
  1. 多脉冲强流真空电子二极管研究

    Research on Multi-pulsed High Intense Electron Vacuum Diode

  2. 电子管二极管(有直接/间接加热的阴极)。

    Tube diode ( directly / indirectly heated cathode ) .

  3. 喇曼自由电子激光器二极管的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Diode of a Raman Free & Electron Laser

  4. 强流脉冲电子束二极管等离子体漂移速度的研究

    Investigation of plasma drift velocity vs time in intense electron beam diode

  5. 同轴型强流电子束二极管的一种解析近似

    Approximate analytic solution of coaxial intensive electron beam diode

  6. 重复频率强流电子束二极管实验研究

    Study of repetition rate and intense current electron-beam diodes

  7. 新的高能注量电子束二极管系统

    A new diode system for high fluence electron beam

  8. 低阻抗强流箍缩电子束二极管的3阶段电子束流模型

    Three phases electron beam flow model for low-impedance intense-current pinched electron beam diode

  9. 具有直接或间接加热的阴极的电子管二极管。

    Tube diode with directly or indirectly heated cathode .

  10. 自由电子激光器二极管的设计

    Design of a diode of FEL

  11. 长脉冲高阻抗强流电子束二极管

    Long-pulse high-impedance intense e-beam diode

  12. 提出了临界工作电压的概念,并获得了等离子体密度在1011至1013cm-3范围内变化、负载为强流电子束二极管时临界工作电压与等离子体密度的定标关系。

    The concept of critical working voltage ( CWV ) was proposed and the scaling law of CWV versus plasma density from 10 11 up to 10 13 cm - 3 was developed for an intensive electron beam diode .

  13. 强流脉冲电子束加速器二极管的诊断触发问题

    The trigger problems for diode diagnosis in pulsed relativistic electron beam accelarator

  14. 电力电子器件的PSPICE二极管&可控开关模型

    PSPICE Diode controlled Switch Model for Power Electronic Devices

  15. ZnO是一种优质的压电、气敏及光电材料,已被广泛的运用于光电子设施、发光二极管、催化反应和气体传感器当中。

    ZnO is a high-quality piezoelectric , sensing and optical material , which has been widely used in optoelectronics facilities , light-emitting diode , catalytic reaction , and gas sensors .

  16. 电子在双垒二极管中的共振隧穿

    Electron Resonant Tunneling in Double - Barrier Diode

  17. 低阻抗脉冲电子束加速器的二极管参数测量

    Measurement for REB accelerator diode parameter

  18. 应用于电力电子领域的高压二极管一般设计成p+n-n+结构。

    The high voltage diode used in power electronics is generally designed to p + n-n + structure .

  19. 传统的电子元件,比如二极管和三极管,它们的信息载体都是电子电荷,电子的自旋没有被利用。

    The information carrier of traditional electronic components such as diode and audion , is electronic charge , but the electronic spin is not considered .