
  • 网络union College;united college
  1. 1848年,阿瑟毕业于联合学院,并获得律师资格。

    He graduated from Union College in 1848 and was admitted to the bar .

  2. 文章对跨校区模式的联合学院电视台进行解析,从功能设计到技术支持提出了独到见解。

    This article mainly focuses on the design and function of television technology training center for trans-campus union college .

  3. 马来西亚国际联合学院的真正任务就是去培养并且促使更多这类的人们加入我们的社会。

    The true mission of UCI is to foster and send as many such people as possible out into society .

  4. 她也不曾记起她曾填写过一个表格,说自己上过联合学院和伦斯勒理工学院。

    Nor does she recall the moment she wrote down on a form that she had attended Union College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute .

  5. 于2017年创办的暨南大学伯明翰大学联合学院,早就已经在创新型双学位数学课程专业,接受中国的高考成绩。

    The University of Birmingham - Jinan University Joint Institute , which opened in September 2017 , already accepts Gaokao for entry to its innovative dual degree mathematics courses .

  6. 我那中了两枪的朋友夏息雅申请到了位于威尔士的大西洋联合学院的奖学金,也来到英国念书了;而我希望卡内的申请也会顺利。

    My friend Shazia , who was hit twice , was offered a scholarship at Atlantic College in Wales so has also come to the UK for schooling , and I hope Kainat will too .

  7. 这个概念在1992年由HugodeGaris和瑞士联合工学院共同提出。

    This concept is proposed in 1992 by Hugo de Garis and the Swiss union engineering institute .

  8. 她也在福乐神学和联合神学院教书。

    The Gods do bless it . She also has taught at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary .

  9. 联合国际学院老师都持有外籍英语教师资格证,并且在海内外积累了丰富的教学经验。

    The StaffThe teachers at UIC all hold qualifications in teaching English as a foreign language and have a wide range of teaching experience in the UK and overseas .

  10. 22岁的刘宇(音译)在位于珠海市的北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院就读,主修统计学专业。

    Liu Yu , 22 , is a student majoring in statistics at the United International College of Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University ( UIC ), in Zhuhai .

  11. 联合国际学院的管理队伍会持不同语言全天为学生提供帮助,不论学生是否已经来到联合国际学院。

    Our administration team speak a number of different languages and they are available throughout the day if you need any help while you are here , or if you have any questions before you arrive .

  12. 北京联合大学商务学院网上评教系统

    Web-based teaching evaluation system of business college in Beijing Union University

  13. 北京联合大学化工学院校园绿化设计

    The Environmental Planning of Chemical Engineering College of Beijing Union University

  14. 北京联合大学商学院

    Business College of Beijing Union University

  15. 旅游高等院校饭店管理人才培养模式创新研究&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    An Innovative Study on the Cultivating Mode of Hotel Management Talents in Tourism Institutions of Higher Learning

  16. 构建旅游院校教师培训体系的思考&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    Thoughts about Constructing Teachers ' Training Systemin TourismInstitutions & TakingInstitute of Tourism , Beijing Union University as an Example

  17. 由旅游局编写的草案已通过北京联合大学旅游学院专家的审核。

    The translation draft compiled by Beijing 's tourism bureau has been examined by experts from tourism institution of Beijing Union University .

  18. 中外饭店管理专业本科教育的实证分析&以康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    A Demonstrative Analysis of Undergraduate Hospitality Management Education in China and Foreign Countries & Taking The Hotel School of Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Tourism as Examples

  19. 本文通过对北京联合大学旅游学院教师综合素质培训现状及存在问题的分析,试图从几个维度指标出发,来探讨这一问题。

    This paper , upon an analysis of the present state and problems existing in Beijing Institute of Tourism , tries to discuss the issue from several dimensional indexes .

  20. 构建旅游院校产学研一体化办学模式的几个问题探析&以北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    An Analysis of Some Issues regarding to Constructing the School-running Model of ' Integration of Industry , Learning and Research'in Tourism Colleges and Universities & Taking Institute of Tourism , Beijing Union University as an Example

  21. 单位:北京联合大学继续教育学院,昆明医学院人体解剖学教研室。

    SETTING : Continuing Education College of Beijing Union University ;

  22. 北京联合大学应用文理学院

    College of Arts and Science of BeiJing Union University

  23. 基于多元联合治理的独立学院会计核算体系模式研究

    On the Mode of Accounting System in Independent College Based on Multi-combined Management

  24. 联合国系统职员学院

    United Nations System Staff College

  25. 他说,学生们排着队来听课,而且这也是唯一拥有自己的校友联合会的商学院课程。

    Students queue to learn about the course , he says , and it is the only business school programme with its own Alumni Association .

  26. 采用自编的调查问卷,对北京联合大学特殊教育学院94名听障大学生学习和交往成败归因进行调查研究。

    A survey was conducted among 94 deaf college students in College of Special Education in Beijing Union University , on the attributions of success and failure in learning and communication by using self-designed questionnaires .