
  • 网络Dirty Floating;Dirty float
  1. 肮脏浮动或有管理的浮动汇率制度是指技术上的汇率是自由浮动,但政府可能干预不时。

    Dirty floating or Managed floating exchange rate system means the exchange rate is technically free to float , but governments may intervene from time to time .

  2. 当一国为了追求特定目标而操纵汇率,以牺牲他国为代价,这种行为称为“肮脏浮动”。

    When countries tend to manipulate their managed floats in order to pursue particular goals at the expense of other countries , the behavior is referred to as dirty floating .

  3. 丘金表示,最佳的政策应该是转向“肮脏浮动汇率制度”(dirtyfloat),这样央行就可以在不预先通告的情况下进行干预,以便吓跑投机者这样卢布汇率就将趋于稳定。

    Mr vyugin said the best policy would be to move to a " dirty float " in which the central bank could intervene without warning so as to scare off speculators and then the currency would stabilise .