
  • 网络Young Hegelian;Der junge Hegel
  1. 《博士论文》是马克思的青年黑格尔派时期的代表作,是青年马克思哲学研究的最初的重要成果。

    Marx 's doctorate dissertation is the masterpiece during his Young Hegelian period , and one of his initiative important achievements as a young philosopher .

  2. 那么早年的马克思如何继承了青年黑格尔派的思想呢?

    So young Marx how to inherit the Young Hegelians ' thought ?

  3. 路德维希费尔巴哈(1804-72)是最重要的青年黑格尔派。

    Ludwig Feuerbach ( 1804-72 ) was the most important of the Young Hegelians .

  4. 维滕堡公国的宗教政治环境与青年黑格尔的志向

    The Religious and Political Environment of Dukedom of Wurttemberg and the Inclinations of Young Hegel

  5. 卢卡奇创作《青年黑格尔》是其思想发展的一个内在要求。

    It was an intrinsic need in the development of thought for Lukas to write The Young Hegel .

  6. 马克思恩格斯经过共同批判青年黑格尔派,把人与社会的关系全面推向历史。

    After Marx and Engels criticized Young Hegelians , The relation of man and society began to go into history .

  7. 从政治学与哲学相结合的角度来看,青年黑格尔派只应算作是一个学派,而不是严格意义上的政党。

    From the viewpoint of the combination of politics and philosophy , we argue that Youthful Hegel School is not a party properly but a school .

  8. 较为详细地阐述了马克思与青年黑格尔派的关系和青年黑格尔派社会历史观对马克思创建唯物史观的启示或影响。

    A more detailed description of the relationship between the young Hegelians and Marx and some inspirations to historical materialism of Marxist form young Hegelians social history .

  9. 《神圣家族》是一部论战性的著作,马克思恩格斯通过批判青年黑格尔派的思辨哲学,构建新哲学。

    The Holy Family is an argument work in which Max and Engels constructed new philosophy through the criticizing of the young Hegel parties ' speculative philosophy .

  10. 其中客观条件主要包括欧洲启蒙运动批判传统和空想社会主义批判精神的影响、德国古典哲学批判思想的影响及青年黑格尔派批判理论的影响。

    The objective condition includes European enlightenment criticizing traditions , the Utopian socialism critical spirit , German classical philosophy critical spirit , and Youth Hegelians critical spirit .

  11. 首先,他在从青年黑格尔派转向费尔巴哈派时,就以看待世界的不同角度开始孕育对费尔巴哈的超越;

    First of all , when he changed from the Youth Hegel School to Feuerbach School , his different view on the world breeds his transcendence over Feuerbach .

  12. 在《神圣家族》中,马克思主要是批判青年黑格尔派的自我意识哲学以论证人民为主体。

    In the " Holy Family ", Marx criticizes the philosophy of self awareness of the young Hagel School in order to demonstrate the idea of people as masters .

  13. 通过对青年黑格尔派自由观及理性主义自由思想的批判和清算,将自由的主体由思的精神转变为现实思者。

    Through the youth Hegel freedom and rationalism freedom of thought , freedom of criticism and liquidation by thinking of subject to the spirit of the real thinking transformation .

  14. 自笛卡尔的我思故我在诞生以来,经过康德、费希特以及青年黑格尔的发展,主体理论达至顶峰。

    Since Descartes " I think therefore I am " emerged , through the development of Kant , Fichte and Young Hegel , the theory was up to the mountaintop .

  15. 《博士论文》承袭了古希腊以来的理性主义传统,它所反应出来的文化观是黑格尔基本立场的同时又具有鲜明青年黑格尔派理论色彩的以自我意识为本体的理性主义文化观。

    The cultural view that it reflected is on the basic stance of Hegel and has Young Hegelians distinctive color theory of self-consciousness of cultural identity of the rationalist view .

  16. 理论渊源主要是从唯理论和经验论,黑格尔宗教批判理论和青年黑格尔派三个方面进行阐述,这些理论与马克思宗教批判理论的形成有着不可分割的联系。

    The origin is discussed from three parts : the rationalism and empiricism , Hegel religious critical theory and young Hegelians . The three parts are indispensable from the formation of Marxist religious criticism theory .

  17. 马克思恩格斯一生的理论实践充满强烈的批判精神,文化批判是其批判精神的有机组成部分,主要体现在对反动的浪漫主义、青年黑格尔派和真正的社会主义的批判上。

    The lifelong theoretical practice of Marx and Engels was imbued with critical spirit of which cultural critique was an integral part , as represented in critique of " reactionary romanticism ", " young Hegelians ", and " real socialism " .