
  • 网络Line division;line partitioning
  1. 它的大陆领地被波黑在Neum附近的短海岸线划分成两个并不相邻的部分。

    Its mainland territory is split in two non-contiguous parts by the short coastline of Bosnia and Herzegovina around Neum .

  2. Gauss曲率的数值计算是:把船体曲面按照水线和分段线划分成若干小块曲面,判别每一个小块曲面的可展性可推广到较大曲面的可展性。

    Gauss curvature numerical calculation is performed by dividing curved shell surface into smaller ones according to water lines and section lines , and then examining the developability of the smaller surfaces , on the basis of which the developability of the larger surface can consequently be determined .

  3. 一种新的脉冲试井分析方法&平行线划分分析法

    A new analysis method of PULSE-TESTING & partition by parallel lines

  4. 这两个方面都存在很大缺陷:信用风险的计量不够精确、敏感,不利于业务的风险-收益评估;总分制的垂直管理结构层级太多,业务线划分不明等。

    There are big flaw in both areas . The measurement of credit risk is not precise and sensitive enough , which is not good for the risk-benefit assessment of the business .

  5. 模型划分是用一系列的垂直平行线划分所研究的模型,平行线与各层界面相交构成对模型的一种特殊剖分,一系列的交点则为近似表示模型界面的节点。

    A series of vertical parallel lines dissect the layered model to form a special grid , where the crosspoints made by each interface and all parallel lines are the knots which can approximately represent the interface .

  6. 中国拒绝参加此前由菲律宾提起的挑战中国据以对绝大部分南海地区宣称主权的九段线划分的合法性仲裁,该仲裁由海牙的常设法院审理。

    China is boycotting the case before The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration in which the Philippines is challenging the validity of the nine-dash line that China uses to demarcate its claims to most of the South China Sea .

  7. 农村贫困线的划分及扶贫对策研究

    Selection of the rural poverty line and relevant poverty reduction measures

  8. 探讨了标准参照测验合格分数线的划分方法。

    Finally , the article discusses how to set the qualified score in criteria-reference test .

  9. 这些参考线用于划分页面,有助于您定位对象。

    Use these guides to divide up your page . They can help you position objects .

  10. 中国主张运用自然延伸原则进行划界,而日本主张运用等距离中间线原则划分中日东海大陆架与专属经济区。

    China maintain , " extend naturally " principle , but Japan maintain " equidistant medium line " principle divide Sino-Japanese the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of East Sea naturally .

  11. 航空发动机控制问题研究中飞行包线区域的划分方法

    Flight Envelope Division Method in Aeroengine Control Study

  12. 本文采用城市公交线网三级划分方法,并提出了骨干公交线路的走向搜索法和分级线网规划方法;

    This paper divides urban public traffic network into three ranks , brings forward route layout search and classification planning methods .

  13. 这些线将每条道路划分成单独的车道。

    These lines divide each road into separate lanes .

  14. 对特征信息进行了规划设计,将横截面型线根据曲线特点划分为规则曲线与非规则曲线。

    The transverse section curve is divided into regular curve and irregular curves .

  15. 提出了求线图之主划分的一个改进算法;

    An improved algorithm for finding the principal partition of a linear graph is presented .

  16. 样本线将标定空间划分为4个子域,每个子域用线性插值的方法建立各自的映射关系。

    The calibration space is divided into 4 sub-domains by the sample lines . The mapping of each sub-domain is established respectively by linear interpolation .

  17. 提出了新的图像轮廓线光顺数值算法,对轮廓线划分的两类子区域提出了精度更高的插值算法。

    To improve this method , a new algorithm for smoothness shape-profiles is studied by analogy the thermal diffusion .