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  • blue screen
  1. 导致windows系统蓝屏的主要原因探究

    Main Reasons Leading to Blue Screen of Windows System

  2. 近几代Windows系统相比前几代更好地解决了蓝屏错误,所以它不再是一个值得担心的问题。

    More recent versions of Windows deal with blue screen errors much better than in the past , so it isn 't usually much of a problem to worry about anymore .

  3. Word和Excel似乎冥顽不灵,几个月以来一直不停地出现蓝屏。

    Word and Excel seem like Gibraltar , and months now go by in-between blue screens .

  4. 本文提出了一种基于DCT系数统计特征的蓝屏抠像合成检测算法。

    In this thesis , an algorithm to detect blue screen matting and compositing based on DCT coefficients statistics features is proposed .

  5. 本文使用AdobePremierePro完成视频蓝屏抠像与合成,同时将合成视频压缩成多种码率用于测试。

    In this thesis , the process of blue screen matting and compositing are implemented in the software of Adobe Premiere Pro and various bitrates are set for the composited videos for testing .

  6. 把别人的电脑屏保换成蓝屏死机图。

    Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone 's computer .

  7. 修正了一个问题,可以在一定条件下蓝屏。

    Corrected an issue that could produce a Blue Screen under certain conditions .

  8. 然后,电视机屏幕变成了蓝屏。

    And then the TV screen was blue .

  9. 之后,您的蓝屏死机邮件应该可以看见,直到您重新启动手动。

    After that Your Blue Screen of Death Messages should stay visible until you restart manually .

  10. 蓝屏是一个新的基于网络的媒体程序,允许用户预览在线教育片。

    Bluescreen is a new web-based media program that allows users to preview educational films online .

  11. 实验室虚拟机蓝屏死机问题的解决方法

    Solution of the Problems due to Blue Screen of Death in the Virtual Machine in Laboratory

  12. 计算机屏幕表现出臭名远扬的蓝屏死机状态,暗示致命的系统错误。

    The computer screen showed the notorious Blue Screen of Death , indicating a fatal system error .

  13. 在比较严重的情况下,这种攻击会造成挂起、锁定、重启和蓝屏等。

    In extreme cases , this type of attack can cause hangs , lock-ups , reboots , blue screens , and other mischief .

  14. 学生,教师和扩大他们的全球媒体,艺术和文化知识,邀请有兴趣的人士使用蓝屏。

    Students , teachers and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of global media , arts and culture are invited to use Bluescreen .

  15. 这个摄影棚的一侧主要是一个巨大的蓝屏,上面显示的天和海的图像随后便重叠在一起。

    One side of the set is dominated by a huge blue screen on which images of sky and sea are later superimposed .

  16. 当然,它也可能是出现了硬件问题,但不会因为有病毒而蓝屏。

    Of course , it can still occasionally be a serious hardware problem , but it won 't be because you have a virus .

  17. 分析蓝屏死机存在的因素,给出处理一些常见蓝屏问题的解决步骤。

    This paper analyses the existing factors of blue screen of death and points out the settlement steps to deal with some common blue-screen problems .

  18. 结果:使用感绿屏/片体系只有感蓝屏/片体系X线照射剂量的1/4。

    Results : Using general purpose green scope / film is only 1 / 4 X-ray radiation comparing to using general purpose blue scope / film .

  19. 许多人认为当电脑蓝屏死机时,电脑是会永远死机,或者因为电脑有病毒。

    Many people assume when they have a blue screen of death that either their computer is about to die forever or that they have a virus .

  20. 出现此问题时,服务器可能停止响应,用户可能会看到蓝屏,但仍然能够以“安全模式”启动服务器。

    When this problem occurs , the server may stop responding and you may see a blue screen , but you can still start the server in safe mode .

  21. 蓝屏往往是因为新程序或新驱动的升级造成的问题,是电脑自动关闭以防损坏。

    A blue screen nearly always occurs because a new program or a driver update caused a problem , and the computer responded by shutting itself down to prevent damage .