
  • 网络contrary;inverse relation;reverse relations
  1. 基于MBR主方向关系的反关系的研究

    A Study on Inverse Relation of Cardinal Direction Relation for MBR

  2. 应用经典的Lagrange级数反演公式,本文建立了构造一维互反关系的一般方法。

    By using the classical Lagrange 's expansion method , this paper presents a procedure of constructing reciprocal transforms .

  3. 采用JIT供货管理模式能够大大降低存货水平,最大限度地减少库存成本,但是,由于库存与运输存在着二律背反关系,减少库存的同时会导致运输成本的增加。

    The implementation of JIT management modern can reduce inventory level and cost furthest . Because the relationship of inventory cost and transport cost are antinomy , it will result in more transport cost while reduce inventory amount .

  4. 指数型有理插值与q-级数互反关系

    Exponential - type rational interpolation and Q-INVERSE series relations

  5. 对企业物流成本与物流服务之间的效益背反关系进行了系统的研究。

    The trade-off relation between logistics cost and logistics service has been systemically researched .

  6. 此文从现代技术与诗意地栖居两者之间的二律背反关系入手,试图分析现代技术对诗意地栖居的颠覆。

    This article from the modern technology and Poetic Habitation between antinomy between paper tries to analyze modern technology Poetically subversion .

  7. 最好的理论之所以具有吸引力,是因为它承认并试图阐明行动和结构的互反关系。

    ' The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure ' . Discuss .

  8. 在企业物流系统中,由于库存与运输存在着利益背反关系,研究库存与运输系统集成优化问题具有重要意义。

    In enterprise logistics systems , ther exists the conflict relationship between stock and transportation , so it is very important to investigate compositive optimization in stock and transportation systems .

  9. 每球得分制条件下影响一攻、防反关系的主要因素的研究&兼谈中国女排与世界女排的比较

    The Analysis on the Main Factors Affecting the Relation of First Round Attack and Counter Attack under the New FIVB Rule & With the Comparison of Chinese Women Team and World Famous Team

  10. 这些决策要素密切相关,存在着广泛的效益勃反关系,由于数学建模和求解的复杂性,传统上将这些决策内容划分为三个层次独立决策,这显然难以满足现代物流系统规划的要求。

    These decisions-making factors tie up and exist widely trade-off relation each other . Due to the complexity of modeling and solution , these decisions-making factors are traditionally plotted out three independent hiberarchy , which is difficult to satisfy the demand of modern logistics system design .

  11. 地面温度都与植被指数(NDVI)存在着密切的反相关关系。

    The correlation between land surface temperature and NDVI was strongly negative .

  12. 亮温与NDVI有良好的反相关关系。

    Anticorrelation was good enough between brightness and NDVI .

  13. 东亚季风和南亚季风的反相位关系及其与ENSO的联系:年际尺度和轨道尺度

    Inverse phase between South Asian and East Asian summer monsoons and its relation with enso : from interannual to orbital scale

  14. 生长季内日NPP与日降水量具有一定的反相关关系,月NPP与月平均气温存在着明显的正相关关系。

    In growth season , computed daily NPP has some negative correlation with precipitation and the monthly NPP has apparently active correlation with monthly average air temperature .

  15. 磷、铜、锌、镍、钡元素含量与有机质丰度总体上呈正相关关系,而元素锶及Al2O3含量与有机质丰度呈反相关关系;铁的氧化物含量与有机质丰度没有相关关系。

    P , Cu , Zn , Ba , Ni element contents are better positive correlation with organic matter abundance , while Sr and Al2O3 being negative correlation , Fe-oxides are no correlation with the abundance of organic matter .

  16. V1与V2之间的意义关系也多种多样,有同义关系、近义关系、反义关系等;其性质有三:(1)同义关系;

    The meanings between V 1 + V 2 were various : synonymy , similarity and antonym . It has three aspects of nature : ( 1 ) synonymy ;

  17. 本文用红外反射光谱,通过反Kramers-Kronig关系计算出不同掺杂浓度n-GaAs晶体的光学常数的谱图。

    The optical constant spectrum of various doped n-GaAs crystals was determined rapidly and accurately by the infrared reflection spectrum through Kramers-Kronig relationship .

  18. 关键区(143°E-160°E,27°N-39°N)10-11月海温与次年江淮南区梅雨期气温日较差存在较好的反相关关系。

    There is a apparent negative correlation between the temperature daily range in south area of Changjiang-huaihe valley over Meiyu period and SSTA in the Key region ( 143 ° E 160 ° E , 27 ° N 39 ° N ) from November to December in former year .

  19. 不同土壤剖面土壤中wsoc和土壤水DOC在深度上都表现为表层高于底层,但在空间变化上则呈反相关关系。

    WSOC of soil and DOC of soil water in different soil profiles of top layer were higher than that of the bottom layer , while they are inversely related in the spatial variation .

  20. 纳米晶体的力学强度随着晶粒尺寸的减小而减小,屈服强度与晶粒尺寸间存在反Hall-Petch关系。

    The mechanical strength of nanocrystalline decrease with grain size reducing and there exists a reverse Hall-Petch relation between the yield stress and the mean grain size .

  21. 对信号响应的波形特征进行分析和讨论,实验得出LIV信号半峰全宽与数据采集卡临界采样率成反比例关系。

    The results show that there are inverse proportional relationship between full wavelength at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the LIV signal and critical sample rate of data acquisition card .

  22. 词项的外延能离开其内涵吗&兼谈内涵与外延的反变关系

    Can the extension of a Terms be Away From Its intension

  23. 反义关系及对立关系是词汇中的一种重要的语言现象。

    Antonymy and antonyms are very important in the lexical semantics .

  24. 哺乳方法与乳牙前牙反合关系的探讨

    Study on Association Between Feeding Methods and Deciduous Anterior Crossbite

  25. 气温是冻深与沙尘暴反相关关系的纽带。

    Air temperature is the link between frozen soil depth and sandstorm .

  26. 在数据库关系图中,自联接被称为反身关系。

    In database diagrams , a self-join is called a reflexive relationship .

  27. 研究反义关系可以用于解释一些生僻用词;

    Antonymy can help explain some difficult and rarely-used words .

  28. 叶绿素a高含量层厚度与温跃层强度呈密切反相关关系。

    The HL thickness was closely in contrary relation to thermocline strength .

  29. 汉语中颜色词的反义关系构成及特点

    Counter-Meaning Constitution of Ancient Chinese Color Words and Their Characteristics

  30. 含蓄的语义关系表现在以下三个方面:上下义关系、反义关系和相对关系。

    The relations mainly cover three aspects : hyponymy , antonymy and relativeness .