
  • 网络computer failure;computer malfunction;Computer problems
  1. 他们不希望你谈论电脑故障的问题。

    They just don 't want you talking about the computer problems .

  2. 一定是出了电脑故障。

    There must have been a computer malfunction .

  3. 还在大学读书时,他便替Cisco查寻电脑故障并与参与撰写一本有关电脑安全的书籍。

    He was spotting bugs in software for Cisco and contributing to a book on computer security while still in college .

  4. cme发言人表示,该公司把测试系统视为理所当然之事,而交易所尚未确定此次错误是操作人员失误还是电脑故障所致。

    A CME spokesman said the company tests its systems as a matter of course and that the exchange had not determined whether the mistake was down to human error or was the result of a computer glitch .

  5. 由于电脑故障导致伦敦证交所(LSE)交易中断,伦敦股票经纪人周一只得无所事事,而当日本应是今年最繁忙的日子之一。

    London 's stockbrokers were forced to twiddle their thumbs yesterday as a computer fault shut down trading on the main stock exchange on what would have been one of the busiest days of the year .

  6. 如果我的电脑故障,我会超想要有人帮忙的。

    I would be dying for help if my computer broke down .

  7. 不管它是什么…电脑故障。

    Whatever the hell it was ... Computer malfunction .

  8. 看到这些数字了吗?电脑故障又出现了。

    See the numbers ? The computer glitch is happening the same way .

  9. 电脑故障分类及其领域知识的表达

    Classification and Field Knowledge Expression of Computer Faults

  10. 利用扬声器诊断电脑故障

    Using Speaker to Diagnose Computers Faults

  11. 在处理电脑故障的时候,使用诊断卡也是一个不错的选择。

    In dealing with computer failures , the use of diagnostic card is also a good choice .

  12. 介绍了电脑故障产生的一般原因,检修电脑故障的原则和方法。

    This article introduces the causes of producing computer malfunctions and the principles and methods on overhauling them .

  13. 回答顾客的问题,帮助他们解决电脑故障,它也能帮你提高你的交际能力。

    answering questions , helping people solve their computer proplems , give you a chance to develop your people skills .

  14. 一些服务失败不在一个团队的控制范围内,比如电脑故障导致错过了最后期限。

    Some service failures are beyond an organization 's control , like , uh , computer malfunction that leads to missed deadlines .

  15. 航天局表示,他们将进行太空行走以修复电脑故障,发射定于东部时间下午4点58分进行。

    The space agency says a space walk is required to fix the faulty computer and lift-off is scheduled for 4:58pm eastern time .

  16. 然而马修对此却一点都不惊讶,他在2000年人口普查前不久来到芝加哥,为了预期防止被称为千年虫病毒的电脑故障而工作。

    It doesn 't surprise Matthew , who came to Chicago shortly before the 2000 census , working to prevent the expected computer glitch known as Y2K .

  17. 证明了该方法的合理性和有效性,实现了一种与电脑故障实际情况相符的较为合理的知识表达方法。

    Last , gives a classical example in order to testify the rationality and validity . Realizes a reasonable knowledge expression method of fitting for computer faults facts .

  18. 在你的日程计划里加入突发情况(比如电脑故障),在你的计划表里留出可以灵活支配的时间。

    Include in your programme ( schedule ) unpredictable items and situations ( e.g.problems with the computer ): allow an extra time gap to adjust your program if necessary .

  19. 由于电脑故障,一位学生错收到价值3600英镑的商品,其中包括一台电视机,一部平板电脑。亚马逊公司称,他可以留着这些东西。

    A student has been told he can keep a £ 3,600 haul of goods from Amazon including a television and tablet computer after he was sent them because of a computer glitch .

  20. 针对汽车发动机电子控制汽油喷射系统热线式空气流量计的结构特点,提出故障判断和相应检修方法,以及在检修中电脑故障代码的人工读取方法。

    Aimed at the structure features of electronically controlling hot-wire type air flowmeter in fuel injection system of a car engine , the troubleshooting , overhauling methods and the reading of trouble codes of computer in overhauling are propounded .

  21. 奎恩现正在利物浦大学就读工程学专业。他相信,由于电脑故障,这些包裹是送给他本人的,而不是本应送往退货仓库,因为这些包裹的包装上都有退货的标签。

    Mr Quinn , who is currently away at the University of Liverpool where he studies engineering , believes a computer glitch meant the goods were sent to him , instead of a returns depot as the items had been packaged up with returns labels .

  22. 每次旧电脑出故障都需要进行安全处理。

    Every time an old computer breaks down , it needs to be dealt with safely .

  23. 由于电脑发生故障,计算结果推迟了。

    Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer .

  24. 因电脑出故障,这次火箭飞行只好中辍

    The rocket flight had to be aborted because of difficulties with computer .

  25. 对话的主角马尔西的职责是解决电脑的故障。

    The dialog features Marcy , who works for Computer Solutions .

  26. 你的电脑出故障了,是吗?

    Something is wrong with your computer , isn 't it ?

  27. 事故原因是环球影城一台电脑出现故障。

    A computer glitch is blamed for the problem at Universal Studios .

  28. 昨晚,我的电脑有故障。

    Last night , my computer had a malfunction .

  29. 这并没有受到空间站备用电脑出现故障的影响。

    This is despite the failure of a standby computer aboard the station .

  30. 浅谈电脑黑屏故障的硬件原因及检修方法

    Discussion on Hardware Causes of Computer Black Screen Fault and Its Maintenance Method