
  1. 应用因相ELISA技术,对河南省新乡等6市(县)参加围产期保健的4126名孕妇进行了布鲁氏菌病血清IgG抗体检测,其阳性率为0.92%。

    4126 pregnant women joined perinatal health care from six cities and counties in Henan were examined for the IgG of anti-brucella using the solid phase ELISA technique . The positive rate was 0 . 92 % .

  2. 内外因相结合导致储层严重伤害。

    Internal and external factors cause together serious injury of reservoir .

  3. 提出了一种新的最小二乘迭代算法,能有效消除因相移器存在导向误差面使相移平面倾斜从而导致的相移误差。

    A new algorithm by iterative least squares fitting in phase shifting interferometry is presented .

  4. 唐以后直至清末变法前,容隐制度代代相因相承,损益甚微。

    Tang Dynasty until the Qing Dynasty before the Reform , Concealment System for each other from generation to generation , profit and loss is minimal .

  5. 这就要求我们在观察分析问题时既要看到内因,又要看到外因,坚持内外因相结合的观点。

    This requires us to analyze problems in the watch to see inside , see the external , adhere to internal and external factors combined view .

  6. 升高温度,相间距因相分离速度加快而增大,同时由于全氟碳链端基引起的差异减小。

    As the temperature increased , the larger periodic distance resulting from the higher phase separation rate and the difference between the two systems caused by fluorocarbon terminated chain became smaller .

  7. 结果①13例初诊病例中,9例染色体G显带检测t(15;17)阳性,2例阴性,2例因分裂相缺乏无法分析结果,阳性检出率为9/13(692%);

    Results ① Among the 13 cases at initial diagnosis , 9 cases were found to have positive t ( 5 ; 17 ), 2 had no chromosomal G-banding and another 2 failed to analyze for absence of metaphase .

  8. 因多相流动中汽液速度差而造成相积存(Holdup)是深冷混合工质节流制冷系统中混合物浓度偏析的一个重要因素。

    The phase holdup caused by the velocity difference in the two-phase flow is one of the most important reasons for the composition shift of multicomponent mixtures .

  9. 巴布亚新几内亚“Fore”族人在20世纪中期流行的库鲁病很好地说明了这一点,他们因同类相食,产生了退化性和致命性的脑疾病。

    The Fore people of Papua New Guinea showed us as much in the mid-20th century when their tribe suffered through an epidemic of Kuru - a degenerative and fatal brain disease spread by eating other humans .

  10. Chesterman把翻译与模因论相结合,并认为,翻译模因论的三个核心概念是价值模因、规范模因、策略模因。

    Chesterman combines it with translation and proposes translation memetics . Chesterman holds that the core concepts of translation memetics are value memes , norm memes and strategy memes .

  11. 地震反演表明是因沉积相带发生变化。

    The seismic inversions indicate the sedimentary face has changed .

  12. 开关磁阻电机存在因换相、扰动等引起的转矩脉动问题。

    There exist torque ripple problems caused by phase change and disturbance in use of the switch reluctance motor .

  13. 通过最佳换相点控制可以在整个速度范围内减少因换相过程造成的转矩下降。

    The commutation torque decrease phenomenon can be restrained by the best commutation phase point control on the whole speed range .

  14. 分析了井下局扇风机烧毁的原因,提出了仅改动一根线,即可解决井下局扇风机因断相而烧损问题的方法。

    And the methods of solving the burning problems caused by breaking phase are provided , which is only changing one circuit .

  15. 因气液相负荷分布特殊,回收塔可采用填料塔代替浮阀塔;

    Owing to the particular capacity distribution between the ' gas and liquid phases in the recovery tower , floating valve trays should be displaced with tower packings ;

  16. 因此,宏观上基本原则和基本关系的调整与微观上主要能力和重点问题的因应相结合的完善模式是较为合理的。

    Therefore , the combination of the adjustment of basic principles and basic macro on the macro level and adjustment of the main ability and key problems on the micro level is relatively reasonable .

  17. 我国罪名变更制度的建构,应当立足于我国特有的法文化传承和法治土壤,应当建立以四要件犯罪构成模式为基石并与诉因制度相整合的诉因制度本土化模式。

    The authors hold that the judicial program for our legal institution of imputation change should be based on our own legal culture , legal system , and the four-crime-elements , and then conform to the system of counts .

  18. 致密天然气层主要因液相(水与原油)聚集而损害渗透率,损害程度与储集层渗透率、界面张力、表面润湿性、初始含水饱和度的关系极为密切;

    The permeability of tight gas reservoirs is seriously reduced because of the aqueous phase trapping ( water and oil ), and the damage extent is closely related to permeability of the reservoir , interface tension , surface wettability and initial water saturation .

  19. 在美国,台球因和赌博相联系,名声仍受到质疑。

    In America , billiards had a questionable reputation because of its association with gambling .

  20. 法建立新的小,因已有一相同名的小。

    Could not create new team because there is already a team with that name .

  21. 正因如此,相较于学习快、肤浅的学生而言,我更喜欢学习慢但深思熟虑的学生。

    As such , I would prefer a slow , thoughtful student to a fast , superficial one .

  22. 因交互式分割相较于自动分割能达到更准确的结果,已逐渐成为了图像分割中流行的方法。

    Because interactive segmentation can achieve more accuracy result comparing with automatic method , it becomes more and more popular .

  23. 具有多重微结构层次的聚合物体系可因小的相尺寸、组成、外场或其它因素而呈现亚稳态。

    Polymeric materials , with their various hierarchies of microstructure , may have metastable states present due to small phase size , composition , external fields and other causes .

  24. 在电流换相时,当换相电流的上升速率与下降速率不相等,模糊电流滞环控制器起作用保持回路总电流不变,从而抑制因电流换相而引起的转矩波动。

    During the phase conversion , if the rise velocity of one phase current is not equal to the fall velocity of another one , the fuzzy current hysteretic controller will run to keep the total current amplitude unchanged in the circuit , which can restrain the torque ripples .

  25. 第四部分论述了唐婚姻终止的问题,其中在婚姻终止的法定条件这个小问题中还探及了夫妻彼此因情不相得导致离婚的和离情况。

    The fourth section discusses the issue of termination of the Tang marriage , which the statutory conditions for termination of the marriage , this small problem between husband and wife is also a result of exploration and " Love can not get each other " cause for divorce .

  26. 针对自由轴法RLC测量中因使用模拟鉴相器导致测量精度低的问题,提出采用一种基于数字鉴相的测量方法。

    To free-axis RLC measuring lower precision caused by adopting analog phase discriminator , a measuring method based on digital phase discriminator is adopted .

  27. 将军手下的人马因长期艰苦而相断病倒,因此他下令中止对该城的围攻。

    The general 's own men were falling sick through continued hardship , so he gave the order to raise the siege on the beleaguered city .

  28. 当三相异步电动机正常运行时因某种原因一相绕组烧毁,通过对剩下二相绕组重新组合的3种方法进行分析,发现其中二相零接法在适当降低负载功率情况下,电机可连续运行。

    By analyzing the three ways that recombine the rest two phases windings while one of the three-phase asynchronous motors is burnt down under the normal condition , the two-phase-zero connect is proved to be effective in making the motor work continually when load power is decreased suitably .

  29. 因该制剂结晶极细微致吸收速率增大,又因甘油为分散相,滞留患部时间长,用于口腔疾病可延长药物作用时间。

    Crystal of this saspension is very fine , so the absorption rate increased and using glycerin as a dispersion phase , that the retention and action time is longer to deposit in ill area of oral cavity .