
  1. 本文对改善国际收支平衡,资本项目的管理、外汇储备的管理等方面提出一些建议,以增强外汇储备在稳定经济和增强我国货币政策独立性中的作用。

    This paper puts forward some Suggestions on improving the international balance of payments , capital account management and foreign exchange reserves management in order to enhance the role of foreign exchange reserves as stabilizing the economy and increasing the independence of monetary policy in our country .

  2. 在国际收支统计资本与金融项目的三大类别,即直接投资、证券投资和其它投资(主要包括贸易信贷和外债)中,其它投资方面的管制政策变化最多、最频繁;

    Among the three components of capital and financial account of BOP statistics , namely , direct investment , portfolio investment and other investment ( including trade credits and external debt ), changes in policies and regulations on other investment ranked No. 1 in terms of both quantity and frequency .