
  • 网络Reversed;Antiphrasis
  1. 然后你就可以反用枪指着我了?

    So you can point a gun at me ?

  2. 朝鲜著名作家柳梦寅热爱中国传统文化,熟悉其中的各类语典和事典,并以正用、反用、明用、暗用、单用、叠用等各种形式将这些典故引入自己的散文。

    Liu Mengyin was a Korean famous writer , he loved Chinese culture and accumulated many Chinese culture words and stories and put them in his prose by all kinds of ways .

  3. 为提高供水水质,节约反冲洗用水量,胜利油田供水公司辛安水厂将虹吸滤池改造为气水反冲洗V型滤池。

    In order to improve drinking water quality and minimize water consumption during backwashing , the siphon filter was modified to V-shape air-water backwashing filter in Xin ' an Waterworks of Water Supply Corporation in Shengli Oil Field .

  4. 新型反应性反革用聚氨酯乳液的生产和应用

    Production and Application of New Reactive Polyurethane Emulsions for Leather Industry

  5. 一种烟火型反鱼雷用声纳诱饵剂技术

    A Pyrotechnical - type Anti - torpedo Decoy Technology

  6. 指示语的反先用现象常由指示信息的缺损、言语参与者的心理活动等因素造成。

    Third , anti-pre-emptiveness of deixis results from such factors as lack of deictic information , psychological activities of participants in speech event and so on .

  7. 反通货紧缩用货币量的单纯扩张不能解决问题,重点应当放在调整货币分布结构上;

    The goal of anti deflation can not be reached by unilaterally expanding money circulation , but should be based on the adjustment of monetary structure .

  8. 然后基于网络并行环境中并行算法的设计原则,结合遗传算法的并行性,对融合了噪音干扰的陶瓷/金属材料热物性反问题用正则化方法进行数值求解。

    According to parallel algorithm design principles of the network computing , and fully exploring the parallelizable characteristics of the genetic algorithms , an inverse heat conduction problem of the ceramic / metal combined material has been solved with a specially designed regularization method .

  9. 用F-Scan系统进行动态足底压测量,Kistler床反力平台用以校正测量精确性。

    Foot pressures during gait were measured using the F Scan program . The kistler force plate was employed for the accuracy .

  10. 硝化和反硝化所用微生物为活性污泥。

    An activated sludge is as microorganism for nitrification and denitrification .

  11. 反渗透膜壳用中温环氧树脂研究

    An Epoxy Matrix with Middle Temperature Curing Used in Pressure Vessel for Reverse Osmosis

  12. 反渗透膜用阻垢剂的实验室评价

    Laboratory evaluation of RO scale inhibitor

  13. 混凝-沉淀法处理炼油循环水旁滤器反冲水回用研究

    Research of reusing filter backwashing water to the circulating cooling water system of refinery with flocculation-sedimentation method

  14. 最小熵反褶积用最小抑菌浓度表征了抗菌剂的抗菌性能。

    MINIMUM ENTROPY DECONVOLUTION The antibacterial property of AgZ was characterized by minimum inhibition concentration ( MIC ) .

  15. 社会的进步和发展,总是安危相随、泰否相因,始终都是“反交为用”的。

    In the development of society , security is accompanied by danger and bliss is accompanied by misfortune .

  16. 并且反在当用长媒体时也亡反在良长误区,出无能开理当用信做技巧。

    And also exist a lot of mistake areas while use multimedia , can 't reasonable usage information technique .

  17. 反模式:用一台资源有限的工作站执行构建,导致构建时间太长。

    Anti-pattern : A workstation with limited resources is used as the build machine , leading to lengthy build times .

  18. 本实用新型涉及一种体外反搏治疗用囊套。

    The utility model relates to a bag used for external counterpulsation treatment , comprising a bag body and a fixing piece .

  19. 冰爪有时用来做反平衡或用脚后跟钩在冰柱上,或者放进冰上的小孔内。

    The crampon can also be used for counter balance or by hooking with the heel behind icicles or in holes in the ice .

  20. 和灭体解构造出无续粗开,收生了长个功能特征开亮的女体解,并反在当用功能方里降出了信做采集、数据剖析和管理预测等综开需供。

    The system is partitioned to a number of functional sub-systems and is proposed to have functions such as information collection , data analysis and management forecast .

  21. 采用超滤和反渗透联用(双膜法)的小型水处理装置处理苦咸水可以降低其含盐量、有机污染物等,而且结构紧凑、不需药剂,对环境没有二次污染。

    A mini water treatment using ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis can remove the TDS and organic compound etc , and it does not need medicament and has no second-pollution .

  22. 本文提出了势论反问题以及用边界元法求解势论反问题的方法,并通过算例验证了方法的可行性。

    The inversive potential problems and its solution by the boundary element method is proposed in the lecture , which is proved in solving some examples of inversive heat transfer questions .

  23. 正确计算轴承套外加阻尼和弹性元件的转子系统轴承处的动反力,用以选择合适的外加阻尼和弹性元件,以提高系统的稳定性。

    Correctly calculated bearing dynamic reaction of bushing with a rotor system composed of external damping and resilience instruments and improved the stabilization of system by choosing suitable external damping and resilience instruments .

  24. 方法选2010名新生儿的脐血标本,用微柱凝胶血型卡进行正定型,用试管法和纸片法做反定型,用微柱凝胶技术选择异型血与脐血进行交叉配血。

    Methods Blood group typing by micro-column gel agglutination assay ( MGAA ) and reversed typing by tube test or slip test on the selected 2 010 cord blood samples from the neonates .

  25. 针对反步法可以用一个控制项来完成控制,以及滑模变结构控制的鲁棒性好、实现简单等优点,提出一种反步变结构方法实现两个多涡卷混沌系统的同步和参数估计。

    According to the advantage of backstepping that only one controller needed and sliding-mode control is robust and simple realization , a backstepping sliding-mode control method is proposed to realize synchronization and parameters identification of uncertain multi-scroll chaotic system .

  26. 对一建在软基上底板有齿坎的水闸进行原型试验,测试不同工况下底板的地基反力,用有限元法计算相应的地基反力。

    The subgrade reacting force in different stages through construction period is measured by in-site testing of a real sluice with tenons under the foundation mat , the corresponding subgrade reacting force is worked out by FEM ( finite element method ) .

  27. 目的探讨二尖瓣狭窄伴反流的患者用压差减半时间(PHT)法测量二尖瓣口面积的应用价值。

    Objective To explore the clinical application of pressure half-time ( PHT ) method on rheumatic mitral stenosis coexisting mitral regurgitation .

  28. PAM在滤池反冲洗水回用中混凝效果的试验研究

    Experimental research into coagulation effect of PAM in recycling filter backwash water Test and Analysis on Turbidity Degree of Backwash Water to Filtering Media during the Plain Sedimentation and Coagulation Sedimentation

  29. bcr3/abl2和c-myb基因反义寡核苷酸联用对慢性髓细胞白血病的作用

    The synergistic effects of bcr3 / abl2 and c - myb antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on chronic myeloid leukemia

  30. 在研制得到了高活性和高选择性Pt/Al2O3催化剂的基础上,采用微反-色谱联用装置考察了气相苯加氢反应的动力学。

    The kinetics of benzene hydrogenation reaction in gas phase on Pt / Al_2O_3 was investigated by using micro-reactor-chromatograph . The catalysts ( Pt / Al_2O_3 ) which possess high activity and selectivity were prepared in our laboratory .