
xiàn pénɡ zhànɡ
  • linear expansion
  1. ZnS:Cu,Co,Gd,Er发光体线膨胀系数因子的研究

    Research on linear Expansion Coefficient Factor Of ZnS : Cu , Co , Gd , Er Phosphor

  2. 用Moire条纹偏转技术测量金属杆的线膨胀系数

    Measurement of metal rod linear expansion coefficient with Moire fringe deflection technique

  3. 介绍了一种利用激光偏转法,采用CCD作为检测元件的自动测量固体线膨胀系数的方法。

    A method to measure solid linear expension coefficient is presented , using laser deflection method and CCD device .

  4. 本工作以电镜和线膨胀仪研究了丁二烯(B)和异戊二烯(IP)无规共聚物(BIC)的结晶行为。

    In this work , the crystal morphology and the crystallization process of butadiene-isoprene copolymers ( BIC ) have been observed by electron microscopy .

  5. 通过G和BG调整涂层线膨胀系数,使涂层的热应力下降。

    The addition of G and BG powder adjusts the linear coefficient of thermal expansion and reduces the heat stress in the coating .

  6. SiO2添加量对XH-11胶线膨胀系数的影响

    Effect of silica addition on linear expansion coefficient of XH-11 structural adhesive

  7. 用热澎胀仅测定磷酸铜无机胶和加入10%的Al2O3、Cr2O3填料的两种磷酸铜无机胶的线膨胀系数。

    The linear expansion coefficient of two kinds of inorganic adhesives , copper phosphate adhesive and the same adhesive added 10 % Al_2O_3 , Cr_2O_3 as filler has been measured with thermo-expansion device .

  8. 试样断面形貌分析,XRD,密度和线膨胀系数的研究,初步证明了多孔金属载体材料设计的正确性,及金属载体所具有的一些优异性能。

    Metallography , XRD , density and heat expand parameter are also investigated at length . Correctness of materials designation of porous metallic carrier , predominant performances of metallic carrier are elementarily proved .

  9. 激光源采用热稳频方法,不使用压电晶体也不用线膨胀系数小的材料做谐振腔,无须外加磁场,只使用电真空玻璃制造的普通全内腔式He-Ne激光管。

    By using thermal frequency-stabilizing method , the laser source is He-Ne laser only made from conventional vacuum glass other than Piezoelectric crystal or materials of small linear coefficients .

  10. 对于钢筋混凝土底座,由于其刚度大,且与CA砂浆直接接触,它与轨道板具有相同的线膨胀系数,如将其视为刚性是不合理的。

    It is unreasonable to consider that concrete base is rigid . Because it has great rigidity , and direct contact with the CA mortar , and has the same coefficient fo linear expansion with the track board .

  11. 结果表明,PTFE基复合材料在结晶转变区内的线膨胀系数可达到平均值的3~5倍。

    The results showed that the thermal expansion coefficients of PTFE composites in the crystal transformation temperature zone are about 3 to 5 times on their average values in the whole analyze zone .

  12. 添加芳纶纤维后PTFE材料平均线膨胀系数减小,但结晶转变区内线膨胀系数却略有增大。

    The average thermal expansion coefficient of aramid enforced PTFE composite is less than that of pure PTFE material in the whole analyze zone while the rule was inverse in the crystal transformation temperature zone .

  13. 过共晶Al-Si合金具有密度小、强度高、耐磨性好,耐蚀性好,线膨胀系数低、铸造成形性好和加工性能优良等这一系列优点。

    Hyper-eutectic Al-Si alloy has a series of advantages , such as small specific gravity , good abrasion resistance , good corrosion resistance , low expansion coefficient and excellent casting forming and processing properties .

  14. 用示差扫描量热分析法、偏光显微镜法研究尼龙12对POM的成核作用,并对力学性能及线膨胀系数进行测定。

    S The nucleation of Polyamide 12 ( PA12 ) to polyoxymethylene ( POM ) was studied by means of DSC and PLM , and the mechanical properties and linear expansion coefficiency were tested .

  15. 为了满足因瓦合金作为特殊结构材料使用方面的需求,向合金中加入Ti、Al强化元素,开发出高强度并具有较好塑性及较低的线膨胀系数的新型合金。

    Furthermore , in order to meet the Invar alloy as special structural material , Some elements such as Ti 、 Al with strengthening effect were added into the alloy , new type alloy with high strength , good plasticity and lower linear expansion coefficient was exploited .

  16. 在Al2O3质量分数小于3%样品中,2%Al2O3/Ag基复合材料具有最大的硬度、抗拉强度以及最小的线膨胀系数与延伸率。

    It was found that among the samples doped with Al2O3 particles less than 3wt % , the 2 % Al2O3 / Ag composite has the maximum hardness and tensile strength and minimum linear coefficient of expansion and elongation percentage .

