果你早晨喝一碗Total牌谷物片,中餐喝一盒酸奶和一杯牛奶的话,很容易就能摄入2000毫克钙。复合维生素片中也或多或少地含有钙。

    ' If you have a bowl of Total in the morning and a yogurt and a glass of milk for lunch , you can get to 2,000 mg easily . ' Multivitamins also contain calcium in widely varying amounts .

  23. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)建议成年男子将高密度脂蛋白保持在至少40毫克/分升的水平,成年女子则为50毫克/分升,最好比这个数值再高一些。

    The American Heart Association recommends adults maintain an HDL level of at least 40 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( mg / dL ) for men and 50 mg / dL for women , and preferably higher .

  24. 大型政府研究项目妇女健康倡议(Women'sHealthInitiative)2006年的一份报告显示,每日服用1000毫克钙补充剂的女性患肾结石的风险比服用安慰剂的女性高17%。

    In a 2006 report from the Women 's Health Initiative , a large government study , women who took 1,000 mg of calcium daily had 17 % more kidney stones than those who got a placebo .

  25. 每天腹腔注射苯乙肼20毫克/公斤,共3天,NA含量为1.26微克/克,有明显的增加。

    A daily intraperitoneal injection of phenelzine 20 mg / kg for 3 days raised the NA content up to 1.26 μ g / g. The increase was statistically significant .

  26. 根据独立顾问组织药学研究所(InstituteofMedicine)2010年发布的指导原则,成年人一般需要每天摄入1000毫克钙,50岁以上的女性和70岁以上的男性每天需要摄入的钙量会增加到1200毫克。

    Adults generally need 1000 milligrams daily , rising to 1200 mg for women over 50 and men over 70 , according to guidelines issued in 2010 by the Institute of Medicine , an independent advisory group .

  27. 《心脏医学期刊》(Heart)上月刊登了一项针对24000名德国人的研究,研究发现,每日摄入约820毫克钙的人患心脏病的风险比摄入量少得多的人低31%。

    A study of 24,000 Germans published in the journal Heart last month , found that those who consumed about 820 mg of calcium a day had a 31 % lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed much less .

  28. 血清免疫球蛋白水平:IgA型,多发性骨髓瘤(MM)的IgA中位数为2200毫克/分升;

    The serum levels of immunoglobulin were : me-dian value of IgA > 2,000 mg dl ~ ( - 1 ) in IgA type of multiple myeloma ( MM );

  29. 添加水平达2822毫克/千克,增加肝铜(P0.01)而降低骨灰镁浓度(P0.05或0.01)。

    Over & dose supplementation of 2822 mg / kg Mn increased liver Cu con - centration ( p0.01 ) but reduced bone ash Mg concentration ( p0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  30. 0.03毫克/千克含有LD/50,是莫哈维响尾蛇毒性的10倍,是常见眼镜蛇毒性的50倍以上。

    With an LD / 50 of 0.03mg/kg , it is 10 times as venomous as the Mojave Rattlesnake , and 50 times more than the common Cobra .