
  • 网络songstress;cantatrice;madame
  1. 她获得最佳女歌唱家的殊荣。

    She picked up the gong for best female vocalist .

  2. 上周,一个著名女歌唱家坐在我前面的位置上。

    I had a seatback diva in front of me last week .

  3. 她在第二年比赛中被选为最佳女歌唱家。

    She was voted the best female vocalist for the second year running .

  4. 其身后遗下夫人蒋英,是北京著名的女歌唱家。

    He is survived by his wife , the highly acclaimed Beijing opera singer Jiang Ying .

  5. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  6. 片头曲名为《新的一天》(ANewDay),由中央歌剧院(ChinaNationalOperaHouse)国家一级演员、女高音歌唱家尤泓斐演唱。

    The opening song named " A New Day " was presented by Yo Hong Fei , Chinese soprano from China National Opera House , national first-level actress .

  7. 著名俄罗斯女高音歌唱家嘉琳娜·维什涅芙丝卡娅于今天去世,享年86岁。

    Famed Russian soprano Galina Vishnevskaya died today . She was 86 .

  8. 我在俄罗斯歌唱东方夜莺在歌唱记韩国女高音歌唱家周淑眉

    I Sing Songs in Russia Korean Soprano Sui Jo

  9. 这是这位前女高音歌唱家今天的第三套靓丽服饰。

    It was the former soprano 's third glamorous outfit of the day .

  10. 否则我也永远不能成为一名女高音歌唱家和音乐教师。

    Otherwise I would never become a soprano and a professor of musical .

  11. 女高音歌唱家正在舞台上演唱咏叹调。

    The soprano is singing an aria onstage .

  12. 7月2日,美国女高音歌唱家贝弗莉?

    American soprano Beverly Sills died July 2 at her home in New York .

  13. 海伦-普罗斯公司将举办一场著名女高音歌唱家尼娜.温伯格的专场音乐会。

    Hellen-Pros will be hosting a concert by Nina Weinberg , a renowned soprano .

  14. 他的军事指挥艺术和军事理论造诣,在国内外屈指可数。女高音歌唱家邹德华不愧为一个颇有造诣的艺术家。

    As a skilled commander and military theorist , he had few equals at home or abroad .

  15. 她是最早在纽约卡内基音乐厅举办个人音乐会的大陆女高音歌唱家。

    Wang Zuoxin is the first mainland singer holding a solo concert in Carnegie Hall of New York .

  16. 他师从著名女中音歌唱家、原上海乐团艺术顾问董爱琳教授。

    He studied vocalism under professor Ailin Dong , a famous mezzo-soprano and the music advisor of Shanghai Philharmonic .

  17. 她是当今中国最富盛名的女高音歌唱家之一。她的成名之路被大家称为传奇,但这是她的真实的艺术人生。

    She 's one of the most famous soprano of china , and her way to seccess was regarded as a legend , but it 's her truly life of art .

  18. 袁桢,女高音歌唱家,副教授,德州大学奥斯汀分校撒拉和欧内斯特。巴特勒音乐学院访问学者,曾多次在中国声乐比赛中获奖。

    Zheng Yuan , Soprano , Associate Professor , Visiting Scholar at the Sarah and Ernest Butter School of Music at UT Austin , multiple awards winner in vocal competitions in China .

  19. 鉴于宋祖英是中国最著名的女高音歌唱家、成功的演员、表演艺术家、慈善家、杰出的声乐家,世界人民为她感到骄傲和鼓舞;

    In view of Song Zuying is China 's most famous soprano , successful actors , performing artists , philanthropists , an outstanding vocalist , people of the world for her pride and inspiration ;

  20. 经过了几代人的努力,中国的教育事业取得了显著成就,我自己就是中国教育发展的受益者,否则的话,我永远都不可能成为一个女高音歌唱家和一个音乐教师。

    After generations of hard work , China has come a long way in education . I myself am a beneficiary of that progress.Otherwise I would never become a soprano and a professor of musical 。

  21. 中国著名女高音歌唱家,中国第一位民族声乐硕士。自1982年央视春晚亮相以来,便以其优美的嗓音而家喻户晓。

    As a celebrated soprano , Peng has been well-known for her beautiful voice since her debut at the 1982 CCTV Spring Festival Gala . She is the first soprano in China to receive a master 's degree in Chinese folk vocal music .

  22. 同时,她也是迄今为止唯一一位进入世界另一顶级歌剧院&英国皇家歌剧院科文特花园担纲主演女主角的中国歌唱家。

    And she is also the first Chinese singer who starred as the first chief actress in operas in Royal Opera House , Covent Garden in England .

  23. 三首咏叹调以其独特的旋律线条、宽广的音域、丰富的内容和角色,将女中音的形象展现给听众,并成为女中音歌唱家音乐会的保留曲目。

    Three arias are with unique melody lines , a broad diapason , and rich concert and roles , which show the image of mezzo-soprano to the audience , and become a repertoire of a concert of a mezzo-soprano singer .