
nǚ dī yīn
  • contralto;alto
女低音[nǚ dī yīn]
  1. 她琥珀色的眼睛和女低音对他是一种安慰。

    Her amber eyes and her alto voice were comfort to him .

  2. 塞吉奥:她有金子般的女低音。

    Sergio : She has a golden alto voice .

  3. 我有一副很低的女低音嗓音。

    I had a very low contralto voice .

  4. 这次的配乐需要一位女低音歌手。

    The score calls for a contralto

  5. 紧接着是忧郁的女低音,谁都禁不住直打寒战。

    With the gloom of the contraltos added , one could scarcely help shuddering .

  6. 大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。

    The vibrant Notes of a cello , contralto , canary .

  7. 她的声音低而柔软,是一种柔和的女低音。

    Her voice was low and velvety , a soft contralto .

  8. 声音在女低音和女高音之间的女高音。

    A soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto .

  9. 她的嗓音低沉,是听了令人陶醉的柔和的女低音。

    Her voice was low , a voluptuously soft contralto .

  10. 对于音乐我只限于听女低音或女中音。

    I limit myself to music that 's for contralto or mezzo .

  11. 女低音;

    A low female singing voice ; a contralto .

  12. 院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。

    Out in the yard a woman 's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn .

  13. 女低音和女高音之间的女声声部。

    The female singing voice between contralto and soprano .

  14. 有天赋的年轻女低音歌手。

    A gifted young contralto .

  15. 她们说起话来都和别的女孩子不一样,她们的嗓音是有些沙哑的女低音,不是又尖又细的女高音。

    Some of them even talk different than other girls ; their voices are kind of throaty , low alto quality rather than high pitched .

  16. 车婉婉:这首歌几度身订做,表现我们的男高音和女低音。女歌手分为女高音、低音和女中音。

    Che Wan Wan : This song is quite custom-made . It demonstrates the tenor and the alto . Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo-sopranos and contraltos .

  17. 当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟着改变,悠扬婉转,正是女低音的本色,而且每一点变化都在空气中散发出一点她那温暖的人情味很浓的魔力。

    When the melody rose , her voice broke up sweetly , following it , in a way contralto voices have , and each change tipped out a little of her warm human magic upon the air .

  18. 附近以观星为特色的度假村包括离拉腊什酒店一箭之遥的阿塔卡马高地和阿塔卡马女低音旅店,后者为夜间观星提供指导,但出现满月时除外,因为月明星稀,无法观赏到理想景观。

    Nearby resorts that feature stargazing include Tierra Atacama , a stone 's throw from Hotel de Larache , and Alto Atacama lodge , which offers guided stargazing nightly , except during full moon phases that wash out the viewing .

  19. 歌唱声部分女高音、女低音、男高音、男低音。

    Soprano , alto , tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts .

  20. 唱歌的四个声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。

    The four parts in singing are soprano , alto , tenor and bass .

  21. 你是女高音还是女低音?

    Are you soprano or alto ?

  22. 为女高音,女低音,男高音和小管弦乐队而作的“犹太人的民歌”。

    " From Jewish Folk Poetry ", song cycle for soprano , contralto , tenor and small orchestra .

  23. 女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音高于男中音的成年男子歌喉。

    SATB ( soprano , alto , tenor , bass ) the adult male singing voice above baritone .

  24. 唱歌的四个声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。大部分男歌手根据音域分为男高音、中音和男低音。

    The four parts in singing are soprano , alto , tenor and bass . We classify most male singers as tenors , baritones and basses according to their registers .

  25. 女歌手分为女高音、女低音和女中音。

    Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo-sopranos and contraltos .

  26. 她以演唱女高音开始,然后又改成了女低音。

    She began by singing soprano , then changed to alto .