
  • 网络Reflection system;Reflex System;catoptrical system
  1. 本文运用现代网络理论和计算机辅助设计(CAD)对非线性的颈动脉窦压力感受器反射系统进行模拟。

    In this study , a nonlinear carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex system was modulated by a high-order electronic network by means of computer-aided design ( CAD ) .

  2. 颈动脉窦压力感受器反射系统的模拟电路及计算机辅助设计

    An electronic model of computer-aided design for carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex system

  3. 利用反射系统无色差的特性,采用了Schwarzschild结构设计了激光显微操纵器物镜。

    Using the achromatism characteristic of reflecting system , we has used the Schwarzschild structural to design the objective lens of laser micromanipulator .

  4. 偏视场用三反射系统的一次杂光问题研究

    Study on Stray-light of the Three-mirror Optical System Used in Field Bias

  5. 你的反射系统还正常真是太好了

    Well , I 'm glad to know that your reflexes still work .

  6. 离轴椭球面反射系统的设计

    Design of Non-coaxial Ellipsoid Reflective System

  7. 会聚光路中平面反射系统微量转动对象点的影响

    The Effect of Minute Rotation of Plane Reflecting System on The Point Image in the Path of Convergent Rays

  8. 阐述了离轴椭球面反射系统的设计方法,并提出改进设计的意见。

    His paper explicates the designing method of a non-coaxial ellipsoid reflective system , and presents opinion of improvement design .

  9. 在薄透镜焦距测定实验的基础上,进一步讨论了折射反射系统成像的规律。

    On the basis of thin-lens focal length measurement experiment , the imaging law of refraction-reflection system was further studied .

  10. 二次曲面的反射系统只有一对理想共轭点,在傍轴条件下,有一对准共轭区。

    Quadric reflectors have only one pair ideal conjugate pointses , and axial mirror have a pair of approximately conjugate area .

  11. 文中详细地分析了光路反射系统的组成,以半五角棱镜作为最终成像装置。

    The composition the optical reflector system is analyzed in detail , eventually a half pentagonal prism is taken to be the imaging devices .

  12. 反射系统具有体积小、重量轻成像性能优良等特点,在航天遥感中具有重要的应用潜力。

    Reflective optical systems have small size , light weight and excellent imaging performance , which makes it very popular in space remote sensing systems .

  13. 三镜反射系统具有高反射率,对波长偏移是不灵敏的,可用于一个较大的波长范围。

    A three-mirror reflection system , with high reflectivity , is insensitive for the wavelength deviation so can be used for a biger wavelength range .

  14. 结果表明,三角形反射系统运行轨迹对初始条件不敏感,它既不收敛也不发散。

    A conclusion is obtained that the trajectory in triangular billiard has no sensitive dependence on the initial conditions , it is neither convergent nor divergent .

  15. 首先,本文分析了软件自调节应用的理论基础,然后运用反射系统技术建立了基于软件行为监控的软件自调节模型,该模型可以提高软件系统的灵活性,使系统较好地适应环境变化和需求变化。

    Then in the use of reflective system , a software self-tuning model based on software behavior monitoring is created . This model can improve the flexibility of the software systems .

  16. 现代大口径远距离反射系统发展迅速,无论是航空航天,还是日产应用都是不可或缺的一部分。

    In modern time , the rapidly development of large diameter remote reflection system , it becomes an essential part of no matter in aerospace , but also in daily made .

  17. 利用所得同轴有孔反射系统的光学表面参数,对聚焦后的光束轮廓做了计算。

    With the help of the parameters of optical surface of the reflection system with coaxial and having hole , the intensity profile of focused laser beams have been numerically calculated .

  18. 光机扫描是用机械装置带动其反射系统旋转以实现激光光束的扫描,其原理简单,扫描范围大,但机械系统存在机构精度差、稳定性较难控制等问题。

    The rule is easy , sweep range greatly , yet the problem is that the machine system is the bad accuracy and the stability is harder domination and so on .

  19. 针对显示、摄像、激光等经常使用反射系统的领域设计了一种薄膜反射滤光片,可以实现高的峰值反射率、窄的带宽及高的截止深度。

    A novel thin film reflection filter with hight peak reflectance , narrow bandwidth and deep cutoff is designed for display , colorful , special photography , laser and some other fields which are inclined to reflection system .

  20. 1双球面反射系统的计算概要;一些几何象差和光学传递函数的计算结果。

    In this paper , the general designing project of this machine , the calculation of 1 : 1 dual spherical reflection system and some results of geometric aberration and optical transfer function ( OTF ) are described .

  21. 针对此问题,本论文报道基于频分复用探测的相干光时域反射系统在提升测量动态范围和降低探测曲线衰落噪声方面取得的进展。

    As to this problem , this dissertation reports the progress that has been made on improving the dynamic range and reducing fading noise of detected trace by frequency division multiplexing probe based coherent optical time domain reflectometry ( FDM-COTDR ) .

  22. 同时,还按照所确立的科学分类方法,对平面反射系统进行了深入的归类分析研究,从而揭示出平面反射系统成像的普遍规律和各类反射系统的特殊规律。

    Meanwhile , the thorough classifications , analyses and researches have been made on the plane reflecting system according to the established scientific classified method . Thus the general laws of plane reflecting system and special laws of all sorts of reflecting systems are revealed .

  23. 国内外空间光学系统总的发展趋势是向着长焦距、大视场、轻重量、小外形尺寸、大相对孔径、高成像质量方向发展,这使得人们对反射系统设计的兴趣日益增加。

    The developing trend of the space optical system throughout the world is towards long focal length , broad view field , small dimension , great relative aperture , light weight and high resolution imaging , that increase the interest of scientists on reflective system designing .

  24. 大口径长焦距平行光管由于口径大、焦距长,一般采用反射系统,但是通常的反射系统往往有中心遮拦,要避免中心遮拦,最容易想到的就是采用离轴抛物面镜。

    Because the diameter is large and the focal length is long , this kind of collimator mostly uses reflective system , but usually this kind of system always has central obscuration . To avoid this situation , the off-axis parabolic mirror is the most easy way to use .

  25. X波段单六端口反射计系统

    X-band single six - port reflectometer system

  26. 小轻型CCD遥感相机全反射光学系统设计

    Design of a Compact All-Reflective Optical System for a CCD Remote Sensing Camera

  27. 椭圆光孔上的Fraunhofer衍射图样X光掠入射平面反射镜系统的制备

    Fraunhofer Diffraction Diagram on an Ellipse Aperture Manufacturing Technology of an X-ray Grazing Mirror System

  28. 根据大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面系统的要求,引入一种新颖轻巧的反射面支承结构方案&张拉整体体系。

    According to the requirements of the five hundred meter aperture spherical telescope ( FAST ) project , a novel , simple and light structure , tensegrity system , is proposed for the FAST reflector supporting structure .

  29. 主要研究内容和成果综述如下:在微Schwarzschild物镜系统的设计方面,首先通过对不同结构的双反射镜系统的分析,提出了适合MEMS工艺制作的双反射镜系统结构。

    The main contents and results are summarized as follows : A micro-Schwarzschild objective design is proposed for MEMS fabrication by the discussion on various two-mirror configurations .

  30. 离轴三反射光学系统(TMA),由于在设计、加工和检测等方面的制约,长期以来其快速发展一直受到限制。

    The development of the optical system of the off-axial three-mirror-anastigmat ( TMA ) has been restricted for a long time by the current design level , and the difficulties in manufacture and test .