
  • 网络associated reaction;associative reaction
  1. 联合反应中,单质汞的最大转化率和SNCR的最大脱硝率均有所降低。

    During the combined reaction , the maximum effeciency of conversion of elemental mercury and denitration were both reduced .

  2. Dehaenc等称这一现象为空间-数字联合反应编码(SNARC)效应。

    ( 1993 ) called this phenomenon the spatial-numerical association of response code ( SNARC ) effect .

  3. 方法治疗采用化疗联合反应停。

    Methods 32 patients with refractory recurrent NHL received thalidomide combined with chemotherapy .

  4. 酸碱联合反应试验显示,天然色素遇酸碱易变色;

    Combined reaction with alkali and acid proves that natural colorants will result in color change when reacted with alkali or acid .

  5. 目的探讨顺铂(DDP)联合生物反应调节剂(BRM)治疗恶性胸腹腔积液的疗效。

    Objective Toe value the effect of intracavity treatment with DDP and BRM for malignant pleural effusions or ascites .

  6. 欧洲中央银行执行人员之一,JurgenStark表示,这些联合的反应证明是成功的。

    Jurgen Stark , executive member of the European Central Bank , said the combined response proved a success .

  7. 目的观察顺铂(DDP)联合生物反应调节剂斯奇康(卡介菌多糖核酸注射液,BCGPSN)治疗恶性胸腔积液的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of the combination therapy of polysaccharide nucleic acid fraction of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin ( BCG-PSN ) plus cisplatin in the treatment of malignant pleural effusion .

  8. 在UV-TiO2-Fe3+体系中有光助Fenton效应;在光-声联合催化反应中加强了催化剂的催化活性。

    There is photo-assisted Fenton effect in the systems of UV-TiO2-Fe3 + , synergetic effect of UV / US in the UV-US-TiO2 system , and that the intensification of materials transfer can improve catalysis significantly .

  9. 心包腔内化疗联合生物反应调节剂治疗恶性心包积液的临床观察

    Clinical observation of intrapericardial chemotherapy fot malignant peri - cardial effusion

  10. 国际上对联合声明反应还是好的。

    International reaction to the joint declaration has been favourable .

  11. 一个国家/国际联合快速反应小组正在开展详细的临床和流行病学调查。

    A joint national / international rapid response team is conducting a detailed clinical and epidemiological investigation .

  12. 顺铂联合生物反应调节剂腔内治疗恶性胸腹腔积液

    Intracavity Treatment with DDP and Biological Response Modifiers ( BRM ) for Malignant Pleural Effusions of Ascites

  13. 铁屑与沸石联合作为反应介质时,去除率可提高20%~30%。

    When zero iron was combined with zeolite , the removal rates could be increased by 20 % ~ 30 % .

  14. 越来越多的临床治疗经验表明,联合生物反应调节剂、细胞毒药物或抗病毒药物可发掘干扰素的治疗潜能、减轻其副作用,但机制未明。

    Clinic evidence showed that it would unearth therapy potential or lessen adverse effects of IFN - a in combination with biological regulators , cytotoxic agents or antivirus agents , but the exact mechanism was not known .

  15. 血管内超声联合测定C反应蛋白在心绞痛患者诊断中的应用

    Application of intravascular ultrasound associated with hypersensitive C-reac tive protein measurement in diagnosis of angina patients

  16. 联合检测C反应蛋白及幽门螺杆菌在良恶性胃疾患诊断中的意义老年胃癌患者并存疾病的围手术期处理

    The Significance of Combined Serum CRP with HP in the Benign and Malignant Gastric Diseases Perioperative Management of Coexisting Diseases for Elderly Patients with Gastric Cancer

  17. 联合用药不良反应信号检测的两种基线模型及应用

    Application of Two Baseline Models in Detecting Signals of Drug-Drug Interactions

  18. 大鼠肝肾联合移植排斥反应中细胞凋亡的动态研究

    The Study on Rejection-associated Apoptosis of Simultaneous Liver-kidney Transplantation in Rats

  19. 猪胰肾联合移植排斥反应的实验研究

    Study on the rejection after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation in pigs

  20. 联合组副反应发生率比氯氮平组明显减少。

    Clozapine combination with sulpiride group reported less side effects .

  21. 这些因素减轻了联合化疗毒性反应高的顾虑。

    These factors also mitigate the higher toxicity profile associated with combination chemotherapy .

  22. 他补充道,他的组织和其他五个非政府组织正在寻求联合起来做出反应。

    His organisation and five other domestic NGOsare seeking to collaborate on a response , he added .

  23. 因此溶栓同时联合抑制炎症反应,可能对减轻缺血脑组织的损伤有益。

    Therefore thrombolytic therapy combined with preventing inflammatory response might contribute to relieving cerebral tissue damage after ischemia .

  24. 卵巢上皮癌脑转移对顺铂和吉西他滨联合化疗的反应:病例报道及文献回顾

    Brain metastases of epithelial ovarian carcinoma responding to cisplatin and gemcitabine combination chemotherapy : A case report and review of the literature

  25. 单独用药比联合用药不良反应发生比例高;多见说明书中未有的不良反应。

    Serious ADRs was10 % , most ADRs happened when be used alone and some ADRs were not recorded in the directions .

  26. 联合国机构反应他说,救援工作者试图告诉人们,他们的生命完全依赖尽快抵达霍乱治疗中心。

    UN agencies ' response He said aid workers are trying to people their lives could depend upon reaching a cholera treatment center quickly .

  27. 为此,本研究将厌氧型生物反应器技术与准好氧矿化垃圾床工艺相结合,发展成联合型生物反应器。

    Therefore , the united bioreactor landfill , evolved from the semi-aerobic aged refuse biofilter combined with anaerobic bioreactor , is introduced in this paper .

  28. 中期研究分析显示,联合治疗的反应性要比接受标准治疗的要好。

    An interim analysis of study participants who received the combination treatment showed a better response in the combination group than in participants who received standard treatment .

  29. 由此可知,联合型生物反应器采用渗滤液回灌可促进有机物、氮类物质的去除,并加快固相垃圾的降解。

    The results show that the united bioreactor with leachate recirculation can promote the removal of the organic and nitrogen substances , and accelerate the degradation of solid waste .

  30. 本文主要通过静态试验研究二氧化氯与氯联合消毒的反应机理,以及管材与水体中的有机物对氯系消毒剂衰减的影响及动力学行为。

    In this paper , the experimental study on united disinfection mechanism of chlorine dioxide and chlorine , the influences of pipe materials and organic substances to decay of chlorine series disinfectants were studied .