
lián hé yǎn xí
  • joint exercises;joint maneuver;coordinated maneuvers
  1. 所以明年春天当中国海军出现在地中海与俄罗斯举行联合演习,那将是一个非常的时刻。

    So it will be quite a moment when the Chinese navy appears in the Mediterranean next spring , on joint exercises with the Russians .

  2. 在安全方面,我们致力于加强我们在本地区的同盟和伙伴关系,包括通过联合演习、培训项目以及改善的军方间沟通。

    On the security front were committed to strengthening our alliances and partnerships in the region , including through joint exercises , training programs , and improved military to military communication .

  3. 这是中国海军首次与西方舰艇进行联合演习。

    It was China 's first joint-naval exercise with a Western navy ship .

  4. 朝鲜和俄罗斯将举行联合演习。

    DPRK , Russia to hold joint drill .

  5. 这两个盗贼仍然想用“黄包车”(注:指中国的坦克,带有讽刺性)和空中战机搞联合演习!

    Both are rogues , still it sounds like Rickshaw and Fighters in joint Military exercise !

  6. 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。(陆海空军的)联合作战[演习]

    The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit . combined operations [ exercises ]

  7. 美国宣布扩大对朝制裁之际,美韩两军正准备在本周末举行海上联合演习。

    The sanctions announcement comes ahead of a combined US and South Korean naval exercise that starts this weekend .

  8. 此次联合演习在俄罗斯乌拉尔山脉的切巴尔库尔合同训练场举行。

    The joint maneuvers were carried out at the Chebarkul combined training range here in Russia 's Ural Mountains .

  9. 城市电网应急体系设计及深圳电网大停电联合演习应用研究

    Study on design of emergency-response system of urban power grid and Shenzhen joint exercise plan against large scale of blackout

  10. 我们可以将专项合作变为真正的解决方案,从数据库和信息交流转向联合演习、巡逻和打击海盗行动。

    We could turn ad hoc co-ordination into real solutions , from database and information exchanges to combined exercises , patrols and counter-piracy operations .

  11. 瓦拉蒙加号舰长莱德说,联合演习是双方间建立互信和友谊的有效渠道。

    The vessel 's senior officer , Commander Bruce Legge , said the war games were an effective way to build trust and friendship .

  12. 分析人士说,这些发射活动并非不同寻常,可能旨在抗议韩国和美国上周的海上联合演习。

    Analysts said the launches , which aren 't uncommon , were likely intended as a protest against joint South Korean-U.S. naval drills last week .

  13. 为此,广州市政府牵头组织、广州供电局具体筹划了2005年广州市大面积停电事故联合演习。

    Initiated by the Guangzhou municipal government , the 2005 joint exercise against large area blackouts in Guangzhou was projected by Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau .

  14. 中国外交部发表声明,对日本和韩国在东海进行联合演习作出回应。

    China 's Foreign Ministry has released a new statement in response to a joint exercise between Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea .

  15. 近年来,中国海军连续参加在阿拉伯海由巴基斯坦举办的和平07、和平09、和平11多国海上联合演习。

    In recent years , the Chinese navy has taken part in the Peace-07 , Peace-09 and Peace-11 multinational maritime exercises hosted by Pakistan on the Arabian Sea .

  16. 即便政府官员整年都在举行这样的演习,但是卸任和接任的政府举行联合演习还是第一次。

    And while similar exercises are held throughout the year for government officials , this is the first time teams from the incoming and outgoing administrations have held a joint drill .

  17. 去年底又挑唆日本、韩国不断的进行军事联合演习,为亚洲人民安稳的生活环境带来很大的威胁。

    End of last year and to incite Japan and South Korea continue to conduct joint military exercises , a stable life for the people of Asia a serious threat to the environment .

  18. 鲍威尔将军预测将来甚至可能举行联合军事演习。

    General Powell predicted that in the future it might even be possible to stage joint military exercises

  19. 我希望我能看到中俄联合军事演习。

    I wish I had seen the Sino-Russian joint military exercise .

  20. 联合作战演习卫勤保障的实践与体会

    Practice and Experience on Medical Support in Joint Maneuver

  21. 美印五月中将举行四十年来首次联合军事演习

    US and India to Conduct First Joint Military Exercise in Mid-May in 4 Decades

  22. 北线联合-96演习留给我们的启示&试论交通战备工作的几个问题

    Several Questions on Work of Traffic Combat Readiness

  23. 韩美水陆两栖联合机动演习

    SK - US naval amphibious mobile exercise

  24. 美国和印度在印度北部州举行大规模联合军事演习。

    India , US Conduct Joint Military Exercise

  25. 美国和韩国计划在周日进行联合军事演习。

    The U.S. and South Korea are set to begin joint naval exercises on Sunday .

  26. 上周,约4.4万名美日军人参加了联合军事演习。

    Last week , about 44,000 American and Japanese military personnel took part in joint military exercises .

  27. 去年,一支中国特种兵分队曾与巴基斯坦特种兵在北部边境地带展开过联合军事演习。

    Last year a contingent of Chinese commandoes joined Pakistani commandos on exercises in the northern region .

  28. 中国和俄罗斯在俄罗斯远东海岸举行海上联合军事演习。

    China and Russia have started joint naval drills off the coast of Russia 's Far East .

  29. 联合军事演习在本地区有增无减,不利于国家间建立信任。

    Joint military exercises have increased in the region , to the detriment of trust between countries .

  30. 中国和澳大利亚正在举行首次联合军事演习。演习包括实弹射击。

    Australia and China have conducted their first-ever joint naval exercise involving the firing of live ammunition .