
  • 网络Factor Theorem
  1. 本文利用高等代数的因式定理理论和行列式理论,给出了轮换对称函数的因式分解方法。

    By using the theory of factor theorem and determinant in higher Alge-bra , the factorization method of Circulant Symmetric function is given .

  2. 本文指出:不相关高斯输入情况下,无需如上简化,可依据高斯阶矩因式分解定理得到确切的MSE收敛条件,相应的失调表式能更准确地预报失调。

    In fact , for uncorrelated Gaussian input , the accurate necessary and sufficient conditions for the convergence of the MSE can be obtained by Gaussian moment factoring theorem , and the accurate misadjustment can be predicted by the corresponding misadjustment expression .

  3. 图的伴随多项式的两个因式分解定理及其应用

    Two Factorization Theorems of Adjoint Polynomials of Graphs with Application

  4. 给出四元数体上λ多项式的线性因式分解定理和四元数体上方阵的特征矩阵主法式的存在唯一性定理。

    Over quaternionic field , the theorem about the linear factorization of λ - polynomials and theorem about the existence and uniqueness of the main normal form of an eigenmatrix are given .

  5. 随着软件可靠性评估技术的发展,形成了许多关于分布式软件可靠性评估的理论和方法,其中大部分是基于图论,利用K-端点网络因式分解定理进行评估。

    With the development of the technology of software reliability evaluation , some theories and methods about the distributed software reliability evaluation are founded . However , most of them are based on the theory of graph and evaluate the distributed software reliability by using K-terminal factoring theorem .