
chū qīng
  • Clear;voidance
出清[chū qīng]
  1. 基于BP神经网络的下一交易日出清电价预测

    Method for forecasting next-day market clearing prices based on BP neural network

  2. 给出了一个发电侧竞价模型中应用遗传算法与BP算法结合进行市场出清价预测的实例。

    This paper provides an example of bidding model to forecast market clear price using BP network optimized by GA.

  3. 提出了用相似性原理和BP神经网络来预测日前市场出清电价的新方法,该法尤其适用于只能获得有限原始数据的情况。

    In this paper , a new method to forecast the short-term market clearing prices based on analogous and BP neural network is presented .

  4. 市场力MP(marketpower)是指市场参与者能够影响市场价格的能力,在电力市场中则表现为市场内电力公司影响市场出清电价的能力。

    Market power is the ability of the market participants affecting the market price , which is the ability of the electricity companies affecting the clear market price in the oligopoly electricity market .

  5. 结合可靠性评估,文中对备用市场最优容量需求和竞价出清模型进行了深入的探讨,给出了基于Pool结构的备用市场竞价模型。

    Based on reliability evaluation of the generation system , the paper proposed a bidding model of reserve capacity market , which can simultaneously determine optimal reserve capacity and clear the reserve capacity market .

  6. 建立了一个考虑发电商的单位成本、最高报价、低于和等于市场出清价格(MCP)竞价成功的两种可能性概率的不完全信息模型。

    An incomplete information model considering the unit cost and the maximum bidding price of power generation companies , the probabilities of winning below or on the margin was built .

  7. 活动人士称,合计控制着约2.6万亿美元资产的投资者承诺,将缩减或出清他们在化石燃料公司持有的股份。此举标志着,“撤资运动”(divestmentmovement)的势头正日益高涨。

    Investors controlling about $ 2.6tn in total assets have made commitments to cut back or sell out of their holdings in fossil fuel companies , campaigners say , signalling the growing momentum of the divestment movement .

  8. 因此,从定价方法对发电厂商报价策略的诱导机理来看,当量电价方法要优于统一出清电价和PAB定价方法。

    In the aspects of the inducement to power suppliers ' strategic bidding , EVE pricing method is better than the uniform and PAB pricing methods .

  9. 目的:本实验研究清瘟败毒胶囊及其相应空胶囊的吸湿性,回归分析得到吸湿曲线方程,推测出清瘟败毒胶囊和空胶囊的临界相对湿度(CRH)。

    Objective : To obtain the regression equation of the moisture absorption of Qingwen Baidu capsule and their empty capsule , and get their critical relative humidity ( CRH ) .

  10. 在价格决策方面,统一出清电价和PAB(按报价支付)电价方法下,发电厂商均有偏离成本报高价的倾向;

    In the aspect of price decision-making , under uniform and PAB ( pay as bid ) pricing methods , power suppliers tend to bid above their true costs .

  11. 方法:测定清瘟败毒胶囊和空胶囊在四种不同相对湿度(RH)下的吸湿量,整理出清瘟败毒胶囊和空胶囊在不同RH下的吸湿曲线以及它们的CRH。

    Methods : Assay the capacity of the moisture absorption of Qingwen Baidu capsule and the empty capsule at four different relative humidities . Draw the related curve between capacity of the moisture absorption and time , and obtain their CRH .

  12. 优化得出的梯级水电站的最优运行方案以及市场出清价与实际情况相符。

    Scheduling and market clearing price Optimized accords with real situation .

  13. 因此,选择最优出清策略同样是投资者投资决策中不可或缺的重要一环。

    So an optimal liquidation strategy is essential to investment decisions .

  14. 我们证明,最优出清时间为无穷大。

    It is proved that the optimal liquidation time is infinity .

  15. 需求弹性对统一出清电价下发电容量持留的影响

    Influence of demand elasticity on withholding generation capacity under uniform clearing pricing

  16. 分段竞价电力市场的出清算法实现

    Realization of the clearing price calculation algorithm in block bidding electricity markets

  17. 完善市场准入和清出制度;在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    Perfect the market entering permission and elimination rules ; clearing online auctions ;

  18. 它实际的作用是,阻止市场出清。

    It 's actually having the effect of not letting the markets clear .

  19. 成功人士的标签在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    LABEL OF THE SUCCESSFUL clearing online auctions ;

  20. 统一出清电价下发电厂商的持留容量行为及相关抑制措施

    Withholding generation capacity and mitigation mechanism of market power under uniform clearing pricing method

  21. 我们即将搬家,所以有些物品开始出清了!

    We are going to move so there are some staff for selling now !

  22. 由此,我们就建立了出清问题的一般框架。

    Based on these understanding , we establish a common framework of liquidation problem .

  23. 我从来没有逛过出清大卖场。

    I never shopped in an outlet before .

  24. 建立了发电商投标模型和市场出清模型,并提出了求解算法。

    Bidding model and market clearing model are designed and the algorithms are proposed .

  25. 当市场不能立即出清,存在名义粘性时,总需求的变动引起产出的调整。

    If not , the change of aggregate demand wouldn 't affect the output .

  26. 机械产品的回收再造在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    The Genius Machine clearing online auctions ;

  27. 市场出清与经济增长&国民收入模型中一个结论的修补及其意义

    Market Clear - up and Economic Growth

  28. 统一出清定价体制助长发电商默契串谋的机理分析

    Currently Used Uniform Clearing Pricing Auction Facilitates the Generators ' Tacit Collusion & Mechanism Analysis

  29. 因此此时市场出清,既没有余货也没有短缺。

    So that the market is cleared and there is no surplus and no shortage .

  30. 着火时,由他负责出清剧院的观众。

    He was responsible for the clearance of the theatre when the fire broke out .