
  • 网络Blue tie;Sapphire Tie
  1. 穿上这套衣服,最好打蓝领带。

    You had better wear a blue necktie with this suit .

  2. 他穿一件白衬衫,带了一条蓝领带。

    He was wearing a white shirt and a blue tie .

  3. 他总是系着那条蓝领带。

    He is always wearing that blue tie .

  4. 在一旦尝试了新东西――百事可乐替代可口可乐,用蓝领带替代旧的红领带――之后有好事发生,很多人就会变得迷信起来。

    It starts when people try something different-Pepsi instead of Coca-Cola , a blue tie instead of the old red one-and find that something good happens .

  5. 她说,印花蓝领带释放一种经典又不失专业的感觉,系上它出席国际商业会晤,也无须担心传递错误讯息。

    Patterned blue ties tend to give off a classic professional feel and can be worn in a global business environment without sending the wrong message .

  6. 不过,我想知道:在下一轮总统竞选辩论中,我们会突然看到各种混合的、色调柔和的领带吗(而不是当下流行的红蓝领带)?

    But I wonder : Are we suddenly going to see a host of blended pastel ties , as opposed to the currently popular red and blue , popping up in the next round of presidential debates ?

  7. 布卢说,紫中带蓝的领带多彩而柔和。他觉得这能让学生听他说话时,不至于想打瞌睡。

    The bluish-purple tie is colourful yet muted , he said , which Blue believes keeps students from being as bored when listening .

  8. 布卢说,紫中带蓝的领带“多彩而柔和”。他觉得这能让学生听他说话时,不至于想打瞌睡。

    The bluish-purple tie is " colourful yet muted , " he said , which Blue believes keeps students from being as bored when listening .

  9. 蓝衬衫和灰领带很相配。

    The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match .

  10. 蓝衬衫和灰领带很相配。不用毛衬、黑炭衬、衬领呢或其他传统男装用的衬布。

    The blue shirt and gray tie are a good match . There is no need to search for wool canvas , hair canvas , collar melton or other traditional men 's wear under structure supplies .

  11. 今天,他身着海军蓝西服、白色衬衫和蓝白相间的领带,日晒的棕色肌肤并未完全掩盖他蓝色双眸下的黑眼圈,54岁的人了,似乎格外专注于工作。

    Today , dressed in a navy suit , white shirt and blue and white tie , with dark circles under his blue eyes that are not entirely hidden by his tan , the 54-year-old seems particularly focused on work .