
  • 网络DSP;DSPS;dsp chip
  1. FFT的实现手段主要包括:通用计算机、通用数字信号处理芯片和FPGA。

    Main realization means of FFT include computer 、 DSP and FPGA .

  2. 本文算法是有别于传统近似欧氏距离的并行计算方法,可应用于传统IC硬件或数字信号处理芯片(DSP)。

    In this paper , we propose a parallel algorithm deferent from the traditional Quasi-Euclidean distance transformation . It can be used in traditional IC hardware and DSP .

  3. 随着数字信号处理芯片(DSP)的出现,无线通信得到了飞速的发展,其涉及的领域越来越广泛。

    It is now developing fast especially with the appearance of Digital Signal Processing Chip ( DSP ) .

  4. 结合最新的高速数字信号处理芯片DSP,给出一个数字声码电话的实现实例。

    Taking advantage of the novel high-speed DSP processor , a implementation example of dedicated digital telephone is given .

  5. 随着模式识别技术的推广应用和信号处理技术的不断发展,高速数字信号处理芯片DSP已经在雷达目标识别信号处理和数据处理中占据着非常重要的地位。

    With the application and development of pattern recognition and signal processing , DSP has played an important role in the signal and data processing of radar target recognition .

  6. 该数据采集系统采用了数字信号处理芯片(DSP)和PCISA总线接口技术,大大提高了数据采集的实时性和通用性,并加强了数据分析等功能。

    With a PC ISA bus interface , the system greatly increases the real time performance of data acquisition and strengthens the performance of data analysis .

  7. 采用数字信号处理芯片作为CPU,增强了本机的信号处理功能,使本机可以迅速地处理和分析大量的数据。

    With the digital signal processor as CPU , the performance of digital processing has been enhanced and a large number of data can be analyzed rapidly .

  8. 在硬件上开发了满足高速伺服需求的、基于工业PC和数字信号处理芯片(DSP)的主从控制结构。

    As for the hardware , a PC-based host-slave control system , with a digital signal processor ( DSP ) as the slave controller was developed in the need of high-speed servo .

  9. 该系统采用了ADI公司的数字信号处理芯片ADSP2181,应用G.723.1标准对语音进行压缩编码;

    The system complies with G. 723.1 to compress speech signal using ADSP_2181 chip of ADI .

  10. 本文分析了国内电力系统谐波监测装置的现状,展望了数字信号处理芯片(DSP)在电力系统中的应用前景。

    By analyzing the present situations of the electric harmonic monitoring equipments , the prospect of the practical application of Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) in the electric power system is discussed in this paper .

  11. 本文以高速数字信号处理芯片(DSP)和大规模可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)为基础,研制成功基于阶梯波调制技术的闭环光纤陀螺全数字式信号检测系统,并给出了性能及测试结果。

    DSP and FPGA are successfully used to develop the digital closed-loop detecting system of FOG based on the ramp wave modulating technology . In the end the result of test and performance is given out .

  12. 完成了基于TI公司TMS320VC5502数字信号处理芯片的数据采集处理模块的总体方案设计、电路原理图绘制、整个便携式声振分析仪的PCB布线以及硬件电路的安装和调试等工作。

    We have finished scheme design of data gathering and processing module , draw circuit schematic map , PCB design and hardware debugging .

  13. 该论文主要研究如何用数字信号处理芯片(DSP:TMS320VC33PGA120)和复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD:EPM7128STC-100)作为数字硬件平台,实现捷联式惯性导航系统(SINS)高速实时数据处理的硬件、软件设计。

    The paper mainly focuses on the software and hardware design that the data real-time processes of the SINS , using the DSP and the CPLD as the digital hardware platform .

  14. 基于DSP(数字信号处理芯片)的水轮机调速器测试系统运用DSP周边接口丰富、运算速度高、实时性高等特点对水轮机调速器静、动态性能进行测试。

    The speed governor testing system of hydraulic turbine based on DSP chip ( digital signal processor ) makes use of its abundant peripheral interfaces , high-speed operation and high real-time characteristics to test the static and dynamic performances of speed governor of turbine .

  15. 介绍了CCD精密测量系统中的信号采集和处理的工作原理,阐述了测量系统和数字信号处理芯片(DSP芯片)在系统中的工作原理,同时还介绍了测量系统的软件工作过程。

    This paper introduces the fundamental on collecting and processing signal in CCD precision measurement system , and principles of the digital signal processing chip are expounded . At the same time , the working process of the measuring software is also described .

