
  • 网络Dystopian;Dystopia;anti-utopia
  1. 偶尔,逃离反乌托邦可能可以用时光旅行或改变历史达成。

    Occasionally , the escape from dystopia is made possible by time travel and changing history .

  2. 主角的能力不仅能推翻这个社会,更能推翻一个典型反乌托邦拥有牢不可破的力量。

    The ability of the protagonists to subvert the society also subverts the monolithic power typical of a dystopia .

  3. 此外还有艾米莉·圣约翰·曼德尔(EmilySt.JohnMandel)的反乌托邦小说《11站》(StationEleven);

    Emily St. John Mandel 's dystopian novel " Station Eleven " ;

  4. 在赫胥黎1932年的小说《美丽新世界》(BraveNewWorld)中,生活在那个反乌托邦未来世界中的阿尔法、贝塔和其他种姓的人类手头常备一种名叫“苏麻”的万能灵药,只要一点点就可以驱散生活中的阴霾。

    In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .

  5. 1984年的科学发明是日新月异的,而科学界最具开创性的时刻与乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)的著名反乌托邦科幻小说无关。

    Science was forever changed in 1984 , and the groundbreaking moment had nothing to do with George Orwell 's famous sci-fi dystopia .

  6. 现今Brown因嘲弄“反乌托邦记者”和“下滑主义者”仍耀眼于政坛,“下滑主义者”顽固的认为加州现今不足3800万的人口在2030年将无法达到5000万;

    Today Mr Brown still sparkles as he mocks the " dystopian journalists " and " declinists " who obstinately fail to see that California 's population will grow from just under 38m now to about 50m in 2030 ;

  7. 关注两位主演JenniferLawrence和JoshHutcherson,在这本反乌托邦式的小说里将会上演一场在生死挣扎中激发出的爱的盛典。

    Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson , it 's a dystopian book with a love story between two contestants in a barbaric battle to the death .

  8. 在反乌托邦电影《饥饿游戏》(HungerGames)的最新一部里,有个很聪明的片段,片中打破边界的男性气质女神凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(KatnissEverdeen)出演一个政治宣传录像。

    There 's a clever bit in the latest " Hunger Games " in which Katniss Everdeen , the boundary-smashing butch goddess of dystopian cinema , acts in a propaganda video .

  9. 该片是《饥饿游戏》系列电影的第三部,讲述了一个反抗专制政权的反乌托邦故事,由詹妮弗·劳伦斯(JenniferLawrence)、乔什·哈切森(JoshHutcherson)和利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯(LiamHemsworth)主演。

    It is unclear when it was decided to delay the release of the third installment of the franchise , which stars Jennifer Lawrence , Josh Hutcherson , and Liam Hemsworth in a dystopian tale of rebellion against a tyrannical state .

  10. 理想与现实&乌托邦与反乌托邦作品中人性的揭示

    Dream and Reality Human Nature Reflected in Utopian and Anti-Utopian Works

  11. 第三部分:探索小说反映的女性成长的反乌托邦思想。

    Part ⅲ: Exploring anti-utopian thinking in women ' growth .

  12. 这部反乌托邦的电视剧根据玛格丽特·阿特伍德的经典小说改编。

    The dystopian drama is based on the classic Margaret Atwood novel .

  13. 揭示事物联系;反面乌托邦与反乌托邦

    Discovering the relation of things ; Dystopia and Anti-utopia

  14. 技术统治与生态灾难:试析反乌托邦生态小说《羚羊与秧鸡》

    Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;

  15. 他们笔下的乌托邦是颠倒扭曲的乌托邦,即反乌托邦。

    The future society they visualize is reversed and distorted , an anti-utopia .

  16. 中国当代文学中的反乌托邦寓言的创作始于王小波。

    The writing of contemporary dystopian allegory in China started from Wang Xiaobo .

  17. 这两部影片都属于反乌托邦式科幻电影。

    Both movies belong to the dystopian sci-fi genre .

  18. 早期的科幻小说大多是反乌托邦式的。

    These early novels were dystopian rather than utopian .

  19. 《移魂都市》这座令人困惑的反乌托邦都市,更像是一场噩梦而不是现实。

    A confusing dystopian urban metropolis , Dark City is more nightmare than reality .

  20. 正像负面新闻更容易引人关注,许多反乌托邦作品也都大获成功。

    Just as bad news grabs more attention , many dystopian works are immensely successful .

  21. 反乌托邦思想的出现是现代性的必然结果。

    The rise of the anti - utopia thoughts is the inevitable consequence of modernity .

  22. 问:那才是一部反乌托邦小说!

    Q. That 's a dystopian novel !

  23. 而进入19世纪,乌托邦主题开始向反乌托邦主题演变。

    Entering nineteen century , Utopia theme is gradually shifting toward anti - Utopia theme .

  24. 破译《夜猎》的反乌托邦密码

    Decoding the Counter-Utopia in Night Hunts

  25. 另外,反乌托邦小说的一个重要作用就是警示。

    In addition , one of the most remarkable functions of the dystopian novels is warning .

  26. 近来,面向儿童、青少年群体的现代反乌托邦小说大量涌现出来。

    Recently there has been a flood of modern dystopian fiction for children and young adults .

  27. 这些故事在古典反乌托邦作品里形成一种绝望感,例如1984。

    This narrative arc to a sense of hopelessness in such classic dystopian works as Nineteen Eighty-Four .

  28. 已经过时的二元对立的结构模式,造成他的反乌托邦小说的根本缺陷。

    The obsolete dual opposition structure results in the essential flaws in his counter - Utopian novels .

  29. 论20世纪英语反乌托邦文学之思想意蕴及反讽艺术

    On the Contained Significance and Art of Irony of 20 ~ ( th ) Century English Anti-Utopian Literature

  30. 这本已经售出350万册的图书,或许可以划入反乌托邦非虚构类。

    The book , which has sold 3.5 million copies , could perhaps be classified as dystopian nonfiction .