
  • 网络turns;Turn Ratio;number of windings
  1. 用来制作APFC电感,只要恰当选择磁心尺寸和线圈匝数就能取得降低磁心损耗的效果。

    When powder core is used to preparation of APFC inductor , lower core loss will be obtained as long as core sizes and coil turns are properly selected .

  2. 用磁压&相位比较法测量线圈匝数

    Using the magnetic pressure phase method to measure the number of turns measurement

  3. 额定电流为450mA、线圈匝数为3200、工作气隙和非工作气隙分别为2mm和0.2mm时,EP阀各项性能最优。

    When rated current is 450 mA , and turn number is 3 200 , and the lengths of work air gap and no-work air gap are 2 mm and 0.2 mm respectively , the actuator performance is optimal .

  4. 结果表明,对于高度为0.2m的熔池的电磁侧封,参数选取辊半径0.6m、电流5000~10000A、线圈匝数3~5匝;

    The results show that , for 0.2m deep steel pool , it is needed with roll radius 0.6 m , electric current intensity 5 000 ~ 10 000 A , coil turns of 3 ~ 5 turns .

  5. 线圈匝数对钛合金冷坩埚定向凝固的影响

    Effects of turn number of coil on directional solidification of Ti alloys in a cold crucible

  6. 试验结果表明:增加放电线圈匝数能够提高陶瓷坯体和制品的致密度;

    The experimental results indicate the relative density increases when the numbers of the coils are increased .

  7. 本文介绍了测量线圈匝数的方法&磁压相位比较法。

    This paper introduces the methods of using the magnetic pressure phase method to measure the number of turns measurement .

  8. 线圈匝数和尺寸对电磁力的影响与回路电阻和回路电感相关。

    The effect of number of turns and dimension of coil on EM force is related to the circuit resistance and inductance .

  9. 并据此给出了转换效率与负载线圈匝数之间的关系与特性曲线。

    According to the analyzed result , the relational expression and characteristic curve between transform efficiency and winding circumference number are given .

  10. 理论分析表明:线圈匝数及积分电阻对传感器的灵敏度、带宽影响最大。

    The Theoretical analysis result shows that the coil number and the integral resistance have great influence on the sensitivity and bandwidth of the current sensor .

  11. 讨论了电磁铁的有效吸和面积、线圈匝数、电磁铁极柱数、衔铁厚度和电磁铁磁性材料对静态电磁力的影响。

    Some factors such as working area , coil turns , core number , armature depth and iron material that influence the magnet force were discussed in detail .

  12. 最后,对超磁致伸缩换能器进行了静态应变测试实验研究,通过实验数据验证了优化的可行性,并在实验的基础上,对相似结构的超磁致伸缩换能器激励线圈匝数提出了优化方案。

    The experimental data shows that the feasibility of optimization for the giant magnetostrictive transducer . On the basis of experiment result , the coil structure of the transducer is optimized .

  13. 同时,结合传播特性,研究了局部放电在线监测宽带微电流传感器,并就线圈匝数、杂散电容和负载电阻等对传感器通频带、灵敏度等性能参数的影响进行了分析。

    Combined with researches on propagation characteristics , the micro-current sensor for on-line PD monitoring is developed and the effects of coil number , stray capacitance and loading resistance on pass-band and sensitivity are also studied .

  14. 利用信号发生器,通过调节线圈匝数和积分电阻试验研究了传感器的幅频特性,得出线圈匝数及积分电阻的最佳值。

    Using the function signal generator , characteristics of the sensor amplitude and frequency were studied by changing the coil number and integral resistance value and the optimum value of coil number and integral resistance were obtained .

  15. 采用有限元分析方法对线圈匝数、电流强度、电流频率等对焦耳热产生速率的影响进行了详细的分析讨论;

    The finite element method ( FE ' . I ) is adopted to analyze the effects of the numbers of coil turns , current intensity and current frequency upon the rate of joule heat generation in details .

  16. 结果显示传感器灵敏度正比于驱动频率和线圈匝数,同时线径变小和线圈直径变小有利于提高灵敏度。

    The results showed that the sensitivity is directly proportional to the ac driving frequency , and the number of turn density of the pick-up coil . With smaller wire diameter and smaller coil diameter , the sensor sensitivity improves .

  17. 文中导出了:脉冲高度关系〔1〕,谐波分量,换相电感、电容的计算公式〔2〕,以及为获得此脉冲波的变压器线圈匝数的计算公式〔3〕。

    And in this paper , We derive a number of design formulas : the step hight of waveform [ 1 ] , the commutation capacitor . and inductor [ 2 ] , and the transformer coil number [ 3 ] .

