
  • 网络POP;out
  1. 核心路由器上主要配置访问控制列表ACL的出栈应用。

    The main allocation access of core router controls the stack out of ACL .

  2. 数据出栈意味着RationalClearQuest对生成报告负责,并输出数据以报告构件。

    Data push means that Rational ClearQuest is responsible for generating the reports and pushes the data to the reporting component for layout .

  3. 您不需要使用汇编语言操作入栈和出栈,但是需要知道SAX在如今是关键的XML解析API。

    You don 't need to start pushing and popping in assembly language , but you do need to know that SAX is the key XML parsing API in use today .

  4. 该分析表不含GOTO表,基于它的LR(1)语法分析过程一般不需要后入先出栈的辅助。

    The LR ( 1 ) parsing table excludes the GOTO unit and a LIFO stack is eliminated during a parsing process .

  5. 另外利用CPU及其指令系统特点,通过设计2个堆栈指针寄存器和任务帧,设计可并行堆栈,并提出双通道并行入/出栈法,同时,讨论了移植代码的优化。

    Moreover , a parallelizable stack and double-channel pushing & popping technique is invented by studying the architecture of the DSP CPU and defining a task frame and two stack pointers , at the same time , the optimization of transplant code for μ C / OS is discussed .

  6. 基于链表的出栈序列生成算法

    An Algorithm of Generating Stack Sequence Based on Linked List

  7. 用二叉树解决出栈序列问题

    Solve the Problem of Stack Sequence by Binary Tree

  8. 目的:向栈中依次输入若干字符,输出所有不同的出栈序列。

    Aim : Input some characters into the stack in turn , and output all the different stack sequences .

  9. 若要避免该警告,请确保出栈的数目不超过入栈的数目。

    To avoid the warning , be sure that the number of POPs does not exceed the number of pushes .

  10. 结论:从进栈出栈具有时刻先后关系出发,解决出栈序列问题,算法理解更为简单直观。

    Conclusion : It will be much easier to understand the algorithm if the problems of the stack sequence are solved , which starts with the different sequence of input and output of the stack sequence .

  11. ⑶分析出系统协议栈与USB总线设备的配置交互过程以及设备驱动程序与设备对应接口的匹配过程。

    ⑶ To analyse the configuration process between OS protocol driver and USB bus device and the matching process between driver and the correspond device function interface .

  12. 以蓝牙规范1.2版本为基础,阐述了蓝牙规范的完整框架和蓝牙协议栈的功能,归纳出蓝牙协议栈的结构特点,总结出蓝牙编程的基本思路,并对蓝牙核心协议编程进行分析。

    Bused on Bluetooth Specification 1.2 , we explain the intact frame and function of Bluetooth protocol suites , sum up ideas of Bluetooth programming , and analysis the key protocol programming .

  13. 方法:根据栈后进先出的特征,采用链表确定字符进栈的所有时刻序列,输出字符的所有出栈序列。

    Method : According to the characteristics of the stack of later in and first out , all the time sequence of characters is determined by the linked list .