
  • 网络Our Hunting Ground
  1. 稗草出草高峰在水稻播种后5~15d,其它杂草出草高峰在水稻播后10~20d,25d后杂草停止出苗。

    Barnyardgrass has a peak for germination at 5-15 d after rice seeded , other weeds at 10-20 d , and all weeds stop to emergence at 25 d.

  2. 2种类型田块的种子库主要分布在0~10cm的土层中。小麦田该层出草量达77.74%,水稻田为72.05%。

    These weed seeds were mostly present in 0 ~ 10 cm in depth in soil ( 77.74 % of the total in wheat fields , 72.05 % in rice fields ) .

  3. 研究发现,利用一年苜蓿种子田田间杂草出草有二个高峰。

    There were two germination peaks in the utilized first year field .

  4. 利用三年苜蓿种子田杂草出草高峰是由一年生夏性禾本科杂草决定的。

    The annual summer weeds determine the peak in the utilized third year field .

  5. 直到人们从事种植和农业等相关的事情,在这片干旱多风的土地上也只能长出草。

    Until people intervened with irrigation and farms , only grass could grow on the dry wind plain .

  6. 以指数方程模拟压缩过程,根据万能试验机实测数据,计算出草砖的压缩试验系数。

    According to the data from testing machine , the testing coefficients of straw bale were calculated , based on an exponent model .

  7. 杂草消长动态变化为:4月中旬杂草开始发生,5月中旬和6月中旬为两个出草高峰期。

    Weed community growth of dynamics change is : weeds beginning to happen in the middle of April , in mid-may and mid-June are two out of grass rush .

  8. 因为水管不够长,看守人不能浇到整个巨石阵区域的草(就像之前每次做的那样),没有浇到水的区域长不出草来,显得这片地面比较萧条。

    When a custodian couldn 't water the grass in the entire Stonehenge area ( as was usually done ) due to the short hose , the grass failed to grow in the unwatered area , revealing depressions in the ground .

  9. 共混膜的抑菌性随着草珊瑚含量的增加而增强。然后,采用湿法纺丝成功纺制出草珊瑚粘胶纤维并测试其基本性能。

    With increasing the amount of sarcandra glabra extract , the swelling rate and the antibacterial property of the blend membrane are both increased . Then , the sarcandra glabra viscose fiber was obtained by wet spinning , and its basic property was tested .

  10. 同时筛选出冰草6P染色体的4个SSR标记。

    In addition , four SSR markers of chromosome 6P of A. cristatum were screened .

  11. 我们滤出黑草汁莓做果栋。

    We strained the juice of the blackberries to make jelly .

  12. 它们不需要太多照料,还能生长出蜘蛛草幼苗。

    They withstand neglect and make little spider plant babies all the time .

  13. 方法:以积雪草苷提取率为评价指标,采用单因素实验与正交实验设计优选出积雪草中积雪草总苷的提取条件。

    Methods : The extraction technique was evaluated by single factor experiment and orthogonal design , with the extraction rate of the asiaticoside as indicator .

  14. 而当气温回升后,菌丝体就会从冬虫的头部慢慢萌发,长出像草一般的真菌子座,称为夏草。

    When air temperatures rise , the mycelium will be the head slowly from the winter worm germination , grow grass like a normal child seat of fungi , known as summer grass .

  15. 通过正交试验,确定出甜酸草石蚕的最佳配料比为糖40%、柠檬酸0.3%、冰乙酸0.2%、氯化钙0.15%。

    And the recipe for the sweet and sour stachys sieboldii was decided through orthogonal experiment as follows : 40 % sugar , 0 . 2 % citric acid , 0 . 2 % ice acetic acid . and 0 . 1 % calcium chloride .

  16. 我看到墙缝里长出一棵草来。

    I saw a plant growing out of a crevice in the wall .

  17. 本实验选取的耐盐植物为盐角草,用RACE的方法克隆出盐角草Cu/Zn-SOD基因,使用生物学软件分析核苷酸和氨基酸序列,并进行同源性比对。

    Cu / Zn-SOD gene was cloned by RACE method from the Salicornia europaea , used of biological software to analysis the nucleotide and amino acid sequence and carried on the homologous comparison .

  18. 姑娘坐起身来,从头发里摘出一枝风铃草。

    The girl picked herself up and pulled a bluebell out of her hair .

  19. 我想起我窗前的那片空地,从前堆放钢筋的地方,每到春来,从钢筋的空隙中总会长出十分翠绿的草。

    Every year , I remember , when spring came , emerald-green grass would start shooting up from among the steel bars .

  20. 这个新的系统和气候与贴图系统紧密相连,这意味着我们可以从地面贴图中长出不同种类的草来。

    This new system ties in directly with the climate and texture setup , which means we can sprout different grass types from the ground texture .