  16. 该系统利用CMOS图像传感器采集条码图像数据,通过高速数字信号处理芯片DSP进行信息处理,并利用FPGA进行系统状态控制,从而完成对二维条码的快速识别。

    The system of two-dimensional bar codes is accomplished using CMOS image sensor , high speed DSP is utilized to process image data , FPGA is utilized to control the states of system . The new design has made scanning quicker and easier .

  17. 虽然数字信号处理芯片的功能也在提升,然而在某些时候,单DSP系统还是不能满足大运算量的计算和高速的实时信号处理的要求。

    Along with the development of technology , the performance of Digital Signal Processor has been enhanced . But the requirement of massive processing for large scale scientific computation and high speed real-time signal processing still could not be met by the single processor systems .

  18. 早在20世纪50年代提出的OFDM技术,直到近几年才逐步成熟并被使用,这与高速数字信号处理芯片的发展也有密切的关系。

    In the early 50s of 20th century , OFDM technology was put forward and it becomes matured and employed till the recent years , which has a close relation with the development of the chips of high-speed digital signal processors .

  19. 提出基于数字信号处理芯片(TMS320LF2407A)的电池化成检测电源控制的设计与研究。

    And it brings forward the plan on the study of power supply control for formation and testing battery based on DSP ( TMS320LF2407 ) .

  20. TMS320C80(MVP)作为新一代可编程的通用数字信号处理芯片,它支持SIMD和MIMD两种并行模式。

    TMS320C80 ( MVP ) is a recently developed general purpose programmable digital signal processor , which can operate in both SIMD and MIMD concurrent modes .

  21. 首先对常用的TMS320系列通用数字信号处理芯片的主要性能指标及特点作了综合描述;

    The main capability and characteristics of the common DSP-TMS320 family are synthetically described .

  22. 本课题以数字信号处理芯片TMS320LF2407A应用于异步电动机变频调速系统展开研究。

    Focus on how to use Digital Signal Processor ( TMS320LF2407A ) to realize AC variable frequency speed regulation , is carried out in the thesis .

  23. 首先设计了姿态数据采集系统,主要包括数字信号处理芯片、惯性测量单元、无线传输、GPS、数字罗盘的硬件设计和软件调试,获得手动飞行下的输入输出数据。

    Firstly , the attitude data collection system was designed , including the hardware design and software debugging of the digital signal processing chip , inertial measurement unit , wireless transmission , GPS , digital compass . And the input and output data of helicopter was obtained under manual fly .

  24. ARM7可以支持如今流行的诸多实时嵌入式操作系统(RTOS),而C54XDSP是现在用的非常广泛的数字信号处理芯片。

    The ARM7 core has the advantage of supporting most embedded real time operation systems ( RTOS ) in markets , and the C54X DSP is good at processing digital signal in high speed .

  25. 软件无线电的思想已推广到无线电通信领域,该技术依托于宽频段、特性均匀的天线,高速的AD/DA芯片,可编程大规模逻辑门阵列,通用高速的DSP数字信号处理芯片等硬件技术。

    The thought of the software wireless has already expanded into wireless correspondence realm . That technique depends on hardware technique of wide band and even antenna , high speed AD / DA chip , an array of programmable largescale logic , the high speed DSP numerical signal processing chip .

  26. 特别是高速多位(100MHz,12bit以上)A/D转换器和DDS技术的发展以及高速数字信号处理芯片(DSP)和FPGA的普遍使用,为雷达接收机提供了良好的硬件基础。

    Specifically , the development of high speed A / D converter , DDS technology , as well as the prevalence high speed DSP , FPGA have provided a solid hardware function for the radar receiver .

  27. 本文提出了一种双联装导弹瞄准系统,其瞄准控制部分由高速数字信号处理芯片DSP和现场可编程门阵列FPOA构成,使得整个系统在速度和精度方面都具有较好的性能。

    A arming control system of synchronous fitting missle is brough forward in this paper of which the arming control unit composes of the high speed digital signal processing chip DSP and FPGA , and has better performance in speed and precision .

  28. 采用由D触发器74HC574和逻辑器件GAL16V8组成的接口电路,解决了高速数字信号处理芯片与低速液晶显示模块之间的速度匹配问题。

    The interface circuit which is made up of D flip-flop74HC574 and logic device GAL16V8 is applied to solve the problem of speed matching between high-speed DSP chip and low-speed display control chip .

  29. 超高速数字信号处理芯片及应用

    An ultra high speed DSP processor and its application

  30. 二是采用专用视频数字信号处理芯片;

    Secondly , using special video digital signal processor .