
xiàn lù shū rù
  • line input
  1. 该PM500混频器具有5个单声道输入通道,有独立的麦克风和线路输入。

    The PM500 mixer features five mono input channels , with separate Mic and Line input .

  2. 选通键:按此键可选择1,2,3,4相应线路输入信号进入主输出和辅助输出。

    It can choose one of 1 ~ 4 line input signals into the main output and the AUX output .

  3. 它允许你录制声音直接从您的声卡,包括从麦克风或线路输入高品质的插孔。

    It allows you to record sound directly from your sound card , including from a microphone or a line-in jack at high quality .

  4. 本线路的输入脉冲是脉宽≥4毫微秒的NIM信号。

    In this circuit the input signal is standard NIM level with the pulse width ≥ 4 ns .

  5. 在SFB内,系统各线路的输入阻抗均呈容性,可以用集中参数表示。

    Within the SFB , the equivalent impedances of all feeders in zero module networks are capacitive , and each can be modeled as a lumped capacitor .

  6. 为应答清除转发信号而发送的一种信号,用来表明该线路的输入端是空闲的。

    A signal sent in response to a clear forward signal that indicates the circuit is free at the incoming end .

  7. 这些线路电平输入相加之前发送到内部放大器允许在低音音响系统操作使用一个低音炮。

    These line level inputs are summed before being sent to the internal amplifier allowing the subwoofer to operate in stereo systems using a single subwoofer .

  8. 在抑制低频振荡方面,分别以转速差及线路功率为输入信号进行了对比仿真分析。

    And the speed difference and the power of line as the input signal were simulated .

  9. 本文应用29个自由度的车辆动力学模型(该模型考虑了线路不平顺输入)研究车辆的动态爬轨脱轨过程,成功地模拟出了车辆脱轨的全过程。

    In this paper , the vehicle dynamic model ( input of unsmooth going being considered ) with 29 degrees of freedom is applied to study the dynamic climbing on rail and derailing process , and the whole process of the derailment is simulated .

  10. 本文从以下两个方面介绍了单片机应用系统提高系统可靠性的一些设计方法:硬件的电源、线路板、输入输出接口设计及选用元器件;软件的数字滤波、容错、陷阱及看门狗技术。

    This paper introduces some methods which improve systematic reliability from two respects : the design of power , circuit board , input-output interface and screen method of components in hardware , and the technology of digital filtration , endure fault , trap and watch-dog in software .

  11. 第三条线路连接到PLC输入卡或控制系统上的输出端。

    The third wire is the output which is connected to the PLC input card or the control system .

  12. 假设你能用如下物品,建立起一个线路:,这个线路的输入设备,可以是任意一个其他线路的流程。

    Suppose you could build a circuit with the following property : the input to this circuit would be any other circuit diagram .

  13. 根据均匀传输线路的频率特性,对于空载线路,当频率小于fm时,线路输入阻抗呈容性,线路可用一集中电容等效。

    According to the frequency characteristic of an even transmission line , when the frequency is lower than fm , the input impedance of an unloaded even transmission line is capacitive , and the line maybe modeled as a capacitor .

  14. 电气线路有:步进电机驱动线路,光栅尺控制线路,编码器控制线路,输入输出信号线路。

    Electrical lines are : stepper motor driver circuit , control circuit encoder , encoder control circuit , input and output signal lines .