  18. 搭建了室内动态模拟实验平台,通过室内流动实验对线圈匝数、作用频段等参数进行进一步优化,结合静态实验结果得出最佳参数。

    At first , indoor dynamic simulation experimental platform is built ; and thus parameters such as the coil turns and frequency band , is further optimized by the indoor flow experiment ; and then in view of Static Experiment results , optimal parameters are obtained .

  19. 结果表明:采用聚磁件,减小提高距离,增加线圈匝数和励磁电流,减小传感器列间隙,减少磁化时间均可提高传感器分辨率;

    Through the sensor character experiments , some conclusions were obtained : the presence of magnetism-concentrating components , shorter lift-off distance , higher excitation current , more coil turns , less spacing between arrayed sensors and fewer magnetization time are all help to increase the sensor sensitivity .

  20. 本文采用复形法对某型船用挠性陀螺仪的差动式电感传感器进行了最小电磁吸力矩的优化设计,找出线圈匝数和激磁电压的最优值。

    The complex method is used in this paper to optimize the minimum electromagnetic attractive torque of the differential inductance sensor of a dynamically tuned gyro ( DTG ) which is used in ship . The optimal values of the coil turns and the excitation voltage are got .

  21. 本文讨论了电磁感应探测传感线圈的匝数与探测灵敏度的关系,论证了在探距确定的条件下,探测传感线圈直径的最优值。

    The relation between electromagnetic induction coil turns and detecting sensitivity is discussed in this paper , and when the detecting distance is determined , the optimal diameter value of the coil is proved .

  22. 利用变频电磁激励源,通过室内静态实验研究了电磁处理对水的物理性质的影响,以及电磁线圈缠绕匝数、频段等因素对电磁防垢效果的影响。

    Employing variable frequency electromagnetic excitation source , the influence of electromagnetic wave on physical properties of water , and the influence of electromagnetic coil winding turns and frequency band on anti-scaling performance are researched by indoor static test .

  23. 并在理论计算的基础上进行了初步设计工作,计算了线圈的匝数和电流,以此选择电源的电压和频率,并设计了磁性液体微压差传感器的结构。

    The design of pressure difference sensor with magnetic fluid was processed . After the coil turns and the current being calculated , the voltage and the frequency of the power were chosen . The configuration of pressure difference sensor with magnetic fluid was designed according to the calculation .

  24. 实验结果表明电磁的冲击力随着线圈的匝数的增加和线圈-工件间隙的减小而增加,随着充电电压、电容和冲击次数的增加对焊件的变形和残余应力的控制效果越好。

    The result shows that when the turn number of coil is increasing or the gap distance between coil and workpiece is decreasing , the electromagnetic impact force will become increase . The welding residual stress and strain will decrease with charging voltage , charging capacitor and impact frequency increased .

  25. 变压器其交变电压的改变与初级线圈及其次级线圈的匝数成正比。

    An electric transformer changes the alternating voltage applied to it in proportion to the numbers of turns in its primary and secondary windings .

  26. 讨论了线圈固有频率与线圈匝数、预紧压强、单匝固有振动频率的关系,为限制轴向振动提供了参考依据。

    At last , the relationships among natural frequency of winding and turn number , prepress , natural frequency of single turn are discussed , then an approach on weakening vibrating along axial direction is given .

  27. 研究了初级线圈与次级线圈间的匝数比、激励电压、激励电源频率、铁芯直径等对差动变压器灵敏度的影响。

    The influence of the ratio of primary coil and secondary coil , excitation voltage , excitation frequency , diameter of the magnetic core on the sensitivity of the differential transformer are mainly analyzed .

  28. 分析还表明,若考虑次级线圈的铜电阻和耦合电容的容抗,用次级线圈匝数的倒数及其二次项表示电流输出型磁通门的灵敏度具有更高的精度。

    The analysis also shows that using reciprocal turns and its square to describe the sensitivity can be more precise , if the copper resistance and the impedance of the coupling capacitor are considered .

  29. 介绍了在电子枪设计过程中,主、辅聚焦线圈安匝数的一种计算方法,为设计线圈绕组的匝数和控制电路的输出电流提供了可靠的依据。

    In this paper a method which computes the ampere winding of main and auxiliary focus coil of the electron gun is introduced . It offers a reliable way to design the coil and control the output current of electric circuit .

  30. 本文从理论上建立了能在偏转空间产生均匀磁场的偏转线圈内边缘曲线的方程,以及由此方程所确定的偏转线圈匝数密度分布的表示式。

    The equations of the internal edge curves of deflection coils that can produce a uniform magnetic field in the deflection space are established in theory and the mathematical expressions for the turn density distribution of the deflection coils defined by these equations are also derived .