
  • 网络Bluetooth Adapter;Dongle;Bluetooth Dongle
  1. 形状有点古怪(像倒置的雨点),它自诩拥有800万像素的摄像头,Dual-side微型投影机,无线充电,并内置蓝牙适配器。

    The shape is a little odd ( sort of like an upside down raindrop ), but it boasts an8 megapixel camera , dual side pico projectors , wireless charging , and an embedded Bluetooth dongle .

  2. 九月份,我的公寓断网十天。现在,我们可以用蓝牙适配器连网了。

    My flat did this for ten days in September and we can now use a dongle .

  3. 其次提出了硬件设计方案:四通道±10V模拟/数字(A/D)蓝牙适配器、四通道±10V数字/模拟(D/A)蓝牙适配器,RS232串口通信蓝牙适配器。

    Secondly , the 4-channel ± 10V analog to digital conversion ( A / D ) Bluetooth adapter , 4-channel ± 10V digital to analog conversion ( D / A ) Bluetooth adapter , RS 232 serial port Bluetooth adapter are developed .

  4. 一个可选的蓝牙适配器谢谢你可以打印直接从大多数移动电话。

    Thanks to an optional Bluetooth adapter you can print direct from most mobile phones .

  5. 取决于为电脑使用的蓝牙适配器,配对过程可能有所不同。

    The pairing process varies somewhat depending upon the Bluetooth adapter you use with your computer .

  6. 目前很多笔记本电脑(甚至有些桌面电脑)都配备了蓝牙适配器。

    Many current laptop computers ( and even some desktop computers ) come equipped with Bluetooth adapters .

  7. 很多用户还没有意识到,这些蓝牙适配器可以与蓝牙耳麦一起使用。

    Many users do not realize that these Bluetooth adapters can be used with a Bluetooth headset .

  8. 所设计的蓝牙适配器软硬件系统,为今后基于蓝牙技术的无线通信系统的进一步开发,提供了一个软硬件开发平台。

    The Bluetooth adapter system is unique and provided a test platform of software and hardware for the advanced exploiture of wireless communication system based on Bluetooth .

  9. 着重介绍了使用蓝牙USB适配器和使用蓝牙串口适配器实现全站仪无线控制的方法。

    This paper emphasizes how to uses Bluetooth USB adapter and Bluetooth series adapter to control total Station .

  10. 我们还将展示如何配置LotusSametimeConnectV7.5,以便使用蓝牙耳麦适配器。

    We also show you how you can configure Lotus Sametime Connect V7.5 to use a Bluetooth headset adapter .

  11. 您可能见过某人使用蓝牙耳麦适配器与移动电话进行无线交互,或者您本身就就使用过这样的技术。

    You may have seen someone using a Bluetooth headphone adapter to interact with a mobile phone without wires , or perhaps you are a living testament to the phenomenon yourself .

  12. 取决于使用的蓝牙耳麦和适配器的类型,无线连接的范围可以从1米到100米。

    Depending upon the type of Bluetooth headset and adapter you have , the range of your wireless connection can be from one meter to up to100 meters .

  13. 同时,本文完成了蓝牙硬件的设计,并利用蓝牙适配器进行了PC机间通讯的实验。

    At the same time , this complete Bluetooth hardware design , and make communication experiment between PC and Bluetooth adapter .

  14. TTB102蓝牙模块主要用于蓝牙鼠标和蓝牙USB适配器。

    TTB102 Bluetoothmodule was designed mainly for Bluetooth mouse and USB dongle .

  15. 可以在显示图片的同时播放背景音乐,还可以通过带蓝牙的手机向本数码相框传输图片,由USB蓝牙适配器接收图片。

    You can display pictures with background music . You can also send a picture to this digital photo frame which has a USB Bluetooth Adapter through a mobile phone with Bluetooth .

  16. 与红外线不同,蓝牙不需要视线,所以不必特意使头部保持特定的角度以确保蓝牙适配器工作。

    Unlike infrared , Bluetooth does not require line of sight , so you won â™ t have to deal with holding your head at a particular angle to make sure your Bluetooth adapter is working .