
  • 网络Bluetooth Mouse;Blue tooth Mouse
  1. 将外接HDMI监视器、USB硬盘和蓝牙鼠标和诸多型号进行连接也没有问题。

    I had no problems connecting my external HDMI monitor , USB hard drives and Bluetooth mouse to various models .

  2. TTB102蓝牙模块主要用于蓝牙鼠标和蓝牙USB适配器。

    TTB102 Bluetoothmodule was designed mainly for Bluetooth mouse and USB dongle .

  3. 目前并不支持蓝牙鼠标、键盘。

    Bluetooth mice and keyboards will not work with the system at launch .

  4. 某些人报告在连接蓝牙鼠标以及保持蓝牙连接时存在问题。

    Many people have reported problems connecting a bluetooth mouth and making it stay connected .

  5. 其设置与iMac一样简单,不过,我在设置厂家提供的蓝牙无线键盘和鼠标时遇到了一个小问题。

    Set-up is almost as easy as the iMac , although I did hit one minor hiccup on pairing the supplied Bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse .

  6. 但是市场上的蓝牙无线键盘和鼠标产品价格昂贵,本文阐述了以低成本为目标的蓝牙键盘鼠标产品解决方案。

    The paper has described the intact solution of the bluetooth keyboard mouse products at low cost .