
  • 网络contrariety;Subcontraries;subcontrary
  1. 而不相容关系则有矛盾关系和反对关系。

    The exclusion relation contains contradictory relation and contrary relation .

  2. 结论如下:体育事业与体育产业是具有反对关系的概念,二者是体育业这一属概念之下的同级种概念。

    The conclusion is as follows : sports career and sports industry are concepts with opposite relations ; They belong to sports category and at the same level ;

  3. 关于自反、传递与反对称关系的注记

    Notes on reflexive 、 transitive 、 antisymmetric relations

  4. 犯罪是是反社会的行为,是孤立的个人反对统治关系的斗争,是蔑视社会秩序的最明显最极端的表现,刑罚不外是社会对付违犯它的生存条件的行为的一种自卫手段。

    Crimes are anti-social actions , are struggles between individual person and the government are actions despising the social order , so penalty is only the self-defense means for the social and the state to tackle the actions which damage her living conditions .

  5. 虽然120名国会议员中有几名离开了仪式,但是这点反对在两国关系的特别热情中暗然失色。

    Several of the120 parliamentarians skipped the ceremony , but the protest was overshadowed by the extraordinary warmth of the relationship .

  6. 倡导以和平方式解决国际争端,反对在国家关系中诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。

    Advocate the settlement of international disputes through peaceful means . And oppose the threat or use of force in international relations .

  7. 主张人道价值论的也不全然反对主客体关系价值的存在,而只反对把人理解成纯粹经验的存在,希望从人本身树立起能够代表人类尊严的超经验的价值标准。

    The latter are not completely against the existence of the former , but only against the understanding of man as existence of experience , and therefore attempts to set up a standard of value that can represent human dignity and super-experience .

  8. 意大利国际贸易部长爱玛波尼诺(emmabonino)反对在人们认为关系国家或战略利益的公司中设立由欧洲政府控制的“黄金股”,称这种想法“在原则上无法接受”,在实践中更不可行。

    Emma Bonino , Minister for international trade , opposed the idea of establishing European government-controlled " golden shares " of companies seen as of national or strategic interest as " unacceptable in principle " and , moreover , impracticable .

  9. 金牛座的家人也许会反对再婚和新关系的产生。

    Taurus sun sign born family members might oppose decision of remarriage or a new relationship .

  10. 不过澳大利亚前副总理比兹利并不认为公众舆论开始反对美澳盟友关系了。

    However , former Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley does not think that public opinion here has turned against the U.S. alliance .

  11. 机会主义有两种,一种是慢机会主义,一种是急机会主义。反对割裂两者辩证关系的形而上学和左右倾机会主义;

    There are two kinds of opportunism , being slow and being hasty . opposes metaphysics and " Left " and Right opportunism ;

  12. 中国有关部门坚决反对美国参议院外交关系委员会通过的《2021战略竞争法案》。

    Chinese authorities have expressed firm opposition to the passing of the Strategic Competition Act of 2021 by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations .

  13. 马克思的哲学革命反对把主客体关系作为哲学基本问题;

    The essential point of the Marxist philosophical revolution is opposed to taking the relationship between the subject and the object as the fundamental problem ;

  14. 摘录还透露出这对鸳鸯的家人是如此的不幸——茂文的父亲因反对这一婚姻关系而疏远儿子,柳德米拉的父亲因客死古拉格(劳动改造营总管理局)而永别爱女——以致双方似乎可如此恰好地相偎相依。

    They also show how the couple 's unhappy families - Mervyn 's father is absent because he disliked his relations , Lyudmila 's because he died in the Gulag - made them seem to match each other so neatly .