
  1. 国际汇率制度改革的经验教训

    Lessons From the Experience of the Reform of the Global Exchange Rate System

  2. 论国际汇率制度的选择

    On the Choice of International Exchange Rate Regime

  3. 论国际汇率制度变迁的一般规律及启示

    General Rule of the Evolution of International Exchange System and its Enlightenment to China

  4. 国际汇率制度体系的发展与人民币汇率的选择

    The Development of International Exchange Rate System and Selection of Exchange Rate System of RMB

  5. 国际汇率制度选择的博弈论分析

    An Analysis of the Choice of International Exchange Rate Regimes in the Perspective of the Game Theory

  6. 国际汇率制度比较分析与我国汇率制度改革取向

    Comparative Analysis of International Exchange - Rate System and the Reformation Trend of China 's Exchange - Rate System

  7. 第二章回顾国际汇率制度与人民币汇率制度的变迁历史;

    The second chapter looks back on the vicissitude history of international exchange rate system and Renminbi exchange rate system .

  8. 在总结各经济学派对汇率制度构建的主张与设想的基础之上,提出作者认为较为可行的国际汇率制度框架并对其发展前景进行展望。

    The author tries to elaborate her vision to the building of international exchange rate regime and to give a prospect .

  9. 国际汇率制度体系伴随经济的发展和变化,处于不断的变化当中。

    And the international exchange rate institutional framework is in the unceasing change , following the development and change of economy .

  10. 该理论对国际汇率制度的选择提出了极具挑战性的论断,即在开放经济中,唯一可以维持的汇率制度是完全的固定制度和自由浮动这两个角点制,中间制度正在消失。

    This hypothesis brought forward a challenging thesis : Only the two poles are maintainable , and intermediate regimes are vanishing .

  11. 所以对汇率制度转换理论的研究对于国际汇率制度研究具有重大的理论和历史意义。

    So the research on exchange rate regime transition theory is of great theoretical and historical significance on the international exchange rate system .

  12. 从目前各国汇率制度安排的现状来看,重两极,轻中间现象十分明显,货币局制度作为两极中的一个重要组成部分,在整个国际汇率制度发展过程中具有重要作用。

    As an essential part of fixed exchange rate system , CBA plays an important role in the history of the international exchange rate system .

  13. 所以,最后本文在借鉴国际汇率制度选择经验的基础上,针对我国不同的发展阶段,对人民币汇率机制的改革和发展提出了建议。

    Finally , this article puts up the suggestions on the perfection and development of the exchange rate mechanism of RMB on the basis research of international exchange rate .

  14. 国际汇率制度的演变历史与现状也无法提供中间汇率制已经消失或正在消失的实践证据。

    The evolution and the present situation of the international exchange rate regime also can 't provide the practical evidence for the " intermediate regime " disappeared or disappearing .

  15. 鉴于一系列金融危机的教训,一国怎样退出现行的汇率制度,实现汇率制度的转型已经成为国际汇率制度研究的新领域。

    Whereas a series of lessons of financial crises , how to exit actual exchange rate regime and accomplishing transformation of exchange rate regime are new field of study on international exchange rate regime .

  16. 本文简要介绍了国际汇率制度改革的方案中,广受关注的汇率目标区制度,探讨我国在资本项目开放后,选择汇率目标区制度的现实性与必要性。

    This article introduces Exchange Rate Target Zone System , one of the International Exchange Rate System reforms , and discusses the reality and the requirement of this system , after China opening her Capital Account .

  17. 本文首先对国际汇率制度的演变加以介绍,重点介绍了牙买加体系的形成和牙买加体系下发展中国家汇率制度选择的现状。

    At first to international exchange rate introduce this text by the developments of system , Introduce Jamaica the forming and Jamaica exchange rate of developing country current situation who system choose under the systems of system especially .

  18. 文章第一部分从国际汇率制度变革入手,得出实行两极汇率制度的国家数量在逐渐增加的一种趋势。

    There are four parts altogether : The paper starts from the reform of the international exchange rate system , pointing out the new trend that the number of countries which adopt two-pole exchange rate has a great increase .

  19. 以下因素为改革提供了有利条件,这些条件包括国际汇率制度的发展趋势、我国已积累的丰富经验、基本均衡的现实汇率、良好的经济运行态势、微观经济主体抗风险能力的提高。

    These factors provide reform good conditions , which include the trend of international exchange rate regime , our experience accumulation , basically equilibrium of current exchange rate , excellent economic situation and enterprises ' high abilities to resist risks .

  20. 文章根据国际汇率制度的演变历程和当前汇率制度选择的发展趋势,引出了两极论汇率制度假说,并论证了其理论适用性;

    According to the development course of the regime of international exchange rate and development trend that choose of system of exchange rate at present , the paper has draw the hypothesis of the bipolar view and has testified against it ;

  21. 本文从一个新的思维角度,认为汇率制度的选择要从国际汇率制度动态演进入手,以国际经验启示结合理论分析为依据,最后指导实践。

    This article from a new thought angle , insists that the choice of exchange rate regime must be from the international exchange rate regime dynamic evolution , take the international experience and enlightenment union theoretical analysis as the basis , finally instructs the practice .

  22. 对不同货币本位制度下信用货币的价值基础的比较分析可知,由构成信用货币的价值基础的商品在不同货币本位制度下的同质性与非同质性,决定了国际汇率制度的安排。

    With an analysis and comparison of the value basis of money under different monetary standards , we find that the goods that form the value basis of credit money hold the same or different char-acters ; thus the arrangement of the international exchange rate regime is determined .

  23. 国际货币汇率制度的发展趋势,是由固定汇率安排走向浮动汇率安排。

    The development tendency of international currency exchange rate system is the transmission from fixed exchange rate arrangement to floating one .

  24. 与国际上汇率制度选择的现实相适应,近年来理论界提出了中间汇率制度消失论。

    To adapt to the reality of international choice of exchange rate regime , in recently years , the vanish of intermediate exchange rate regime has been put forward theoreticly .

  25. 基于统一国际货币的汇率制度发展构想

    Research on development of the exchange rate system based on unified international currency

  26. 正文的第一部分回顾了国际货币制度对汇率制度选择的制约关系。

    Part One reviews the limitation of international currency regimes on choice of exchange rate regimes .

  27. 在过去30多年中,国际政治经济学对汇率制度选择问题进行了富有开创性的研究。

    International political economy ( IPE ) has developed significant literatures on the choice of foreign exchange rate in the past 30 years .

  28. 现今国际上对人民币汇率制度选择和汇率水平存在争论,认为人民币汇率干预过多。

    There is heated debate on RMB exchange rate regime choice and exchange rate target , asserting that the Chinese government interferes too much in the RMB exchange rate .

  29. 不断变化的国际形势要求人民币汇率制度必须改革,建立人民币汇率目标区制度符合我国现阶段的要求。

    The international situation that changes continuously request RMB rate of exchange system must reform , the establishment RMB rate of exchange target zone system meets the request of the present stage of our country .

  30. 本文首先分析国际汇率理论和国际汇率制度现状。

    In this paper , the theory of international exchange and international exchange rate system , the status quo .