
  • 网络antibaryon
  1. 200AGev硫打原子核反应中奇异压低的约化和奇异反重子产生

    Reduction of Strangeness Suppression and Strange Antibaryon Production in Sulphur-Nucleus Collisions at 200A GeV

  2. 两种色联接下的重子介子比及重子反重子关联

    Ratio of Baryon to Meson and Baryon Antibaryon Correlation in e ~ + e ~ - Annihilation under Two Kinds of Color Connections

  3. 宇宙中的光子数、重子数、及反重子数

    The number of photons , baryons and antibaryons in the universe

  4. 重子-反重子系统的么正对称性

    Unitary symmetry in BARYON-ANTIBARYON systems

  5. 有一个重子消失就有另一个重子出现的说法是不够完善的,因为它没有把反重子算进去。

    The statement that for every baryon that disappears another baryon appears is incomplete because it leaves antibaryons out of the reckoning .

  6. 在任意亚原子结构中的重子数和反重子数之差;在各种粒子的相互作用中守恒。

    A number equal to the difference between the number of baryons and the number of antibaryons in any subatomic structure ; it is conserved in all types of particle interactions .

  7. 第四章给定净重子密度和净奇异子密度,利用牛顿迭代法反求重子化学势和奇异子化学势,并分析它们之间的关系。

    In Chapter 4 after the net baryon density and the net strangeness density are given , chemical potentials of baryon and strange particle are reversely calculated by NIM .