  17. 在0~1000℃范围内,随着温度升高,线膨胀系数增高,而导热系数降低,线膨胀系数和导热系数的平均值分别为4.42×10-6K-1和13.2W/(m·K)。

    Beyond 1 000 ℃, as temperature increases , its linear expension coefficient increases but the thermal conductivity decreases , and their average values are 4.42 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) K ~ ( - 1 ) and 13.2 W / ( m · K ), respectively .

  18. 介绍了用激光脉冲法对热压ZnS(硫化锌)靶材的比热容、热导率测试和ZnS靶材线膨胀系数、抗弯强度测试方法的研究。

    The paper introduced determination on specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of Hot Pressing ZnS target material by laser flash process ; Moreover introduced measuring method for line expansion coefficients and bend strength of HP ZnS target material .

  19. 经150℃固化后,其Tg为146℃,线膨胀系数为4.3×10-5,耐潮性优于常规环氧塑封料,可用于电子封装。

    After polymerization and curing at 150 degrees for 5 hrs , its Tg and coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) were 146 degrees and 4.3 × 10 ~ ( - 5 ) with good humidity-resistance , superior to conventional epoxy encapsulation materials .

  20. 采用微机全自动高温热膨胀仪(RPZ03P)研究了αAl2O3烧结样品的热膨胀曲线,求得样品的平均线膨胀系数为(7.85±0.02)×10-6/℃;

    The thermal expansion curves of the sintered sample for α - Al_2O_3 were studied using Automatic High Temperature Dilatometer ( RPZ-03P ), and the average line expansion coefficient was ( 7.85 ± 0.02 )× 10 ~ ( - 6 ) / ℃ .

  21. 通过K4玻璃与铝片焊接的对比试验,说明材料的线膨胀系数对焊接过程产生了极大的影响。

    It is suggested that the linear thermal expansion coefficient plays an important role in bonding process through contrast test of anodic bonding between K4 glass and aluminum .

  22. 得出聚四氟乙烯中加入MoS2,BN,光致蓄光材料(PL),复合聚四氟乙烯的介电性能、光学性能、耐电弧烧蚀性能和线膨胀系数的变化规律。

    The variation regularities of the dielectric , optical , arc ablation behaviours and linear expansion factor have been achieved for the compound PTFE being made from adding MoS 2 , BN and absorptiometric materials into pure PTFE .

  23. 本文利用红外光谱、~(13)C-NMR和线膨胀等方法研究了钼体系聚1,2-丁二烯的链结构,并研究了链结构的调节方法。

    The chain structure of 1 , 2-polybutadiene prepared with molybdenum catalyst system has been studied by IR , 13C-NMR , X-ray and thermal analysis , and the method to regulate the chain structure has been investigated .

  24. 结果表明,它们的表现状态、剖面显微结构各不相同,JS材料的耐磨寿命最长,线膨胀系数与DU材料的相近,压缩性能较差于DU材料。

    The results show that their surface appearance and microstructure are different , of them , JS material has the longest wear life , a coefficient of line expansion approximate to that of the DU material and a compressive strength lower than the DU material .

  25. 实验结果表明:随PES-3-MA及Pb(MA)2含量的增加,树脂的线膨胀系数α下降,树脂的密度却增大;

    The experimental results indicate that with the increases of PES-3-MA or Pb ( MA ) 2 ratio , the density of the resin will increase , the linear expansion coefficient a will decrease to 50-70 × 10-6 ℃ - 1 , Tg arise to 140 ℃ .

  26. 为了探寻适用于该地层的防塌措施,对冀东油田M27-27井岩心的岩石结构、矿物组成、水分含量、线膨胀率、回收率和稳定指数等进行了分析。

    In order to find some anti sloughing measures , structures , compositions , water contents , expansions , percent of recovery and stability index of cores from well M27-27 are experimented and analyzed .

  27. 调节合金成分,采用最佳工艺条件,在保证钨合金具有良好的综合性能的前提下,可将W-Ni-Cu合金的线膨胀系数由56×10-6/K提高到80×10-6/K以上。

    The expansion coefficient of the said alloy has been improved from 5.6 × 10 - 6 / K to 8 × 10 - 6 / K on the prerequisite of ensuring good properties of tungsten alloys by controlling the alloy component , optimum technical conditions .

  28. 目的:测试GI-II型铝瓷专用代型材料烧结过程中的线膨胀性能,了解其在低温阶段烧结时与氧化铝底层材料的线膨胀匹配性。

    Objective : To determine the thermal expansion of GI II die material compatible with slip casting glass infiltrated ceramic substructure , and to investigate the thermal expansion compatibility of the die material and the alumina in the early stage of alumina sintering firing .

  29. 报道了能作储能材料用的11种共晶铝合金的平均线膨胀系数(ALCTE)的测定结果和真线性膨胀系数(RLCTE)的回归分析结果。

    This article reports the results of regression analysis on real linear coefficients of thermal expansion ( RLCTE ) and measurement of average linear coefficients of thermal expansion ( ALCTE ) of 11 type eutectic Al-bass alloys potentially used as energy storage materials .

  30. 淮南线膨胀土路基基床下沉病害的整治研究

    Treatment of the subgrade subsidence of swelling soil under Huainan line