
  • 网络digital engineer
  1. 几十年来,模拟和数字工程师一直生活在完全不同的领域。

    For decades , analog and digital engineers have lived in completely separate worlds .

  2. 即使在模拟和数字工程师被锁在同一建筑物内,他们往往不能互相沟通。

    Even when analog and digital engineers are locked in the same building , they tend not to talk to each other .

  3. 作为一个数字逻辑工程师,经常会碰到设计一个有限状态机的问题。

    As a digital logic design engineer , a problem of designing a finite state machine is often met .

  4. 今年的展会主题是制造,以回应对家居产品设计制作整个过程的越来越多的关注&从操作转轮的陶工到数字环境中的工程师。

    This year the theme was make , in response to growing interest in the process of how things are made across the design world & from the potter at the wheel to the engineer in the digital environment .

  5. 今年的展会主题是“制造”,以回应对家居产品设计制作整个过程的越来越多的关注——从操作转轮的陶工到数字环境中的工程师。

    This year the theme was " make , " in response to growing interest in the process of how things are made across the design world - from the potter at the wheel to the engineer in the digital environment .