
  • 网络Linked exchange rate;currency board;Pegged Exchange Rate
  1. 港元与美元间的联系汇率制在建立之初很是成功,但现在或许已失去了其存在的意义。

    The U.S.dollar-Hong Kong dollar currency board , successful at the beginning , may have outlived its usefulness .

  2. 论联系汇率和联系汇率制

    On the Linked Exchange Rate and the Linked Exchange Rate System

  3. 上周,香港金融管理局(HongKongMonetaryAuthority)入市干预,以维系联系汇率制,这是去年8月以来的首次。

    Last week , the Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervened in the markets to maintain the peg for the first time since last August .

  4. 分析师表示,由于联系汇率制度,港元作为一种可靠的美元代理货币,正受益于安全转移(flighttosafety):除日元以外,美元兑大多数主要货币汇率均出现飙升。

    Analysts say that the Hong Kong dollar , as a reliable US dollar proxy because of the peg , is benefiting the flight to safety that has seen the greenback soar against most major currencies except for the yen .

  5. 美元兑港币的联系汇率保持在7.8港元,这迫使香港金融管理局(hongkongmonetaryauthority)目前追随美国保持低利率,鼓励了投机资金流入房地产市场和股市。

    The peg is maintained at HK $ 7.8 to US $ 1 and forces the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to track currently low US interest rates , encouraging speculative flows into the property and stock markets .

  6. 在预期香港未来几年将废除联系汇率制的人士中,有一位是私人股本集团tpg前投资明星、另类资产管理公司太盟投资集团(pacificalliancegroup)现任董事长单伟建。

    Among those who expect the peg to disappear in coming years is Shan Weijian , the former investment star at private equity group TPG and now chairman of alternative asset manager Pacific Alliance Group in Hong Kong .

  7. 香港金管局(HKMA)昨日被迫买进逾10亿美元,以捍卫港元盯住美元的联系汇率制度,由于需求强劲,港元持续试探其兑美元交易区间上轨。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority had to buy more than US $ 1bn yesterday to defend the local currency 's peg to the US dollar as the Hong Kong dollar continued to test the upper limit of its trading band on strong demand .

  8. 港元联系汇率制度利弊析

    Analysis on Advantage and Disadvantage of Pegged-exchange-rate System in Hong Kong

  9. 这促使香港金管局入市干预,以捍卫联系汇率制度。

    This prompted intervention from the HKMA to defend the peg .

  10. 但我们为甚麽可以成功捍卫联系汇率?

    But why have we succeeded in defending the linked exchange rate ?

  11. 而现在,联系汇率制的支持者腰板可以挺起来了。

    Supporters of the peg now have their response .

  12. 本港的联系汇率制度是一种货币发行局制度。

    Hong Kong 's Linked Exchange Rate system is a Currency Board system .

  13. 为了捍卫联系汇率,近期利率上升。

    In defending the linked exchange rate , interest rates have gone up .

  14. 我们必须接受这种联系汇率制的好处和坏处。

    We must take the rough with the smooth .

  15. 香港现行的联系汇率制度受到的压力与日俱增。

    The strains on the current dollar peg are growing by the day .

  16. 这个清晰的货币政策目标是通过联系汇率制度实现的。

    This clear monetary policy objective is achieved through the linked exchange rate system .

  17. 港元联系汇率制

    Integrated Exchange System Between HK Dollars US Dollars

  18. 联系汇率制也有其缺陷。

    Such a peg can have its drawbacks .

  19. 过去数月,我们成功捍卫联系汇率。

    Over the last few months we have successfully defended the linked exchange rate .

  20. 他表示不会废除联系汇率/不会让港元和美元脱勾。

    He ruled out dropping the dollar peg .

  21. 面对这些冲击,联系汇率仍然稳如磐石。

    The linked exchange rate has remained remarkably stable in the face of these shocks .

  22. 港元联系汇率制浮动佣金制下的抉择

    Integrated Exchange System Between HK Dollars & US Dollars The Strategy of Floating Commission Pricing

  23. 港府官员对任志刚为何如此公开质疑联系汇率制感到不解。

    Officials are baffled as to why Mr Yam would question the peg so publicly .

  24. 香港联系汇率制度的利弊及其改进

    The advantages and disadvantages of the relation exchange rate system in HongKong and the improved countermeasures

  25. 67.保持本港经济稳定的另一项重要因素,是我们的联系汇率制度。

    67 . Another element fundamental to our continued economic stability is the linked exchange rate .

  26. 最近推出的优化联系汇率制度运作的措施能达到预期效果。

    The recent refinements to Hong Kongs linked exchange rate system have had their intended effect .

  27. 联系汇率制传统调节机制的失灵、风险及其改进

    Exchange Rate System in Hong Kong

  28. 本文介绍了联系汇率制的两个自动调节机制:物价&现金流机制和套利机制,并对其在运行中的失灵问题进行了阐述。

    This paper examines the traditional automatic operational mechanism of Hong Kong 's linked exchange rate system .

  29. 香港金管局的官员和汇丰的高管均表示,港府绝不会变更联系汇率制。

    HKMA officials and HSBC executives say there is no chance the government will alter the peg .

  30. 对于投资者而言,就联系汇率制展开公开辩论这一罕见机会可能更为重要。

    Potentially more significant for investors was the rare opportunity for public debate around the currency peg .